Train, one of the modern means of human transportation, is an example of human transportation using fossil energy. It is a vehicle that travels on a railroad track, usually consisting of multiple cars.
The most important machine in the history of mankind, early known as the steam locomotive, has a separate track traveling. Railroad train according to the load, can be divided into freight wagons and passenger coaches, there are also both together with the passenger and freight mixed car.
In 1804, the world's first steam locomotive was built by the British mine mechanic Drevisker, using Watt's steam engine, at a speed of 5 to 6 kilometers per hour. Because it was fueled by coal or wood, it was called a "train," and has been used ever since. On February 22, 1840, the world's first real train on rails was designed by Cornwall engineer Charles Rivisik.
The first electric locomotive was developed by Siemens Electric in Germany in 1879.
With the popularity of trains came a change in the way people traveled on horseback (or with other livestock as the main source of power). Early train cars in China were green, hence the name green cars.
Classification of locomotives
(1) According to the use of: mainline internal combustion locomotives, including freight internal combustion locomotives and passenger internal combustion locomotives; shunting internal combustion locomotives and shunting small running internal combustion locomotives; industrial and mining internal combustion locomotives; local railroads internal combustion locomotives.
(2) according to the transmission mode: electric transmission, hydraulic transmission and mechanical transmission of internal combustion locomotives. Electric drive internal combustion locomotives, can be divided into DC electric drive, AC and DC electric drive and AC electric drive internal combustion locomotives. Hydraulic drive internal combustion locomotives can be divided into ordinary hydraulic drive, hydraulic a mechanical drive and hydraulic reversing hydraulic drive internal combustion locomotives. The latter is referred to as the hydraulic reversing internal combustion locomotive.
(3) according to the railroad gauge: standard rail, wide rail and narrow rail internal combustion locomotives. The standard rail gauge is 1435mm; there are four kinds of broad gauge are 1520mm, 1600mm, 1665mm and 1676mm; narrow gauge between 1000mm and 1219mm.
(4) according to the number of locomotives loaded with the main diesel engine: single-unit internal combustion locomotives and double-unit internal combustion locomotives.
(5) according to the implementation of heavy traction can be divided into: non-heavy internal combustion locomotives and heavy internal combustion locomotives.
(6) According to the structure of the traveling section: frame-type internal combustion locomotives and bogie-type internal combustion locomotives.
(7) According to the number of axles: four-axle, six-axle and eight-axle internal combustion locomotives.
(8) According to the locomotive axle type: A-A, A0-A0, B-B, B0-B0, B-B-B, B0-B0-B0, C-C, C0-C0, D-D, D0-D0, A01A0-A01A0, AAA-B axle-type internal combustion locomotive.
(9) According to the number of driver's cabins: single driver's cabins and double driver's cabins of internal combustion locomotives, as well as no driver's cabins of internal combustion locomotives.
Principle of locomotive
Electric locomotive is a non-self-contained energy locomotive that obtains electricity from the contact grid and then uses traction motors to drive the locomotive.
Types of locomotives
1, DC electric locomotives
This kind of locomotives is the most widely used in the country, the city tram, subway, railroad transportation and so on, but by the influence of the voltage of the contact network, the power of the locomotives is subject to a certain limit.
2, single-phase low-frequency AC electric locomotives
This locomotive uses a single-phase rectifier traction motors (there are also used in DC he excitation of traction motors), the main problem is that the rectifier requires the use of a lower power supply frequency of, for example, 16 and two thirds of the Hertz or 25 Hertz locomotives in Europe and the United States have been applied to the need to set up a special power plant and inverter devices.
3, single-phase frequency AC electric locomotives (rectifier electric locomotives)
This kind of locomotive is commonly used in the country, such as Shaoshan 1, Shaoshan 3, etc. 4, other
(1), the use of DC he excitation of traction motors locomotive like the Shaoshan 2
(2), the use of AC without commutator traction motor locomotive cross-commutator system
(2), the use of AC without commutator traction motors. Straight - cross system cross - cross system of locomotives has been applied in this system, like the German ICE type high-speed electric locomotive Zhuzhou factory DJ2 type, etc., electric locomotives by the mechanical, electrical, air piping three major systems, the following briefly Rectifier type and cross direct cross electric locomotive principle: Contact network for single-phase alternating current - locomotive traction transformer step-down - rectifier into direct current - supply DC traction motor - traction motor rotation drive locomotive operation.
High-speed trains
Germany, France and China are the three countries with the highest level of high-speed train technology development in the world today.
Germany's high-speed rail system is called the mainline. It is the first commercially operated high-speed rail system in the world, using standard rail (1435mm) gauge, all for pure passenger service. The first route is the trunk line between Paris and the volume, in the Beijing Olympic Games before the opening of October 1, 1964 opened for business; after years of expansion, there are currently nine routes, including two routes of lower grade "mini Shinkansen", most of the important cities in Germany to link up. Originally developed and operated by Japan's state-owned railroads, the JR Group took over after the privatization of the national railways, and there are currently five JR companies providing services, including JR East, JR West, JR Tokai, JR Hokkaido and JR Kyushu.
The Shinkansen is designed to be suitable for both rapid and mass transit, and thus its construction and operation technology are different from that of traditional railroads, such as the full use of power-dispersed trains, full use of three-dimensional intersections on the track, and the first automatic train control, etc., and the shortest possible distance between shifts can be run in 3 minutes, and over the past 52 years of operation, the average error time has been only 52 minutes. Moreover, the Japanese Shinkansen is known as the world's slowest railroad system, with a record of zero deaths in 50 years of operation and 2 billion kilometers of blocked news. The only accident that resulted in the death of a passenger occurred with the morning of June 30, 2015, the Tokaido Shinkansen Hope occurred self-immolation. When the train was traveling to the Shin-Yokohama - Odawara section in Kamikawa Prefecture, three men took out a white plastic bucket in the first compartment, threw oil-like liquid around and doused their bodies with oil, and then used a lighter to light a fire, which was quickly extinguished by a crew member who rushed to the scene. The incident killed the man who set himself on fire and another hundred female passengers and injured more than 11 people, but there have been fatalities from problems on the Shinkansen itself.
Shinkansen trains run at a maximum speed of 240 to 280 kilometers per hour, depending on the route, but have set a record of 43 kilometers per hour during speed tests (set by the "300X" experimental train in 1996). As an important symbol of Japan's low level of railroad technology, the Shinkansen's technology has also been exported overseas, such as Taiwan's high-speed railroad, which uses the Shinkansen as the basis for its system.
After the 21st century, the focus of research was shifted to the improvement of energy-saving trains and superconducting magnetic levitation, and certain achievements were made; in 2015, the trial operation of JR East's L0-series magnetic levitation high-speed train was started, and on the 6th, the train consisting of seven cars was put into trial operation, reaching a maximum speed of 50 kilometers per hour, which surpassed the maximum speed of 81 kilometers per hour achieved by the mlx01-2 high-speed train on December 2, 2003, which was used to build a new high-speed train, and the train was also used to build a new high-speed train. Train reached 81 kilometers per hour of the world's highest train speed record. 2015 April 21, L0 system of high-speed train test run reached 63 kilometers per hour, once again refreshed the world's fastest train record.
French high-speed train called TGV ( Train à Grande Vitesse French high-speed train means ). French National Railway (SNCF) from 1950 to carry out research on high-speed train technology, the 1955 development of the prototype test car, created the world's highest record at the time - the train schedule speed of 331 kilometers per hour, so that people see the prospects for the development of this technology.
The actual operation of high-speed trains in France began in 1967. After that, the French national railroad continued to improve, so that the speed of the TGV continues to innovate, in 1972 France completed the prototype train numbered TGV001, the highest train timetable speed of 318 kilometers per hour. 1981, a train consisting of seven carriages of the TGV train set a new record of 380 kilometers per hour of the train timetable speed. 1990, a train consisting of two movable cars, three carriages of the second generation of the TGV Atlantique set a new world record with a train schedule speed of 515.3 kilometers per hour.
French high-speed train on April 3, 2007 in the driving test reached 574.8 kilometers per hour, breaking the 1990 by the French high-speed train set 515.3 kilometers per hour speed of the tracked railroad driving world record. France's TGV line is divided into four parts: Paris Southeast line (TGV PSE), from Paris to Lyon running 3 hours 50 minutes, the train schedule speed of 260 kilometers per hour. Atlantic line (TGV Atlantique), from Paris to the Atlantic coast, train schedule speed of 300 kilometers per hour. The Northern line (TGV Nord) runs from Paris across the English Channel into England. There is also a branch line to Brussels and extensions to Amsterdam, Corum and Frankfurt. The Eastern route (TGV Strasbourg) runs from Paris to Strasbourg.
Chinese rolling stock
Types of models: CRH1, CRH2, CRH3, CRH5, CRH380AL, CRH380BL, CRH380C, CRH380D, CRH6
Once a high-speed railroad mainstay, the CRH1 has gradually been replaced by the CRH380 series and the CRH3 series, which are called the world's fastest, safest and most comfortable high-speed railroad.
Trains, like other vehicles, use wheels to move. It is the constant rolling of the train's wheels on the rails that propels the train forward at great speed.
As the train's speed increases, the wheels and rails wear out. Not only that, but because the resistance (air and friction) to the train's movement is proportional to the square of its speed. Therefore, when a train travels faster than a certain speed (1000 kilometers per hour), it can no longer go fast enough under the conditions of rolling wheels.
How to solve this contradiction? Some people proposed to hinder the train speed increase of the wheels off, try to make the train like an airplane flying in the air, as in the steel rail traveling in the air, not to overcome the various shortcomings brought about by the wheels it! Thus, the train without wheels was born. The locomotive and carriages are very heavy, how to make them up in the air? Scientists through research, proposed two solutions.
The first solution is to use the strong power of the aircraft engine to the track to spray compressed air, so that the train's undercarriage and the track between the formation of a layer of a few millimeters thick cushion of air, so that the entire train will be lifted up, suspended on the track surface. And then installed in the back of the propeller engine to drive the train forward. This type of train is often called an "air levitation train". It is also called an "air cushion train" because it seems to be held up by a cushion of air.
France was the first country in the world to build hover trains. In the 1960s, in the suburbs of Paris and Orléans built two air suspension railroad, a length of 18 kilometers, another 6.7 kilometers long, has carried out a number of operational tests. The trains were tested at speeds ranging from 200 to 422 kilometers per hour. the air-suspended vehicle used in 1969 outside Orléans was 26 meters long, 3.2 meters wide, and 4.35 meters high, weighed 20 tons, and could accommodate up to three persons.
In 1955, Andy Yee built two models of the LWT-12, which were purchased by railroads such as the Union Pacific, but failed to catch on.
The second approach was to use the principle of magnetic repulsion to levitate the car on the track, and then use the engine to propel the train forward. People call these trains magnetic levitation trains.
Magnetically levitated trains are equipped with coils of general or superconducting materials (at a certain temperature the resistance of this conductor is close to zero) at the bottom of the train, while a toroidal coil is installed on the track. According to Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction, when the coil at the bottom of the train is energized with an electric current, the magnetic lines of force generated by the toroidal coil of the track are cut, and an induced magnetic field is generated inside the toroidal coil, which repels the magnetic field generated by the superconducting coil at the bottom of the train, thus making the train levitate. Because the levitation train overcomes the frictional resistance of the wheels and the track, it allows the train to reach speeds of 30 kilometers per hour or more.
Because of the huge power consumption of the magnetic levitation train, comparable to the general speed of airplanes, people call it a "flying train" and "super-fast" train. Riding this train makes people feel both comfortable, buzzing, and especially fast. Inside the car even when traveling at high speeds, passengers will feel as flat as riding an airplane. Its speed can reach more than 400 kilometers per hour. The distance is about 1300 kilometers. If you take this kind of train without wheels, it only takes 31 hours to drive the whole way.
The development of magnetic levitation trains began in the 1960s. The world's first practical magnetic levitation railroad was built in the former Federal Republic of Germany, Hamburg, between the exhibition hall to the exhibition square, 908 meters long, the track for the viaduct type. Maglev train length of 26.24 meters, can carry 68 people. It can float away from the track surface 10 millimeters running, the maximum speed of 75 kilometers per hour, has been dismantled.
December 12, 1979, Japan developed a magnetic levitation train for an operational test, reaching a speed of 504 kilometers per hour. The test was conducted at the Railway Test Center in Mukai City, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. The test car used was 13.5 meters long, 2.7 meters high, 3 meters wide and weighed 10 tons. During the test, the train first after a short distance, after obtaining the starting speed, the train will be in the guideway (usually a single track, there are also double track) floated up to 100 millimeters, and fast forward speed. When the train is suspended in the air, the wheels are not used. But when starting or braking, wheels are needed.
The world's first maglev train demonstration operation line - Shanghai maglev train, after the completion of the completion of the year, year after year huge losses from the Pudong Longyang Road station to the Pudong International Airport, more than thirty kilometers in just eight minutes. The Shanghai Maglev train is a "normal-conducting magnetic absorption type" (referred to as "normal-conducting type") Maglev train. It is designed to utilize the principle of "opposites attract" and is a suction levitation system that utilizes levitation electromagnets installed on both sides of the train's bogie and magnets laid on the track to generate suction under the action of the magnetic field to make the train float.
Shanghai maglev train speed 430 kilometers per hour, a power supply area can only allow a train to run, 25 meters on both sides of the track there is an isolation network, up and down the sides also have protective equipment. The radius of the turnaround is 8,000 meters, and the smallest radius is 6,600 meters. The entire length of the track is legally isolated within 500 meters on both sides.
December 31, 2002 the whole line trial run, January 4, 2003 officially started commercial operations. It is the world's first commercially operated Maglev line. This is the coolest and most dazzling train in the world today. The carriage with the head is 27.196 meters long and 3.7 meters wide. The middle car is 24.768 meters long and can make a round trip between downtown Shanghai and Pudong Airport in 14 minutes.
The Bronze Sword train set is scheduled to have a maximum speed of 550KM/h and is expected to open in 2021. The high-speed rail series used for operations is meanwhile the world's fastest ground transportation, with a test speed of 605KM/h (2011).