An anti-corruption storm that originated at the beginning of 2023 is reportedly sweeping across China's entire medicine with a thunderous force, and medical corruption is starting to be fixed again~~You may be expecting it as much as I am.
In fact, many people are not very optimistic. Just recently, my girlfriend and I naturally talked about the topic of anti-corruption in the medical field, I asked her how to see the result, she expressed very pessimistic not to mention that, but also looked at a few websites related to the topic, as a result, 99% of the people think that this anti-corruption health care system will not be hurtful, and is not very optimistic about the results, and even think that this medical anti-corruption is a lonely ~
But I don't look at it this way. I looked up some information on the Internet, according to industry media statistics, as of August 6, the national public notification of the investigation of hospital party secretaries and presidents has reached 168, due to statistical limitations, this number may actually be more. And many academic conferences and exchange forums have been forced to be postponed or canceled, and even some WeChat groups have been disbanded, and pharmaceutical representatives are afraid to enter hospitals for fear of being implicated, among other things.
So, I think this time the medical anti-corruption determination is very strong, you can see that the party and the country for the fight against medical corruption firm determination, and, focusing on a number of investigation and punishment of corruption cases in the field of medicine to form a momentum deterrent. With the past medical anti-corruption is different, this medical anti-corruption in the depth, breadth and strength, can be said to be unprecedented, is really a big wave.
When it comes to medical anti-corruption, let's talk about the aspects related to our people~~ As many people know, in the pharmaceutical sales many drugs, medical devices or equipment are through multiple intermediaries, and eventually arrive at the hospitals after increasing the price step by step, which leads to the doubling of the price of drugs. Sometimes even several dozens of times the factory price to meet the hospitals, doctors and agents of the profit requirements. So who pays for such a high cost? Ultimately, it is the patients who bear the burden. For example, a drug for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases costs only a few dollars at the point of purchase, but you will find that the retail price in pharmacies and hospitals may be as high as dozens of times. Just purely from this item, it is necessary to rectify, must must~~
But we also need to understand that rectifying medical corruption is not to overthrow the whole industry, but to purify the industry environment. Because, medical corruption can have a serious impact on doctors, hospitals and patients.
Taking doctors as an example, medical corruption will lead to doctors losing professional ethics, abusing their power to give patients expensive drugs, or receiving bribes for improper transactions; in terms of the impact on hospitals, it will lead to the loss of management and supervision of hospitals, and ultimately medical accidents and medical disputes; the impact on the patients is also very great, in addition to facing unnecessary medical costs and medical risks, but also damage to the health and life.
So, through this major overhaul of medical corruption, there are still quite a lot of benefits for the people, which can make medical resources more equitably distributed to patients in need. Secondly, it promotes fair competition among medical organizations and doctors so that patients can get better medical services. Finally, it can also rebuild society's trust in the medical profession, enhance the social image and reputation of the medical profession and so on.
So, Be confident that the results of medical corruption this time will be optimistic. The actual also proved that the moment not only formed a strong deterrent effect, but also effectively curbed the breeding and spread of medical corruption.
Lastly, we should understand that the fight against corruption in healthcare is a long-term and complex "battle", which is crucial for all of us, and we should have more confidence and determination, and we should also believe that the fight against corruption can improve the quality of healthcare and reduce healthcare costs, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of healthcare. costs, so that everyone can enjoy fair and high-quality medical services.
The hospital is a place where the most basic duty and mission is to treat the sick and save the people, and since problems have now arisen, there is a need to return positive energy to the medical industry through the anti-corruption fight, so that the white-clothed angels can better protect the people's health, and work together to cheer it up.