Do any friends know this company in Hua Xun, Hebei?

Hebei Hua Xun Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading provider of integrated information system solutions, providing advanced and applicable information technology applications, end-to-end customized products, solutions and services for the government, education, medical care, finance and enterprises. We constantly innovate according to customer needs, and have established a leading position in information system planning, design, implementation and service. We take it as our responsibility to integrate and solve customers' various information service needs, help enhance customers' brand value and help customers achieve commercial success.

Main business: integrated wiring of network equipment, computer network system integration and software development, storage and backup, video conference, security monitoring, professional computer room, industry software development and other value-added service technical solutions; Sales of computer software and hardware and peripheral auxiliary equipment, hardware products, electronic products and office supplies; Sales, installation and maintenance of communication equipment; R&D, sales, installation and technical consultation of building automation system.