Catalog of Administrative Approval Items
(***Counting 94 items)
1 Certification of Registered Practicing Qualification of Property Manager Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development None Regulations on Property Management (State Council Decree No. 504)
2 Approval of Futures Trading Venues for Listing, Modification or Termination of Contracts SEC None Regulations on Futures Trading (State Council Decree No. 627)
3 Approval of Futures Trading Venues for Changing Residence or Business Venue SEC None Regulations on the Administration of Futures Trading (State Council Decree No. 627)
3 Approval of Change of Residence or Business Premises of Futures Trading Places SFC None Regulations on the Administration of Futures Trading (State Council Decree No. 627)
4 Approval of Merger, Separation or Dissolution of Futures Trading Places SFC None Regulations on the Administration of Futures Trading (State Council Decree No. 627)
5 Approval of New Shareholders or Transfer of Shares Held by Original Shareholders of National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Stock Transfer System Company SEC None Interim Measures for the Administration of National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Stock Transfer System Limited Liability Company (SEC Decree No. 89)
6 Approval of Charges for Securities Exchanges and Securities Registration and Settlement SEC None Chinese People's **** and the State Securities Law
Methods for Administration of Securities Exchanges (SEC Decree No. 4)
Measures for the Administration of Securities Registration and Settlement (SEC Decree No. 65)
7 Approval for the Use of Securities Exchange Risk Funds and Securities Settlement Risk Funds SEC None Chinese People's *** and State Securities Law
Interim Measures for the Administration of Securities Exchange Risk Funds (SEC [2000] No. 22)
Measures for the Administration of Securities Settlement Risk Funds (Securities Regulatory Commission [2006] No. 65)
8 Approval of New Trading Varieties Listed on Securities Exchanges SEC None Measures for the Administration of Securities Exchanges (SEC Decree No. 4)
9 Approval of New Trading Varieties Listed on the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Stock Transfer System SEC None Interim Measures for the Administration of the National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Stock Transfer System, Ltd. Interim Measures for the Administration of National Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Stock Transfer System Limited Liability Company (SEC Decree No. 89)
10 Audit of Takeover Report of Listed Companies SEC None Chinese People's *** and State Securities Law 11 Approval of Transfer of Equity Interests and Change of Organizational Form of an Insurance Company CIRC None Decision of the State Council on the Setting of Administrative License for Administrative Approval Items Required to be Retained (State Council Decree No. 412)
12 Approval of Compulsory Insurance for Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance for an Insurance Company Engaging in Approval of Insurance Company Engaged in Compulsory Insurance Business for Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Liability CIRC None Regulations on Compulsory Insurance for Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Liability (State Council Decree No. 630)
13 Approval of Establishment, Merger, Separation, Closure and Liquidation of Investment Accounts for Investment-Linked Insurance CIRC None Decision of the State Council on the Establishment of Administrative Licenses for Administrative Approval Items Required to be Retained (State Council Decree No. 412) <
14 Approval of Disposal of Capital Guarantee Deposit of Insurance Company CIRC None Chinese People's Insurance Law
Methods for the Administration of Capital Guarantee Deposit of Insurance Company (CIRC [2011] No. 39)
15 Approval of Credit Rating Agencies for Insurance Company's Investment in Corporate Bonds CIRC None Decision of the State Council on the Setting of Administrative Licenses for Administrative Approval Items Required to be Reserved (Decision of the State Council Decree No. 412) Decision of the State Council on the Setting of Administrative Licenses for Administrative Approval Items that Need to be Retained (Decree of the State Council No. 412)
16 Approval of Reinsurance Affiliated Transactions of Foreign Insurance Companies CIRC No Regulations on the Administration of Foreign Insurance Companies in the People's Republic of China (Decree of the State Council No. 636)
17 Approval of Insurance Institutions for Operating Agricultural Insurance Businesses CIRC No Agricultural Insurance Regulations (Decree of the State Council No. 629)
18 Approval of Chromium Compound Production and Construction Projects Approval of production and construction projects of chromium compounds Ministry of Industry and Information Technology None Decision of the State Council on the Administrative Approval Projects Setting Administrative License that Need to be Retained (Decree of the State Council No. 412)
Measures for the Administration of the Production and Construction License of Chromium Compounds (Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology No. 15) Decentralized to the provincial people's governments in charge of the administrative departments of industry and information technology
19 Software Enterprises and Integrated Circuit Design Enterprises and product registration filing Ministry of Industry and Information Technology None Notice of the State Council on Issuing a Number of Policies to Encourage the Development of the Software Industry and the Integrated Circuit Industry (Guo Fa [2000] No. 18)
Measures for the Administration of Software Products (Order of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology No. 9)
Measures for the Administration of Software Enterprises Recognition (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Lianshi [2013] No. 64)
"Management Measures for the Recognition of Integrated Circuit Design Enterprises" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Lianshi [2013] No. 487)
20 Approval of Temporary Special Cases of Tax Exemptions and Deductions with Fiscal Implications Ministry of Finance General Administration of Taxation "General Office of the State Council on the Retention of Part of the Notice on the Approval Projects of Non-Administrative Licensing" (State Council Office of the People's Republic of China [2004] No. 62)
21 Central Finance Comprehensive Agricultural Development Reimbursable Funds for the write-off of doubtful accounts and deferred repayment approval Ministry of Finance None Measures for the Management of Comprehensive Agricultural Development Reimbursable Funds (Cai Fa [2008] No. 4)
Measures for the Write-off of Doubtful Accounts and Deferred Repayment of Reimbursable Funds for the Comprehensive Agricultural Development (Cai Fa [2008] No. 61)
22 Exemptions from the obligation to transfer state-owned shares of the state-owned venture capital investment institutions and the state-owned venture capital investment The Ministry of Finance, SASAC, SFC, SWIFT Notice on Issues Related to the Exemption of State-owned Venture Capital Institutions and State-owned Venture Capital Guiding Funds from the Obligation to Transfer State-owned Shares (Caiqi [2010] No. 278)
23 Government Procurement Agents Class A Qualification Recognition The Ministry of Finance, No The People's Republic of China Government Procurement Law
Measures for the Qualification Recognition of Government Procurement Agencies (Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 61)
24 Approval for the Establishment of Resident Representative Offices of Foreign Accounting Firms (Including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) within the Country Ministry of Finance No Chinese People's **** and the State Law of the Republic of China on Certified Public Accountants
25 Approval for the Qualification Recognition of General Value-added Taxpayers General Administration of Taxation No Chinese People's **** and the State Provisional Regulations on Value-added Tax Provisional Regulations on Value-added Tax (State Council Decree No. 538)
Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Retention of Some Non-Administrative License Approval Items (Guo Ban Fa [2004] No. 62)
26 Application for the Examination and Approval of Issuance of VAT Special Invoice with Red Characters SAT No Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on the Revision of the "Regulations on the Use of Special Invoice for Value-added Tax" (Guoshifa [2006] No. 156)
25 Approval of Qualification Recognition for General VAT Payers No. 156)
Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Concerning the Collection and Management of the Pilot Program of Changing Business Tax to Value-added Tax throughout the Country (Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation No. 39 of 2013)
27 Exemption of Value-added Tax from Audit of State-owned Grain Purchasing and Distribution Enterprises Undertaking the Task of Grain Collecting and Storing Sources General Administration of Taxation
Finance and Grain Departments of the Same Level
Ministry of Finance Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on the Issues of Value-added Tax Levy and Exemption for Grain Enterprises (Cai Shui Zi [1999] No. 198) 28 Examination and approval of value-added tax exemption qualifications for state-owned grain purchasing and marketing enterprises undertaking the task of grain collection and storage as well as grain operating enterprises operating tax-exempted projects and enterprises having the business of sales of edible vegetable oils in the government reserve. Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Issues of Value-added Tax Levy and Exemption for Grain Enterprises (Cai Shui Zi [1999] No. 198)
29 Examination and Approval of Goods Exempted from Value-added Tax for Auction by Auction Houses Sate Administration of Taxation No Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Issues Relating to the Levy of Value-added Tax and Business Tax on the Income of Auction Houses from Auction Houses (Guoshuifa [1999] No. 40)
30 Examination and Approval of Preferential Policies for Family Members Accompanying Military Personnel after the Business Reform Increase Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on the Inclusion of Railway Transportation and Postal Industry in the Pilot Program of Changing Business Tax to Value-added Tax (Cai Shui [2013] No. 106)
31 Approval of Preferential Policies for Military Transitional Cadres after the Reform and Increase of the Camp Administration of Taxation None Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Inclusion of Railway Transportation and Postal Industry in the Pilot Program of Changing Business Tax to Value-added Tax (Cai Shui [2013] No. 106)
32 Approval of Preferential Policies for Urban Retired Soldiers after the Camp Reform Increase General Administration of Taxation Civil Affairs Departments Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Inclusion of Railway Transportation and Postal Industry in the Pilot Project of Changing Business Tax to Value-added Tax (Cai Shui 〔2013〕 No. 106)
33 Audit of Consumption Tax Tax Offset General Administration of Taxation None General Administration of Taxation Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on the Further Strengthening of Consumption Tax Tax Declaration and Tax Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Further Strengthening the Administration of Consumption Tax Declaration and Tax Credit (Guo Shui Han [2006] No. 769)
34 Determination of the Scope of Consumption Tax on Consumption Tax for Finished Oil SAT No Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on the Issues of Relevant Policies on Consumption Tax (Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation No. 47 of 2012)
35 Examination of Applicable Industries and Profit Rates of Non-resident Enterprises by Competent Tax Authorities SAT No Approved Collection and Management of Income Tax for Non Administrative Measures for the Approved Collection of Income Tax of Non-resident Enterprises (Guo Shui Fa [2010] No. 19)
36 Approval of Selection of Competent Tax Authorities by Non-domestic Registered Resident Enterprises SAT None Administrative Measures for the Income Tax of Overseas-registered Chinese Holding Resident Enterprises (for Trial Implementation) (Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation 2011 No. 45)
37 Approval of Changes in the Tax Authorities of Overseas-registered Chinese Holding Resident Enterprises SAT No Examination and approval of changes in tax authorities State Administration of Taxation None Measures for the Administration of Income Tax of Resident Enterprises with Overseas Registered Chinese Capital Holding (for Trial Implementation) (Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation No. 45 of 2011)
38 Approval of Defense Patent Application Rights, Patent Transfer and Implementation State Administration of Science and Industry for National Defense None Defense Patent Regulations (Decree No. 418 of the State Council and the Central Military Commission)
39 National Social Organizations Preparatory examination and approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs requires the examination and consent of the business unit in charge Regulations on the Registration and Administration of Social Organizations (Decree of the State Council No. 250)
40 Approval of projects financed by the Social Welfare Fund Ministry of Civil Affairs No Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Retention of Part of the Approval Items of Non-Administrative License (State Council Office of the State Council [2004] No. 62)
Interim Measures for the Management of the Use of the Social Welfare Fund (Cai Shi Zi [1998] No. 124)
41 Veterinary Drug Production License Issuance Ministry of Agriculture None Regulations on the Administration of Veterinary Drugs (State Council Decree No. 404)
Decentralized to the provincial people's governments, veterinary administrative departments
42 Hydrology, water resources survey and evaluation agencies qualification certification Ministry of Water Resources None The State Council on the need to retain the administrative approval of the decision on the project setting Decision of the State Council on the Setting of Administrative Approval Items that Need to be Retained (State Council Decree No. 412)
The Chinese People's **** and the State Hydrological Regulations (State Council Decree No. 496)
43 Approval of the Annual Plan of Dangerous Reservoirs Rehabilitation Project Ministry of Water Resources No Notice on the Issues Relating to the Management of Further Strengthening of the Project of Removal and Reinforcement of Dangerous Reservoirs (NDRC Agricultural Economics 〔2005〕 806)
44 Rural Drinking Water Safety Projects
44 Rural Drinking Water Safety Project Annual Plan Approval Ministry of Water Resources No Notice on Strengthening the Construction and Operation Management of Rural Drinking Water Safety Projects (NDRC Agricultural Economics [2007] No. 1752)
45 Approval of Bond Transactions and Circulation in the Inter-bank Bond Market The People's Bank of China No The State Council's Decision on the Setting of Administrative Licenses for Administrative Approval Programs Which Need to be Retained (Order of the State Council No. 412)
45 The People's Republic of China No Decision of the State Council on the Setting of Administrative Permits for Administrative Approval Items that Need to be Retained (Decree of the State Council No. 412)
National Inter-bank Bond Market Bond Transaction Circulation Audit Rules (People's Bank of China Announcement No. 19 of 2004)
46 Approval of Temporary Increase in the Limit of Logging for the Construction of National Key Projects or Major Natural Disasters National Forestry Administration No The State Council approved the Forestry Bureau on the national "Twelfth Five-Year" period of the annual forest harvesting limit review of the notice "(State Development [2011] No. 3) 47 into the forestry department management of the national nature reserves for teaching internships, visits, film shooting, mountaineering and other activities for examination and approval National Forestry Administration No "forest and wildlife types of nature reserves management measures" (June 21, 1985, approved by the State Council, the State Forestry Bureau of July 6, 1985, the State Forestry Bureau of the State Council of the People's Republic of China) (Approved by the State Council on June 21, 1985, and issued by the Ministry of Forestry on July 6, 1985)
Delegated to the forestry administrative department of the provincial people's government
48 Approval of launching the implementation of the first-level contingency plan for forest pest emergencies State Forestry Administration None Measures for the Disposal of Forestry Pest Emergencies (Decree of the State Forestry Administration No. 13) Canceled
49 Approval of adjusting the task of constructing public welfare forests for the Tianbao project State Forestry Administration National Development and Reform Commission "National Development and Reform Commission, the State Forestry Administration on the second phase of the natural forest resources protection project on the issuance of the 2011 central budget investment plan notice" (Development and Reform Investment 〔2011〕 No. 1620)
50 Days of protection project forest cultivation construction task adjustment approval State Forestry Administration National Development and Reform Commission "National Development and Reform Commission, the State Forestry Administration on the Notice on Issuing the 2011 Central Budget Investment Plan for Phase II of the Natural Forest Resources Protection Project (NDRC Investment [2011] No. 1620)
51 Cross-regional Key Extension and Demonstration Project Approval State Forestry Administration None Interim Measures for the Management of Central Finance Forestry Science and Technology Extension and Demonstration Funds (Cai Nong [2009] No. 289)
52 Provincial Returning Farmland to Forestry Annual Audit of provincial implementation programs State Forestry Administration None Regulations on Returning Farmland to Forests (State Council Decree No. 367)
53 Consolidation of the results of returning farmland to forests Special Planning Approval State Forestry Administration
National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Water Resources
The State Council's Circular on the Improvement of Policies for Returning Farmland to Forests (National Development [2007] No. 25)
Measures for Consolidating Special Planning and Construction Project Management for the Results of Returning Farmland to Forests (Development and Reform West [2010] No. 1382)
Measures for Consolidating Special Funds for Consolidating Special Funds for the Results of Returning Farmland to Forests (Cai Nong [2007] No. 327)
54 Approval of Eco-tourism Planning for National Nature Reserves National Forestry Administration None Measures for the Management of Forests and Wildlife Types Nature Reserves Measures for the Management of Nature Reserves of Forest and Wildlife Types (Approved by the State Council on June 21, 1985, and issued by the Ministry of Forestry on July 6, 1985)
Technical Procedures for Ecotourism Planning in Nature Reserves (GB/T20416-2006)
Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Doing a Good Job in the Management of Nature Reserves (Guobanfa [2010] No. 63)
No Opinions of the State Forestry Administration on Strengthening the Construction and Management of Nature Reserves" (Lin Guifa [2005] No. 55)
55 Approval of Maritime and Coastal Zone Improvement and Restoration Projects (Sea Area Category) State Oceanic Administration None The State Council on the Approval of National Marine Functional Zoning (2011-2020) (State Letter [2012] No. 13) Canceled
56 The State Council approved the registration of buildings and facilities for island projects. Approval of Registration of Buildings and Facilities for Island Use Projects Approved by the State Council State Oceanic Administration None Measures for Registration of the Right to Use Uninhabited Sea Islands (Guo Hai Dao Zi [2010] No. 775)
Trial Measures for Approval of Applications for Use of Uninhabited Sea Islands (Guo Hai Dao Zi [2011] No. 225)
57 Approval of Implementation Plan for Island Rectification and Restoration Projects State Oceanic Administration None Temporary Measures for the Management of the Utilization of Sea Area Utilization Funds (Cai Jian [2012] No. 3) Canceled
58 Interim Measures for the Administration of the Use of Funds for the Use of Sea Areas (Cai Jian [2009] No. 491)
Measures for the Administration of the Collection and Use of Funds for the Use of Uninhabited Sea Islands (Cai Guang [2010] No. 44)
58 Acceptance of the remediation and restoration projects for sea islands State Oceanic Administration No Interim Measures for the Administration of the Use of Funds for the Use of Sea Areas (Cai Jian [2009] No. 491)
59 The scientific and technological investigation and innovation organization of the Ministry of Education Recognition of the Ministry of Education None Opinions of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Further Regulating the Work of the Ministry of Education's Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation Institutions (Office of Education and Technology Development [2004] No. 1)
60 Approval of the Extension of the Remittance of Geological Data Ministry of Land and Resources None Regulations on the Management of Geological Data (Decree of the State Council No. 349)
61 Approval of the Implementation Plan for Land Surveys Ministry of Land and Resources No Regulations on Land Surveys (Decree of the State Council No. 518) Land Survey Regulations (State Council Decree No. 518) 62 Mineral Resources Development and Utilization Approval in Mineral Reserve Areas Ministry of Land and Resources None Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Issuance of the Provisions on the Major Responsibilities, Internal Organizations and Staffing of the Ministry of Land and Resources (Guo Ban Fa 〔2008〕 No. 71)
Notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources on the Issuance of the Opinions on the Pilot Work of Reserve of Mineral Resources (Guo Ban Fa 〔2011〕 No. 128)
No. 2011] No. 128)
63 The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level to access the geological data review during the protection period Ministry of Land and Resources None Regulations on the Management of Geological Data (State Council Decree No. 349)
Measures for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Management of Geological Data (Ministry of Land and Resources Decree No. 16)
64 Review of the planning of environmental protection for mines and mines of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government Planning Review and Audit Ministry of Land and Resources None Provisions on Geological Environmental Protection of Mines (Order of the Ministry of Land and Resources No. 44)
65 Approval of the List of Paleontological Fossil Producing Sites under Key Protection Ministry of Land and Resources None Regulations on the Protection of Paleontological Fossils (Order of the State Council No. 580)
Methods for Implementing the Regulations on the Protection of Paleontological Fossils (Order of the Ministry of Land and Resources No. 57)
66 Approval of the Ministry of Land and Resources for the Construction of Scientific and Technological Platforms Ministry of Land and Resources None Decision of the State Council on Strengthening Geological Work (Guo Fa [2006] No. 4)
Notice on the Organization of Naming and Construction of Field Scientific Observation and Research Bases of the Ministry of Land and Resources (Land Resource Development [2010] No. 213)
Opinions of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Further Strengthening the Work of Scientific and Technological Innovation (Land and Resources Development [2013] No. 72)
67 Approval of the Setting of Whole Mounted Exploration Areas Ministry of Land and Resources None Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Transmission of the Outline of the Strategic Action Program for Finding Mineral Breakthroughs (2011-2020) by the Ministry of Land and Resources and Other Departments (State Council Office [2011] No. 57)
Notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources on the Accelerated Promotion of the Notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Accelerating the Promotion of Integral Exploration to Achieve Significant Breakthroughs in Mineral Search (Guo Ban Fa [2012] No. 140) 68 Adjustment of Approval of Mineral Exploration Risk Classification Ministry of Land and Resources No Notice of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Further Improving the Management of Mining Rights to Promote Integral Exploration (Guo Ban Fa [2011] No. 55)
69 Qualification Certification of Ship Pollutant Removal Operational Units Ministry of Transport No Regulations on Administration of the Regulations on Pollution of the Marine Environment (2011) No Regulations on the Administration of Prevention and Control of Marine Environmental Pollution from Ships (State Council Decree No. 561)
70 Issuance of Certificate of Civil Liability Insurance for Oil Pollution Damage from Ships or Certificate of Financial Guarantee Ministry of Transportation None Regulations on the Administration of Prevention and Control of Marine Environmental Pollution from Ships (State Council Decree No. 561)
Decentralized to the Provincial Level and Below Maritime Institutions
71 Qualification Certification of Class A Enterprises in Supervision of Maritime Transportation Projects Ministry of Transportation None Regulations on Quality Management of Construction Projects (State Council Decree No. 279)
Provisions on the Administration of Qualifications of Highway and Water Transportation Project Supervision Enterprises (Ministry of Transportation Decree No. 5 of 2004)
Decentralized to the provincial-level people's government departments in charge of transportation administration
72 Foreign-funded Enterprises, Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, and Sino-Foreign Cooperative Enterprises Operating in the Approval of Waterway Transportation along Coasts, Rivers, Lakes and Other Navigable Waters of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Transportation None Regulations on the Administration of Domestic Waterway Transportation (Decree of the State Council No. 625)
Delegated to the Administrative Department of Transportation of the People's Government at the Provincial Level
73 Recognition of Qualifications of Personnel for the Waterway Transportation of Hazardous Chemicals Ministry of Transportation None Regulations on the Safe Management of Hazardous Chemicals ( Regulations on the Safe Management of Dangerous Chemicals (State Council Decree No. 591)
Sub-item "Qualification Recognition of Loading and Unloading Management Personnel" is decentralized to the administrative department of transportation under the provincial people's government. Sub-item "declaration of personnel qualification recognition" and "container site inspector qualification recognition" decentralized to the provincial level and the following maritime administration
74 radiation protection equipment and radioactive products testing organizations, medical institutions, radioactive hazard evaluation (Class A) agency accreditation National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHPC) National Health and Family Planning Commission No "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases"
Notice on the Division of Responsibilities of Occupational Health Supervisory Departments (No. 104 of the Central Editorial Office of the People's Government of the People's Republic of China [2010])
Delegated to the provincial people's governments' competent administrative departments of health and family planning
75 Review of scientific research projects related to highly pathogenic pathogenic microorganisms National Health and Family Planning Commission No National Health and Family Planning Commission None Regulations on the Management of Biosafety of Pathogenic Microorganisms (State Council Decree No. 424)
76 Approval for the Extension of Payment of Customs Tariffs and Customs Taxes on Behalf of Import Sectors General Administration of Customs None Regulations on Import and Export Tariffs of the People's Republic of China*** and the State (State Council Decree No. 392)
Decision of the State Council on the Elimination and Decentralization of a Number of Administrative Approval Programs (Guo Fa [2013] No. 44) Canceled (State Council Decree No. 44) Canceled Formerly directly under the Customs examination and approval
77 Customs duties and import links on behalf of the Customs late payment tax reduction and exemption approval General Administration of Customs No "Interim Provisions on Customs Duty Late Payment Reduction and Exemption" (Department of Taxation [2012] No. 437)
78 Measurement of the qualification of inspectors approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision No "Chinese People's Republic of China and the State of Measurement Act"
"Chinese People's Republic of China and the State of Measurement Act Implementation Rules"
"Chinese People's Republic of China and State Metrology Law Implementing Rules" (approved by the State Council on January 19, 1987, issued by the State Bureau of Weights and Measures on February 1, 1987)
Delegated to the provincial people's government departments of quality supervision
79 Equipment Supervision Unit Class A qualification certificate issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision No The State Council of the State Council on the administrative examination and approval of the project to set up the decision to retain administrative licensing (State Council Decree No. 412)< /p>
"The State Council on the sixth batch of cancellation and adjustment of administrative approval projects decision" (State Council [2012] No. 52)
Delegated to the provincial people's government departments of quality supervision
80 involving personal property safety and health of important export commodities registration AQSIQ None "The Chinese People's Republic of China and the State Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law Enforcement Regulations" (State Council Decree 447)
79 Equipment Supervision Unit Class A Qualification Certificate Certification
81 National Referee Approval General Administration of Sport No Measures for the Administration of Sports Competition Referees (Trial) (Sports Competition Word [1999] No. 153)
82 Civil Aircraft (Engine, Propeller) Production License (PC) Civil Aviation Administration of China No Chinese People's Republic of China Civil Aviation Law
Chinese People's Republic of China Regulations on the Administration of Airworthiness of Aircraft of the People's Republic of China (issued by the State Council on May 4, 1987)
Delegated to the Civil Aviation Regional Administrations (CARA)
83 Accreditation of Qualifications of Civil Aviation Metrological Inspectors CAAC None The People's Republic of China (PRC) Measurement Law (PRC)
The Rules for the Implementation of the Measurement Law of the People's Republic of China (PRC) (approved by the State Council on January 19, 1987 and issued by the State Bureau of Metrology (SBMA) on February 1, 1987) (Approved by the State Council on January 19, 1987, and issued by the State Bureau of Weights and Measures on February 1, 1987)
Delegated to the Civil Aviation Regional Administration (CAARA)
84 Approval of the Qualification of Air Operators for Transportation of Dangerous Goods CAAC None Decision of the State Council on the Setting of Administrative Licenses for Administrative Examination and Approval Programs Which Need to be Retained (State Council Decree No. 412)
Delegated to the Civil Aviation Regional Administration (CAARA)
85 Qualification Approval of Licensed Flight of Civil Aircraft Qualification Recognition of Civil Aircraft Licensed Flights CAAC None Decision of the State Council on Setting Administrative Licenses for Administrative Approval Items that Need to be Retained (State Council Decree No. 412)
Delegated to the Regional Civil Aviation Administrations (RAA)
86 Qualification Recognition of Aviation Safety Officers CAAC None Decision of the State Council on Setting Administrative Licenses for Administrative Approval Items that Need to be Retained (State Council Decree No. 412)
Delegated to RAA p>Delegated to the Regional Civil Aviation Authorities
87 Civil Aviation Enterprises and Airports Joint, Reorganization and Restructuring Audit Civil Aviation Administration of China None Decision of the State Council on the Setting of Administrative Licenses for Administrative Approval Items that Need to be Retained (State Council Decree No. 412)
Decision of the State Council on the Sixth Batch of Cancellation and Adjustment of Administrative Approval Items (Guofa 〔2012〕 No. 52)
< p>Delegated to the Civil Aviation Regional Administration88 Civil Aircraft Address Code Assignment CAAC None General Office of the State Council on the retention of some of the non-administrative licensing approvals notice (Guo Ban Fa [2004] No. 62)
89 Military Industrial Products Storage Depot level 1 risk level determination and technical prevention engineering program review and acceptance of the project Ministry of Public Security
State National Defense Science and Industry Bureau
The State Council on the need to retain the administrative approval of the decision to set administrative licensing projects (State Council Decree No. 412)
Delegated to the public security organs of the provincial people's government
90 certificate of sailing Hong Kong and Macao ships issued by the Ministry of Public Security None The State Council on the need to retain the administrative approval of the decision to set administrative licensing projects (State Council Decree No. 412)
91 First-class cultural relics, the first level of identification and technical precautionary engineering programs review and engineering acceptance p>
91 First-class cultural relics system risk unit security technology preventive engineering design plan approval and acceptance of the project Ministry of Public Security None General Office of the State Council on the retention of some of the non-administrative licensing approval project notice (State Council [2004] No. 62)
Risk level of cultural relics system museums and the provisions of the level of security protection (GA27-2002)
92 Narcotic drugs, the first class of psychotropic substances and the second class of psychotropic substances API designated production approval Food and Drug Administration None Regulations on the Administration of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (State Council Decree No. 442)
Delegated to the food and drug regulatory departments of the provincial people's governments
93 New construction, expansion, alteration of the construction project to avoid endangering the national benchmark climate station, the basic meteorological station meteorological detection Environment Examination and Approval China Meteorological Administration None Chinese People's **** and State Meteorological Law
Regulations on the Environmental Protection of Meteorological Facilities and Meteorological Detection (State Council Decree No. 623)
Delegated to the provincial meteorological authorities
94 Examination and Approval of Commercial Cryptographic Research Units National Cryptographic Administration None Regulations on the Administration of Commercial Cryptography (State Council Decree No. 273)