What does the icon on an ambulance mean?
The cross, which symbolizes medical care, will be withdrawn from the 120 emergency network. In its place is the blue snake staff, the blue snake staff through the Star of Life, meaning to save lives. 120's front-line first responders and ambulances, will be fully dressed, both ambulance body, or first aid doctors, nurses, cold suits, reflective undershirts, concierge suits, spring and autumn clothing, will be in the obvious parts of the wear a new logo. \x0d\\\x0d\\ related first aid stations will also be unified logo \x0d\\x0d\ for the first aid personnel dress, before 1997, 120 first aid personnel uniforms are just a simple white lab coat and white pants; in 1997, the first aid doctor to wear a chest printed with the "** First Aid Center" of the words of the white jacket; In 2002, they began to print their own blue logo on their clothes; in 2003, they changed their logo; by the end of this year, the first aid center will have completed the replacement of the clothing of the front-line clinic staff, and the first aid logo will also be unified. \x0d\\\\\x0d\\uniform logo helps to arrive at the scene in time \x0d\\\\x0d\\healthcare emergency response system should be unified with a logo, including first aid uniforms, badges, armbands, vehicle passes, etc., to ensure that public ****health emergency response teams are able to arrive at the scene in the first place in a safe and smooth manner \x0d\\\x0d\\so why was the snake staff chosen as the logo? See: \x0d\\\\x0d\\ as a medical symbol \x0d\\\\\x0d\ there are two major systems of medical symbols in the world: one is the double-snake-wrapped staff, with two wings on top, and the other is the single-snake-wrapped staff. The double-snake, double-winged staff is derived from the Greek mythological magic wand of Hermes/Macri, the messenger of the gods. The single-serpent staff is the main symbol of the Roman god of healing, Achilles. Traditionally, the single-serpent wand has been considered to be the orthodox medical symbol. Whether it is a single-snake staff or a double-snake staff, both imply the meaning of "sex", indicating that the root of healing comes from the miraculous power to create life, which can be corresponded to by the Sanskrit word Kundalini, which is translated into Chinese as "spiritual quantity". In short, the snake staff symbolizes magical healing and neutral medical ethics. \x0d\\\\x0d\\ God's messenger Hermes \x0d\\x0d\ Greek mythology God's messenger Hermes (Hermes) is Zeus (Zeus) and Maia (Maia) son, he is in charge of business, travel and athletics and other physical exercise, and even includes theft, in short, he is in charge of all the activities that require skill (skill and dexterity). In short, he was in charge of all activities that required skill and dexterity. He was a messenger of the Greek gods, wearing a hat with feathers on his head, shoes with feathers on his feet, and a wand with two serpents entwined around it (Caduceus), which had the effect of hypnosis, and once Zeus instructed Hermes to hypnotize Argus, the hundred-eyed giant who was guarding his mistress, with this wand. \x0d\\\\x0d\\Roman mythology's Mercury \x0d\\\x0d\In Roman mythology, Mercury is comparable to the Greek mythological god Hermes. Mercury, the messenger of Venus, is shown on the far left of Botticelli's famous painting "Spring" in 1480, using a wand with a serpent entwined in it to ward off the clouds, so that the garden of Venus will always have an everlasting spring. He is said to have invented the lyre, an ancient plucked string instrument. One day he found a tortoise, removed its shell, drilled holes in the rim, and threaded linen thread through the holes, and the new instrument was born. The thread was divided into nine strands in honor of the nine Muses, who held the power of literature and the arts. Mercury offered the lira to Apollo, the sun god, in exchange for the magical serpent staff (Caduceus). Also, the word Mercury is the planet Mercury of the nine planets as well as the chemical element mercury. \x0d\\\\x0d\\The meaning represented by the double serpent staff \x0d\\x0d\The double serpent staff (caduceus; Greek karukeion), the symbol of Hermes/Mercury, the messenger of the gods, also represents the herald's rod, with two serpents entwined to the left and right, their heads facing each other, and a pair of angelic wings at the top of some of the staffs. In modern times, the double serpent staff is seen as a symbol of the trade and transportation industry, as well as medicine, and alchemy. There is also a legend that when Macri threw his staff between two snakes that were biting, the snakes were reunited. Therefore, the double-snake staff is also regarded as a symbol of peace. \x0d\\\\x0d\\ God of Medicine Asclepius \x0d\\\x0d\ Asclepius (Latin aesculapius) was the god of medicine in Roman mythology. He is depicted holding a wooden rod entwined with a spirit snake. Why did the Greeks associate this symbol with medicine? Because snakes shed their skin every year, which was always considered a process of recovery and renewal. The stick represents the vertebrae of the human body, which is also the location of the middle chakra. It represents the activity of the spiritual energy as it rises up the middle chakra in a double helix. Coincidentally, this double helix pattern of spiritual energy activity is very similar to the structure of the DNA molecule, which is the genetic material of the human body. In ancient times, especially in the hospital located in the medical spa, the snake is revered as a sacred object. It is said that when ancient Rome was ravaged by the plague, the people brought in Achilles, who was incarnated as a giant serpent, and the plague immediately disappeared. \x0d\\\\\x0d\\Nile? The cross of Nicholas LeMay \x0d\\\x0d\\ The totem of a serpent nailed to a cross that appears in "Steel Alchemy" actually originated from the 14th century French alchemist Nicholas LeMay (Nicholas LeMay). The cross of Nicholas Flamel, the man who created the Sage's Stone. Alchemy first came from Egypt, and the great medieval alchemist Geber (Geber 721- 815, originally a physician) published a considerable number of books on the subject, and most scientists of the time agreed with Geber's hypothesis that all metallic substances belonged to the same species, since they all evolved from the ideal forms of mercury and sulfur. All metals could therefore be transformed into each other under the right technical conditions. By means of the "Stone of the Magi", the alchemist could transform metals such as iron, copper, lead, tin, etc., into silver and gold. Minerals plus blood, hair, feces, and other various substances, after various chemical reagents, and then through the basic process of smelting, sublimation and distillation, the essence can be extracted to be refined and purified, through this long period of refining process, some people claim to be made into a panacea for longevity, and some people claim to have been refined into gold, which is the basic concept of alchemy. Later on, Niels Henrik Lemay made mercury and sulphur into gold, which was the basic concept of alchemy. LeMay took the ideal form of mercury and sulphur in the form of a serpent wrapped around a cross with a pair of wings and a crown at the top as the basic symbol of Western Alchemy, with the idea of the generative cycle of all things in the world. \x0d\\\x0d\\ The power to raise the dead \x0d\\\x0d\ The cross represents the Tree of Life / Tree of Wisdom in Christian beliefs, because Eve was seduced by the serpent and tasted the forbidden fruit, which led to the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, and took the responsibility for childbearing, and suffered from the agony of pregnancy for the rest of their lives, and the serpent entwined in the Tree of Wisdom represents "sex", which is also the origin of life. The cross also symbolizes salvation because Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead three days later, so the cross also represents the power to heal and raise the dead. The New Testament writes: "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so also the Son of Man was lifted up, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.