Which is the best pure water equipment



American EVERPURE (EVERPURE) drinking water equipment is the world's most famous raw drinking water treatment equipment, the U.S. NSF rated as "the first level of raw drinking water equipment". American AHP brand water purifier has 75 years of professional history, with a high degree of reliability and excellent water treatment technology, after many years of practical testing of users in more than 100 countries around the world is the first choice for home and business.


LISE water purifier is China's water purifier to do the most single product manufacturers, but get surprising results, LISE water purifier is one of China's most promising water brand, is currently one of the few in the world can independently develop high-performance ultrafiltration membrane and reach industrialized production of large-scale ultrafiltration membrane suppliers.

3, Qinyuan

Qinyuan water purifier is a relatively late but fast-developing water purifier manufacturers, with the increase in the number of agents, the development of the market, Qinyuan product quality and after-sales service efforts to improve the quality of products and services, has become more recognized by the customers and agents of the water purifier manufacturers.

4, Quanlai

Quanlai is one of the earliest manufacturers in China to enter the field of water purification industry, specializing in the production of high-tech brand of water purifiers, developed China's first kitchen water purifiers, and strive for excellence in stainless steel. 1997, the Shenzhen City of Chengdu to come to the Industrial Co.

5, Angel

Angier Drinking Water Industry Group is one of the traditional water dispensers, China's earliest drinking water equipment research and development, manufacturing and sales of professional companies, the leading products for the "Angel" brand water dispensers and water purification equipment. The company from 1995-2006, 11 consecutive years of sales volume to maintain the first in the industry, was ranked among the top 100 enterprises in Shenzhen industry.

Shopping Guide:

1, test the water quality

Because the water quality in each region is different, so in the purchase of pure water equipment, should be the first test of the water quality, in order to facilitate the purchase of water equipment suitable for targeted.

2, product quality?

In the purchase of pure water equipment must understand the quality of the product supplied by the business, good quality pure water equipment to ensure that the enterprise water consumption and product water quality is qualified.