A. "Special requirements for the quality and capacity of medical laboratories"
B. "General requirements for testing and calibrating laboratory capabilities"
C. General requirements for laboratory biosafety
D. All the above are true
A: A.
2. In order to implement the quality system
A. Use corresponding valid version documents in departments and posts related to quality activities.
B. Timely recovery of invalid documents
C. Timely recovery of invalid documents
D. All the above are true
Answer: d
3. The laboratory is fully responsible for the operation of the quality system:
A. Senior management
B. quality controller
C. technical guidance
D. Head of professional laboratory
A: A.
4. Which of the following activities must be performed by people who are not directly responsible for their work?
A. Management reviewer
B. Contract examiner
C. supervision and inspection
D. Quality system audit
Answer: d
5. The main purpose of on-site quality system audit is
A. Revision of the quality manual
B. Check the implementation of quality system documents.
C. Modify the program file
D. Looking for problems in the quality system
Answer: b
6. The customers of the laboratory require qualified institutions to conduct quality system audit on the laboratory. This audit is called
A. first-party audit
B. Second party audit
C. third-party audit
D. All the above are true
Answer: c
7. Non-conformities identified in the audit process must be
A. Record
B. it has been recognized by the auditor's management.
C. third-party audit
D. first-party audit
Answer: b
8. Sometimes the work is in urgent need, and the materials or consumables purchased in the calibration/testing process cannot be inspected or bathed with appropriate instruments, and the quality cannot be determined. In this case, A. is still not allowed to be put into use.
B the certificate issued by the supplier or the experience and technical level of calibration/testing operators shall be fully trusted and put into use.
C before being released for use, it shall be approved by the authorized personnel of the laboratory, and recorded and marked.
D it can be released for use after being approved by the authorized person of the laboratory, without recording and marking.
Answer: c
9. The review of instruments and equipment is mainly a review.
A. legality of calibration/test certificate
B. Validity of traceability results of values
C. Integrity of instrument and equipment use records
D. All the above are true
Answer: b
10. The general general hospital laboratory belongs to the biosafety laboratory.
A. Level 1
B. Level II
C. Level 3
D. level 4
Answer: b
1 1. "Patient preparation" means:
A. Contents of inspection procedures
B. Preventive measures
C. Contents of pre-inspection procedures
D. Contents of post-inspection procedures
Answer: c
12. Used for measuring equipment
A. only authorized personnel can operate the equipment.
B only the laboratory director can operate the equipment.
People who enter the laboratory can operate the equipment as long as they follow the instructions.
D. every laboratory leader can operate the equipment.
A: A.
13. The medical laboratory is
A provide information for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of human diseases or assessment of human health.
B laboratories that conduct clinical chemistry, clinical microbiology, clinical hematology, clinical immunology, clinical cytology and other tests on human materials.
C. the laboratory can provide consulting services within its inspection scope.
D. All of the above
Answer: d
14. The general requirements of the quality system can be summarized as follows
A. Write down what you have done (what should be done must be recorded)
B. Do what you write (what is written in the document must be done)
C remember what you have done (what you have done must be recorded)
D. All the above are true
Answer: d
15.GB 19489-2004 General Requirements for Laboratory Biosafety stipulates the personal responsibility of the laboratory.
A. cosmetics and contact lenses can be used in the work area.
Rings, earrings, watches, bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry can be worn in the work area.
C. you can drink water in the work area.
D personal articles, clothes and cosmetics should not be placed in prohibited areas and places where pollution may occur.
Answer: d
16.GB 19489-2004 "General Requirements for Laboratory Biosafety" stipulates the safe working behavior of laboratories.
Laboratory staff should wash their hands immediately after actual or possible contact with blood, body fluids or other pollutants, even if they wear gloves.
B. Workers can leave the laboratory with gloves.
C take off gloves and don't wash your hands before and after going to the toilet.
D. you can smoke with gloves on.
A: A.
17.GB 19489-2004 General Requirements for Laboratory Biosafety stipulates the immune status of laboratory staff.
All laboratory staff should be vaccinated to prevent them from being infected by biological factors they are exposed to, and should keep vaccination records according to regulations.
B laboratory staff have to have a physical examination every year, so there is no need to make records.
C. health records can be made public.
D. The serum of employee health examination does not need to be preserved.
A: A.
18. About sharp weapon handling, it should be
A it is forbidden to cut, bend, break or put on any sharp weapon by hand.
B. Safe working behavior should minimize the use of sharp tools and try to use substitutes.
C sharp tools should be discarded in the toolbox after use and replaced before the contents reach 2/3.
D. All the above are true
Answer: d
19. The secondary biosafety cabinet is used for protection.
A. Operators, samples and environment
B. Open flame can be used in the cabinet.
C. The operation of generating aerosol does not need to be carried out in a biosafety cabinet.
D. none of the above is true
A: A.
20. The quality system documents include
A. quality manuals, program documents, standard operating procedures and records
B. quality manual and procedure documents
C. standard operating procedures and records
D. program files and standard operating procedures
A: A.
2 1. The coefficient of variation (CV 1) of blood glucose in laboratory A was 3.2% and that in laboratory B was 2. 1% in 20 days. Which of the following is true?
A. for the accuracy of blood sugar, laboratory a is greater than laboratory B.
B. for the accuracy of blood sugar, laboratory a is equal to laboratory B.
C. for the accuracy of blood sugar, laboratory b is higher than laboratory a.
D. it is difficult to compare the blood sugar accuracy of laboratory b and laboratory a.
Answer: c
22. In clinical inspection quality control, the probability of false out of control should not exceed:
B. 1%
C.0.0 1%
D.0.05% and 0.3%
A: A.
23. It is assumed that the average value of quality control results of 20-day blood glucose determination in routine laboratory is 5.6mmol/L, and the standard deviation is 0.5 mmol/L; The average control data in the first month is 5.4 mmol/L, and the standard deviation is 0.2 mmol/L; The average calculated cumulative data is 5.5mmol/L, and the standard deviation is 0.3 mmol/L. In the first month's indoor quality control data, 7.2 mmol/L should be judged as:
A. under control
B. Out of control
C. warning
D is within 2s.
Answer: b
24. The blood glucose in a laboratory participated in the inter-room quality evaluation activity, and the measurement result was 5.25mmol/L, and the target value was 5.0 mmol/L. The bias was:
A. 1%
B. 10%
Answer: c
25. The criteria used to calibrate the decisive method, evaluation and calibration reference method are as follows
A. first-class standard
B. Sub-benchmarks
C. three-level standard
D. controlled substances
A: A.
26. It is generally believed that the analytical methods used in diagnostic experiments are desirable.
A. High sensitivity
B. High specificity
C. Good repeatability
D. total efficiency
Answer: b
27. Repeat the experiment to check the candidate methods.
A. Random error
B. Operation error
C method error
D. proportional system error
A: A.
28. In the normal population, how many people measured a biochemical index of normal distribution within 3 SD?
A: A.
29. It is assumed that the average value of quality control results of 20-day blood glucose determination in routine laboratory is 5.6mmol/L, and the standard deviation is 0.5 mmol/L; The average control data in the first month is 5.4 mmol/L, and the standard deviation is 0.2 mmol/L; The average value of accumulated data is 5.5 mmol/L, and the standard deviation is 0.3 mmol/L.. February single-value quality control chart warning line
A.4.9~6. 1 mmol/l
B.5.0~5.8 mmol/L.
C.4.6~6.4 mmol/L.
D.5.2~5.8 mmol/
A: A.
30. A laboratory participated in the inter-room quality evaluation of blood glucose, and the measured result was 5.25 mmol/L, the target value was 5.0 mmol/L, and the evaluation range was 10% of the target value. The measurement result can be judged as follows.
A. unacceptable
B. Out of control
C. dissatisfied
D. acceptable
Answer: d
The statistical regularity of 3 1. random error can be summarized as follows.
A. Objection
B. Limitations
C. unimodality
D. All the above are true
Answer: d
32. In order to check the accuracy of the candidate methods, the following evaluation tests should be selected.
A. Repeatability test
B. Controlled trials
C. interference test
D. Update the test
Answer: d
33. In the interference test, the error caused by adding interferents is
A. Random error
B. Operation error
C. Method error
D. Constant system error
Answer: d
34. For the same analysis project, two consecutive activities or two of three consecutive activities failed to obtain satisfactory results.
A. Unsatisfactory EQA score
B. Satisfactory EQA results
C. Successful EQA results
D. unsuccessful EQA score
Answer: d
35. In an interstitial evaluation activity in the clinical chemistry room, if the results of five different batches of potassium exceed the specified range, the score should be
B. 100%
A: A.
36. The following statement about the level of medical decision-making is wrong.
A.it can be used to identify diseases.
B.it can be used to identify diseases.
C is another way of saying reference value.
D. If it is higher or lower than this value, certain treatment measures should be taken.
Answer: c
37. The positive predictive value of diagnostic test refers to
A. the true-negative ratio obtained when testing the subjects who are not sick.
B the proportion of patients with certain diseases whose diagnostic tests are true positive.
C. percentage of true positives in the test population
D. percentage of true negatives in the test population
Answer: c
38. The relationship between the change under optimal conditions (OCV) and the change under conventional conditions (RCV) is as follows
A.OCV & gt; RCV
D. There is no relationship between the two.
Answer: b
39. In the L-J quality control chart, the warning line is
A.x standard definition
Answer: b
40. The most accurate clinical biochemical method is
A. Classical method
B. Comparative methods
traditional method
D. decisive method
Answer: d
4 1. A biochemical index is normally distributed in the population, so it is often used to set its reference range.
A. South Dakota
Answer: b
42. The results of repeated determination of a substance in the sample are very close to the true value, indicating the determination method adopted.
A. High accuracy
B. accuracy
C. High sensitivity
D. Good repeatability
A: A.
43. Which of the following statements is wrong about the specificity of analysis?
A. Related to accuracy
B. Related to interference sources
C. Related to repeatability
D. it can be measured by using additional substances.
Answer: c
44. The +/-3s representation in the indoor quality diagram.
A 4.5% of the quality control results are beyond this range.
B. 1% quality control result is out of this range.
C.2% of the quality control results are outside this range.
D 0.3% of the quality control results are beyond this range.
Answer: d
45. In indoor quality control, the initial average number of samples should not be less than
C. 150
Answer: d
46. Calculate the blood glucose indoor quality control data for 20 days, with an average value of 5.0mmol/L, a standard deviation of 0.25mmol/L and a coefficient of variation of.
Three percent
A: A.
47. The blood sugar samples measured in A hospital are within the normal range, but the results in B hospital are different. After verification, the standard solution used in Hospital B deteriorated, which belongs to this error.
A. systematic error
B. accidental error
C. accidental error
D. accidental error
A: A.
48. Indoor quality control is mainly to evaluate the detection system:
A. accuracy
B. accuracy (sex)
C. systematic error
D. random error
A: A.
49. Ventricular interstitial assessment is mainly to evaluate the detection system:
A. accuracy (sex)
B. accuracy
C. systematic error
D. random error
A: A.
50. The detection system refers to the completion of a detection project involved in:
A. Instruments and reagents
B. Calibrators and operating procedures
C. Quality management
D. All the above are true
Answer: d
5 1. Accuracy refers to:
A. the degree of random error of measurement results
B. Synthesis of systematic error and random error
C indicates the consistency between the measured results and the real values.
D. it can be measured directly.
A: A.
52. Accuracy refers to the measurement results.
A. the degree of random error of measurement results
B. Synthesis of systematic error and random error
C indicates the consistency between the measured results and the real values.
D. it can be expressed by numbers.
Answer: b
53. Random error is characterized by:
A. Random error is an unstable random error.
B.this is a persistent mistake.
C. it has a great influence on the test results.
D. skewed distribution
A: A.
54. The system error is characterized by:
A. the value of system error is constant.
B. There is no certain pattern
C. it has little effect on the test results.
D. Unable to eliminate and control
A: A.
55. The relationship between accuracy and accuracy is:
A. high precision means accurate test results.
B. high precision and accuracy.
C. in any case, precision and accuracy are consistent.
D only after the system error is eliminated, the higher the accuracy, the higher the accuracy.
Answer: d
56.Levey-Jennings quality control chart has the following advantages:
First, it is simple and easy. Once the average and standard deviation are known, a single quality control measurement can be plotted directly on the chart.
B. No false out-of-control rate
C. high specificity of error identification.
D is the most accurate quality control method.
A: A.
57. When finding out-of-control signals, what steps are taken to find out the reasons?
A. immediately re-determine the same quality control.
B. Open a new quality control bottle and re-examine the out-of-control items.
C. maintain the instrument and retest the out-of-control items. Recalibrate and retest out-of-control items. Ask experts for help.
D. All the above are true
Answer: d
58. Medical malpractice refers to the behavior of medical institutions and their medical staff in medical activities.
A. Accidents that cause personal injury to patients due to negligence in violation of laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, medical care norms and conventions on medical and health management.
B. Observe the norms and routine of diagnosis and treatment, and the patient died of complications.
C. Medical accidents caused by patients' abnormal condition or special physique in medical activities.
D. Delaying diagnosis and treatment due to patients, resulting in adverse consequences.
A: A.
59. Which of the following situations is not a medical accident:
(1) Taking emergency medical measures to save the lives of dying patients in an emergency, resulting in adverse consequences;
B. Unforeseen or unforeseeable adverse consequences occur under the existing medical science and technology conditions.
C. No-fault transfusion infection causes adverse consequences;
D. All the above are true
Answer: d
60. Medical personnel who have or find medical malpractice or medical negligence that may lead to medical malpractice or medical malpractice disputes in medical activities shall
A immediately report to the department head, who shall promptly report to the department or full-time (part-time) personnel in charge of monitoring the quality of medical services in this medical institution;
B. After receiving the report, the department or full-time (part-time) staff responsible for monitoring the quality of medical services shall immediately investigate and verify, truthfully report the relevant information to the person in charge of the medical institution, and inform and explain to the patients.
C. If blood transfusion, blood transfusion, injection, drugs, etc. are suspected. If adverse consequences have been caused, the parties may handle the evidence by themselves.
D. it should be regarded as a and B.
Answer: d
6 1. Suspected adverse consequences caused by blood transfusion, need
A. When blood is sealed, the medical institution shall notify the blood collection and supply institution providing blood to send personnel to be present.
B. the patient's blood sample can be discarded.
C. Blood samples of blood donors can be discarded.
D. All the above are true
A: A.
62. The test sheet (inspection report) is:
A. illegal materials for technical appraisal of medical malpractice.
B. Legal materials for technical appraisal of medical accidents
C. It can be modified at will
D. none of the above is true
Answer: b
63. Regulations on Handling Medical Accidents
A.1989 takes effect on February 2 1 day.
B. Implemented since February 20, 2002
C. Implemented since August 28, 2004
D. Implemented since September 1 2002.
Answer: d
64. New law on the prevention and control of infectious diseases.
A.1989 takes effect on February 2 1 day.
B. Effective from 28 August 2004
C implemented as of February 1 2004.
D. Effective from 28 August 2004
Answer: c
65. Which of the following statements is correct about the new law on the prevention and control of infectious diseases?
A. Take preventive and control measures against infectious atypical pneumonia in Class B infectious diseases, pulmonary anthrax in anthrax and human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza as mentioned in this Law.
B. Influenza and mumps belong to Class B infectious diseases.
C. SARS belongs to Class A infectious diseases.
D. Human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza belongs to Class A infectious diseases.
A: A.