Request Document: Mammography Principle of Operation

x-ray machine [1] is the generation of X-ray equipment, which is mainly composed of X-ray tube and X-ray machine power supply and control circuits, etc., and the X-ray tube by the cathode filament (Cathod) and anode target (Anode) and vacuum glass tube, X-ray machine power supply can be divided into two parts of the high-voltage power supply and filament power supply, which is used to heat the filament, the high-voltage power supply high-voltage outputs were home in the cathode filament and anode target ends, to provide a high-voltage electric field to make the active electrons on the filament accelerate to the anode target, forming a high-speed electron flow. The cathode filament and anode target ends, providing a high-voltage electric field to make the filament active electrons accelerate to the anode target, forming a high-speed electron flow.


The X-RAY machine accurately detects foreign objects in various packaged products, such as metal, glass, ceramics, stone, rubber, PVC and so on.

Methods of X-ray generation

Three ways can produce X-ray: bremsstrahlung (Bremsstrahlung), electron capture, internal conversion, the mechanism of x-ray machine to produce X-ray belongs to bremsstrahlung.

Electron capture:

β-decay consists of three modes: β-decay, β+-decay and electron capture (EC). Among them, electron capture (EC) this decay can be expressed as that is, the parent nucleus captures an extra-nuclear orbital electron so that a proton in the nucleus is converted to a neutron and a neutrino is emitted, so the charge of the daughter nucleus becomes Z-1, while the mass number remains unchanged. In general, most electrons on the K layer are captured by the nucleus because the K layer is closest to the nucleus and has the highest probability of capture, but there is also a probability that electrons on the L layer are captured. After the nucleus has captured an electron, there will be an electron vacancy in the K or L layer of the nucleus, and when one of the outer electrons fills the vacancy, one of two things may happen: either the excess energy is released in the form of a marker X-ray, or the excess energy is given to another electron in another layer, which gains energy and breaks away from the atom as an Rochelle electron. The emission of X-rays or Rochelle electrons is the hallmark of the K-capture process.

Internal transitions:

The nucleus can reach an excited state in some way (e.g., beta decay), and the nucleus in the excited state can jump to a lower excited state or to the ground state by emitting gamma rays, a phenomenon known as gamma decay or gamma jump. The photons emitted by nuclear level leaps are not fundamentally different from those emitted by atomic level leaps, except that the photon energy emitted by atomic level leaps is only of the order of eV~keV, while the photon energy emitted by nuclear level leaps is of the order of MeV. In the nuclear recoil is not taken into account, the photon energy Eg can be expressed as the following form Eg = Es-Ex. Sometimes the atomic nucleus from the excited state to the lower energy state of the leap does not release photons, but the energy directly to the nuclear electrons, so that the electrons out of the atom, a phenomenon known as internal conversion (IC), out of the atom of the electrons known as the internal conversion of the electrons. In the excited state of the nucleus can be radiated γ photons back to the ground state, but also through the production of internal conversion electrons back to the ground state, which process occurs, is completely determined by the nuclear energy level properties. The sum of the kinetic energy of the internal conversion electrons and the ionization energy of the shell electrons should be the energy difference between the two energy levels of the nucleus. That is, it is equal to the energy of the gamma photon radiated by the jump between the two nuclear energy levels. The study of internal transitions is an important means of obtaining knowledge about the energy levels of the nucleus. Of course, it is also possible to produce the characteristic X-rays of atoms by means of internal transitions.

Fundamentals of the x-ray machine

The x-ray was discovered in 1895 by Prof. Luncheon in Germany. This kind of radiation emitted by the vacuum tube can penetrate the object, in the electromagnetic spectrum of the energy is stronger than visible light, shorter wavelength, higher frequency, similar to the radiation of cosmic rays, X-ray and so on.

The X-ray bulb is necessary to produce X-Ray, and the basic structure of the X-ray bulb must have:

Cathode filament (Cathod)

Anode target (Anode)

Evacuated glass envelope

Of course, there must be a power source to supply energy

X-Ray properties

The X-Ray bulb can be used to produce X-Ray, but it can also be used to produce X-Ray.

Characteristics of X-rays

Penetrates objects, is invisible, is in the electromagnetic spectrum, has a wide range of wavelengths, scatters in a straight line, travels at the speed of light, can make fluorescent substances glow, can sensitize film, and can cause scattering rays

When X-rays enter an object, there are three scenarios that occur:

Absorption by the object


When X-rays enter the object, there are three scenarios:

Scattering, which is the process of scattering. (Scatter


Four elements that affect the image:

Density - mAs

Contrast - kVp

Sharpness - motion, a geometric parameter


The X-rays are not as good as they used to be.

Distortion - position, angle

Relationship between the wavelength of X-rays and the contrast on the film

When X-rays penetrate through a patient, the rate of penetration is mainly related to the patient's tissue structure and the wavelength of the X-rays.

Short-wavelength X-rays (high kV)

have a higher energy and penetrate better, resulting in a lower contrast on the movie.

Long-wavelength X-ray (low kV)

Lower energy, easier to be absorbed by the human body, less penetrating, and higher contrast in the movie.


X-ray machines are widely used in healthcare, science and education, and in various fields of industry. For example, X-ray machines are used in hospitals to assist doctors in diagnosing illnesses, in non-destructive testing in industry, and in security inspections at train stations and airports.