What accounting system is adapted for not-for-profit hospitals?

Non-profit hospitals should implement the Hospital Accounting System.

The financial report of the hospital includes two parts:

1) Accounting statement.

"Hospital Accounting System" stipulates:

Hospitals report accounting statements to the outside world are "balance sheet", "income and expenditure summary", "medical income and expenditure detailed table

The hospital's "Statement of Fundamental Facts" is reported along with the above accounting statements. Among them, "balance sheet", "summary of income and expenditure", "statement of changes in funds" as the main statement, "medical income and expenditure schedule The "Balance Sheet", "Summary of Income and Expenditures" and "Statement of Fund Changes" are the main statements, while the "Medical Income and Expenditures Statement", "Pharmaceutical Income and Expenditures Statement" and "Statement of Basic Information" are the auxiliary statements. They reflect the financial situation of the hospital from different sides, forming a hospital statement system. Hospitals can also be based on their own needs, the provisions of some internal statements to meet the hospital to strengthen management, to carry out revenue and expenditure, the need for departmental accounting.

②Financial statement.

Financial statement is to help users understand the statement of the hospital's financial position and financial results, the written information provided. The main description of the hospital's operations, balances and their distribution, fund increases, decreases and turnover, changes in various property and materials

Statements are generally submitted to the Department of Health and Finance.

Other information has been sent to the mailbox.

The Hospital Accounting System and the Hospital Financial System are for non-profit medical organizations.

Hospital accounting is on an accrual basis.

The elements of hospital accounting include assets, liabilities, net assets, revenues, and expenses.

Names and Numbers of Accounting Accounts

Serial Number Number Name

I. Asset Classes

1 1001 Cash on Hand

2 1002 Bank Deposits

3 1003 Zero-Balance Accounts Used for Funds

4 1004 Other Monetary Funds

5 1101 Short-Term Investments

6 1201 Fiscal refundable amount

120101 Fiscal direct payment

120102 Fiscal authorized payment

7 1211 Medical receivables from in-hospital patients

8 1212 Medical receivables

9 1215 Other accounts receivable

10 1221 Bad debt provision

11 1231 Prepayments

12 1301 Inventories

13 1302 Materials in Process

14 1401 Amortized Expenses

15 1501 Long-Term Investments

150101 Equity Investments

150102 Debt Investments

16 1601 Fixed assets

17 1602 Accumulated depreciation

18 1611 Construction in progress

19 1621 Liquidation of fixed assets

20 1701 Intangible assets

21 1702 Accumulated amortization

22 1801 Long-term amortization

23 1901 Profit or loss of property to be disposed of

II. Liabilities

24 2001 Short-term borrowings

25 2101 Contributions payable

26 2201 Notes payable

27 2202 Accounts payable

28 2203 Medical receipts in advance

29 2204 Employee compensation in advance

30 2205 Benefits payable

31 2206 Social security payable

32 2207 Taxes payable

33 2209 Other payables

34 2301 Withholding expenses

35 2401 Long-term loans

36 2402 Long-term accounts payable

III. Net asset class

p>37 3001 Business Fund

38 3101 Specialized Fund

39 3201 Funds to be offset

320101 Funds to be offset from the financial fund

320102 Funds to be offset from the science and education project fund

40 3301 Carryover of financial subsidies (balance)

41 3302 Carryover of science and education projects (balance)

42 3401 Current Balance

43 3501 Balance Distribution

4. Income Categories

44 4001 Medical Income

400101 Outpatient Income

400102 Inpatient Income

45 4101 Financial Assistance Income

410101 Basic Expenditure

410102 Project Expenditure

46 4201 Income from Science and Technology Programs

47 4301 Other Income

V. Expenses

48 5001 Cost of Medical Services

5101 Expenditure of Financial Assistance for Projects

50 5201 Expenditure of Science and Technology Programs

51 5301 Expenditure of Medical Services

5201 Expenditure of Medical Services

5301 Expenditure of Medical Services

51 5301 Administrative Expenses

52 5302 Other Expenses