Proposals and measures to conserve water and protect water resources

Washing your hands in a basin saves more water than using a long stream of water. The same applies to washing vegetables and fruits, or washing dishes; it takes a lot of water to run the faucet without stopping, but intermittent rinsing saves water. You can also save the used water and reuse it again.

The water consumption of washing machines in the family is large, in order to save water, manufacturers and researchers have made great efforts to ensure that the premise of washing clean clothes as much as possible to save water.

This tilted shape is not for beauty or novelty, 10 degrees of slant design has its own reasons. After the washing drum is skewed by 10 degrees, its water level is relatively deepened to achieve a larger amount of water washing effect. So it saves water.

The program set by the washing machine is generally a wash, two rinsing, water is mainly consumed in the rinsing. If you don't use laundry detergent, won't you save water on rinsing?

This ultrasonic washing machine can emit shock waves 20,000 times per second, which can "shock" the dirt from the clothes. The washing machine is also installed in a special water electrolysis device, the tap water molecules into hydrogen ions and oxygen ions, the use of ions on the decomposition of stains, dust and adsorption effect to clean clothes. With a two-pronged approach, this washing machine that does not use laundry detergent is more than 30% more water-efficient than ordinary washing machines.

And the water level of the washing machine should not be set too high, otherwise there is a lack of friction between the clothes, not clean but also a waste of water.

In addition to the washing machine, the toilet is also a big user of water in the family, water consumption accounts for about 35% of the water consumption of residents, a family of three will be flushed out more than 3,000 liters of water a month.

Technicians developed a new type of toilet, each time the water consumption is only 4 liters, than the existing toilet to save one-third to one-half of the water.

It's water tank in the injection of water at the same time the accumulation of air, the use of pressure in the water supply pipe to compress the internal accumulation of air, and then push the water at a higher rate of flow into the potty. With the traditional sanitary ware "pull" force is different, this new sanitary ware is the use of "push" force will be discharged, the impulse force is large, so it can save water.

In fact, the family's other living water can be used to flush the toilet, let's say after the last rinse, the clothes are clean, the water from the washing machine looks relatively clean, directly into the downpipe is really a pity. There are also like washing your face, wash the water, if you can reuse it would be nice. Amateur inventor Wu Hanping developed a set of domestic water reuse device, won a national patent. He connected the kitchen sink, bathroom basin and toilet tank to a water storage tank. The cleaner water from the sinks and basins goes into the storage tank for toilet flushing.

Now I'll teach you to save water small secret recipe 1. to use water-saving shape toilet, the general review of the type of toilet plus the installation of 2-stage flushing fittings. 2. tank under the floating cake removed that is, into the non-segmental control of the water.

3. The urinal automatic flusher flushing time to adjust the short. 4. Use rice water, laundry water, dishwashing water and bath water and other water to water flowers, car wash, and scrub the floor. 5. Clean the carpet method from wet or steam type to dry powder foam type. 6. Dehumidifier collection of water, and water purifiers, water distillers, and other water purification equipment, recycling of wastewater.

Now that I've finished the 6 water-saving recipes, have you thought of better ways to save water than I have? Are you saving water? I think you should be saving water!

For a long time, people generally believe that water is "inexhaustible, inexhaustible", do not know how to cherish, and wasteful squandering. In fact, the growing scarcity of water resources, and the city's urban water supply is on the verge of a serious water shortage, the tap water is hard to come by.

People can't live without water, water is the source of life, cherish water is to cherish their lives! Here we introduce some common sense of water conservation in daily life:

Brush your teeth

Waste: uninterrupted water discharge, 30 seconds, about 6 liters of water.

Water conservation: mouth cup to catch water, 3 mouth cup, water 0.6 liters. Family of three twice a day, monthly water savings of 486 liters.


Waste: washing machine uninterruptedly while filling the water rinse, drainage of laundry, each time the water required about 165 liters.

Water saving: washing machine using washing - dehydration - water filling - dehydration - water filling - dehydration way of washing, each time 110 liters of water, each time to save 55 liters of water, wash 4 times a month, can save 220 liters of water.

Additionally, washing clothes centrally can reduce the number of times of washing; small pieces, small amount of clothing advocate hand washing, can save a lot of water; detergent overdose will waste a lot of water.


Waste: too long uninterrupted release of water shower, will waste a lot of water.

Basin bath, put too much water, so that overflow, or basin bath while opening the water plug, while filling the water, the waste will be very shocking.

Water conservation: intermittent discharge shower (such as foot pedal, sensor type, etc.). Turn off the water when scrubbing. Avoid prolonged showering.

The water after a basin bath can be used for laundry, washing the car, flushing the toilet, mopping the floor and so on.


Wastefulness: leaving the faucet wide open and rinsing for a long time. Boiling water for too long, water vapor evaporates in large quantities. Use tap water to rinse vegetables and fruits.

Water saving: grease on cooking utensils and eating utensils, wipe off with paper first, then wash, can save water.

Control the flow of faucet, change uninterrupted rinsing to intermittent rinsing.

Car wash

Waste: rinse with a hose, 20 minutes, using about 240 liters of water.

Water conservation: washing the car with a bucket of water, need 3 buckets of water, using about 30 liters of water. Use washing water and laundry water to wash the car. Use water-saving spray water gun to rinse. Utilize mechanical automatic car wash, car wash water treatment recycling.

Water-saving methods:

Water conservation, the benefits of the present generation, the work in the autumn, this is after discussing the students together to study some of the life of water-saving methods:

One, rice-washing water to wash the vegetables, and then wash with water, not only saves water, but also effectively remove the residual pesticides on the vegetables;

On the second wash washing water to wash moppies, broom floor, and then flush the toilet. The second washing water to clean clothes and furniture, shoes and socks, etc.;

three, stools, urine after flushing toilets, try not to open the big hose flushing, and make full use of the "dirty water";

four, the summer to the indoor and outdoor ground sprinkler cooling, as far as possible, do not use the water, but with the laundry after the laundry water;

Fifth, bicycles, family cars, cleaning, do not use water, wipe with a wet cloth, too dirty, it is also appropriate to use the residual water after the laundry rinse;

Sixth, flushing the toilet: if you use water-saving equipment, each time you can save water 4 to 5 kg;

Seventh, the family watering, it is desirable to use the rice water, tea, laundry water;

Higher, the family washing Hand towels, small objects, fruits and other small amounts of water. Suitable for pots of water and should not open the faucet water rinse;

nine, wash the floor: scrubbing with a mop, can be compared to the faucet rinse each time each household can save more than 200kg of water;

ten, the faucet is used for a long time there is leakage phenomenon, can be used to install penicillin vials of the rubber cap cut a washer with the same as the original to put in, can ensure that no water leakage;


twelve, wash dishes: a basin a basin wash, do not open the faucet rinse, a meal can save 50kg;

thirteen, shower: if you turn off the faucet to rub the soap, take a bath can save 60kg;

thirteen, shower: if you turn off the faucet to wipe the soap, take a bath can save water! 60kg;

fourteenth, hand-washing clothes: if you use the washing basin to wash and clean the clothes each time you wash and clean the clothes than open the faucet to save 200kg of water;

fifteenth, washing clothes with a washing machine: we recommend that you wash the full bucket, if you separate the two washes, it is more than 120kg of water;

sixteenth, washing the car: scrubbing with a rag than rinsing the faucet, at least each time to save 400kg;

sixth, washing the car: using a rag than rinse, at least each time you can save water! 400kg;