Trump's suspension of WHO funding criticized bitterly! Bill Gates, Lancet editor-in-chief have spoken out

Again, it's time for the deep-space editor with no ink in his stomach and only dry goods to brag to everyone... No, it's time for news. It's a nice day, just the right time to read the latest news and relax.

The New Crown epidemic is growing worldwide, with nearly 635,000 cases of New Crown Pneumonia diagnosed in the United States, and President Donald Trump is getting more and more magical.

On April 14, 2020, Donald Trump announced that he was suspending funding for the World Health Organization, criticizing the WHO for serious mismanagement of the outbreak when it first appeared in Wuhan, for failing to share information about the outbreak in a timely manner, and for failing to provide timely advice on preventing the outbreak and declaring a global pandemic afterward, for which he believes the WHO must be held accountable.

Donald Trump, who believes that WHO is too China-centric, said in his speech:

We are y concerned about whether U.S. generosity to WHO is being optimally rewarded. The U.S. will work with WHO to reform its failures, but at the same time we will invest our money elsewhere. We will change the direction of global health and work directly with others. Next we will financially assist very strong, influential, and smart teams in medicine, politics, and many other areas of discussion.

The U.S. has been the "largest single funder" of the WHO, according to NBC, and has now given the organization about $893 million, or about 15 percent of its budget over the past two years.

Opposed by all sides

Donald Trump's statement was greeted with much debate in the community.

Bill Gates said that Donald Trump's decision to stop U.S. funding for WHO during a global health crisis is dangerous:

If WHO's work stops, no other organization can replace them. Now, more than ever, the world needs WHO.

It's worth noting that Bill Gates has previously been embroiled in conspiracy theories foreign netizens believe that Bill Gates is going to use vaccines to achieve the so-called 'Human Removal Program'.

But in fact, Bill Gates for the response to the epidemic to make the action has witnessed:

January 27, 2020, the Gates Foundation announced the provision of $ 5 million in emergency grants, and to provide the corresponding technical and expert support;

February 25, 2020, the Gates Foundation announced a commitment to invest up to $ 100 million in grants, including the end of January, has been committed to investing in the fight against the vaccine, and to provide support for the vaccine. 5 million already committed in late January to combat the outbreak to support the global response to the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak;

On April 15, 2020, the Gates Foundation announced an additional $150 million in grants, bringing the total amount committed by the Foundation to more than $250 million.

Currently in the medical community, many people have also voiced their opposition.

Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, a leading international academic journal, tweeted that Donald Trump's approach is a crime against all of humanity.

Tom Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University, said on Fox News:

The U.S. needs WHO to function properly, and it's that organization that's helping the world prepare for and respond to outbreaks.

Scott Gottlieb, the former head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, also said on Face the Nation:

Suspending funding for the WHO in the face of the worst outbreak in a century would be like cutting off ammunition to an ally.

Additionally, many in the U.S. media believe that Donald Trump's attack on the WHO is too hypocritical, mainly because:

Donald Trump criticized the WHO for failing to declare a global pandemic in a timely manner, despite the fact that Donald Trump did nothing after the WHO declared the pandemic to be a public ****health ****ing emergency;

Donald Trump's criticism of the WHO's failure to declare a global pandemic in a timely manner is not supported by his own comments. p>

Donald Trump's travel ban was not as comprehensive and successful as he claimed, with 40,000 people still arriving in the United States from China after the travel ban was enacted;

Donald Trump's own tweets praised China's efforts to fight the pandemic, but blamed the WHO for failing to point out China's lack of transparency in announcing the true extent of the outbreak.

The Democratic National Committee issued a statement saying:

The president's approach further jeopardizes public health by attempting to deflect blame from his own failures.Donald Trump's incompetence has made this crisis worse.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was outraged by the statement, saying Donald Trump is dictatorial and wants to be king.

Returning to a rational consideration of the outbreak itself, many people agreed that Donald Trump's approach was ill-timed.

U.N. Secretary-General Guterres said:

Cutting the resources needed for WHO or any other humanitarian organization to operate is untimely, and WHO must be supported, which is absolutely critical to the global effort to defeat the new crown epidemic.

Currently, countries have also expressed their opposition to Donald Trump's approach. On April 15, 2020, our Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Zhao Lijian, said:

The current situation of the global epidemic is serious and at a critical moment. The U.S. decision will weaken the capacity of WHO and jeopardize international cooperation in the fight against the epidemic, affecting all countries in the world, including the United States, especially those with fragile capacities. We urge the U.S. to fulfill its responsibilities and obligations and support WHO in leading the international fight against the epidemic.

WHO response: regret

In a speech on April 15, 2020, local time, in the face of Donald Trump's remarks, WHO Director General Tandace said:

We regret the decision by the US President to suspend funding to the World Health Organization. WHO is reviewing the implications for us of the US funding suspension. We will work with partners to find ways to fill any financial gaps and ensure that the work of the organization continues uninterrupted. WHO's performance in responding to the pandemic will also be reviewed by WHO Member States and the independent bodies responsible for ensuring transparency and accountability. WHO has been fighting the pandemic with dedication and commitment since the beginning of the outbreak. It is our commitment to the world that we will continue to fight through thick and thin to stop the pandemic.

In fact, WHO Special Envoy David Nabarro said earlier:

The whole world has been affected by the new crown epidemic. Businesses are in trouble and communities are in trouble. I really hope that all countries will refrain from threatening or otherwise acting against WHO for any reason that would undermine our ability to bring together the best and most complete information about the outbreak.

According to Tandesay's speech, WHO has taken a number of steps in response to the outbreak, such as organizing online courses to train health care workers, providing technical guidance to ministers of health, health workers and individuals, working with countries to speed up the development of vaccines, setting up a U.N. supply-chain task force to expand the distribution of essential medical equipment, and organizing a foundation to raise funds.

But it's worth noting that this isn't the first time Donald Trump has blamed WHO and threatened to cut off funding.

Foreign Policy magazine reported that when Donald Trump presented his fiscal 2021 budget in February 2020, he proposed to cut funding to WHO to $58 million, down from $123 million the previous year.

Based on this, the media are speculating that Donald Trump's announcement to cut off funding to WHO may also be a means to push through this reduction. In that case, the WHO bashing is more of a front than anything else.

CDC to continue working with WHO

But on April 15, 2020, CDC Director Robert Redfield said he would continue to work side-by-side with the WHO in an effort to contain the outbreak and protect the American public.

Many netizens said it was as if the president had been slapped hard in the face.

Donald Trump, who has been a member of the public for many years, appeared to be completely unfazed by the outbreak, and did not respond to any of the objections.

April 15, 2020, local time, Donald Trump in the White House briefing on the new crown epidemic, just said, according to the new case data, the peak of the U.S. epidemic has passed, and hope that before May 1, some states can restart the economy.

As the new coronavirus rages, the world needs to be more connected than ever, as stated in the Constitution of the World Health Organization:

The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of all human beings. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, political belief, economic or social circumstances.

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