The correct use of heat pads three to four not to ensure safety

Winter is here, many people in order to relax the tense muscles, often choose to maintain a certain temperature of the heat pad to achieve therapeutic purposes, but do you know? If you do not pay attention to the use of temperature and time, may cause burns or dermatitis injury, but the loss is not worth it! Because of the first level of medical equipment, power-type heat pads have been welcomed by many people, not only to provide dry heat treatment of the body surface of the power of medical equipment, but also to maintain a certain temperature when using. However, due to the frequent use of the winter season, accidents are frequently rumored, it is recommended that the public in the use of heat pads should pay attention to the "three to four do not" to ensure safety: three to: First, pay attention to the temperature: heat pads in direct contact with the surface of the skin, the temperature should be at 45 ℃ or less; if it is a heat pad and the skin interval between the clothes or towels, the temperature of the heat pads can be adjusted up to 50 ℃. Second, to control the time: hot compresses should not be more than about 15 to 20 minutes, otherwise it may be due to heat accumulation in the body surface and lead to burns. Third, be careful location: the more tender parts of the skin (such as the neck), the heat tolerance is lower, so you need to pay attention to the location of the use of hot pads to avoid burns. Four do not: First, do not use in infants and those who are slow to feel the temperature (such as pregnant women, diabetic patients, etc.). Not to be used in flammable environments or near oxygen-filled and oxygen-storage equipment. Do not use or store the heat pads in a way that forcefully folds or twists them. Fourth, do not use pins or other metal objects to fix the heat pad to avoid electric shock. Food and Drug Administration said that in the purchase of power-type heat pads, please keep in mind the "medical material three steps to peace of mind, a recognition of the two look at the three will be used", "a recognition" to recognize the power-type heat pads for medical devices; "two look" should be seen before purchasing the package whether there is a publication approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the "Medical Device License number" and the complete labeling of the contents of the manufacturer's name, address, name, etc., and to confirm the date of manufacture and retention period and other information; "three will use Read the instruction manual before use to ensure proper use of the product. If you need to check the information related to drug-licensed products, you can go to the Drug License Database on the FDA website. After using a medical device, if you find that the quality of the medical device is not good, or that the use of the medical device has caused a serious adverse reaction, you can immediately notify the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the National Center for Adverse Drug Reaction Notification.