Three unsolved mysteries: the mystery of the human body, the mystery of the Earth's core, the mystery of the vast Han universe, how to explain?

White bones will talk:

Should be many people have heard of, many schools are built in the location of the cemetery in fact often, in my still in elementary school, had thrown bones on the slope of the playground, only at that time, they can not determine that in the end is not white bones. Nowadays, the medical equipment is so advanced, the human body structure has long been not years ago? Seven tendons and eight veins? So magical, each body parts can be seen very clearly, if there is any unsolved mystery about human beings, it should be why there are human beings on earth?

Under normal circumstances, a person's body will begin to decompose within 24 hours of death, and it takes at least two to three years for a person to turn from a cold corpse into a pile of white bones with no rotting flesh. When and in what form humans actually appeared on earth, scientists also speculate mainly through those human fossils buried in the ground. Why is evolution the most credible of all human origin hypotheses? The main reason is that many of these speculations can be argued through human fossils of various stages of evolution that have been unearthed one after another.

Simply put, the life span of human beings is indeed relatively short; the Earth and the entire solar system have been billions of years old, while a person's life span is at most a hundred years or so, so no one can personally experience the entire course of human evolution. Including the several biological extinction events that we all know now, those species that once flourished on Earth no longer exist in this world, and we know that they existed, and roughly at what time they died out, mainly through paleontological fossils to make judgments.

Geocentric people will never appear:

Geocentric people, and even a geocentric civilization, have always been the obsession of a small group of people, who have always thought that there is some mysterious place on the Earth that must connect the surface of the Earth where we live with the inner core of the Earth, and that this place could possibly be in the North and South Poles, in some place of ice and snow. But while perhaps the origin of mankind could be called an unsolved mystery, lacking after all some important transitional stages of human fossils, the inner structure of the Earth can be said to hold no secrets.

It is believed that the vast majority of people know that the places where we humans and other Earth animals are active are actually located on top of the Earth's structural crust, while the rest of the Earth towards its interior are the upper mantle, the lower mantle, the outer core, the outer layer and the inner core of the Earth, which are the several parts of the Earth. Why is it impossible to say that there is another group of humans living normally deep in the Earth's core?

Mankind's knowledge of the Earth's internal structure is actually more than 100 years old, and the abnormal behavior of seismic wave transmission has allowed researchers to understand that there is a clear interface of material division within the Earth. And a particular location under the Earth's crust, if it is a greater value of depth from our surface, the corresponding area of the temperature will be higher. For example, when this depth value reaches about 11 kilometers, the temperature there can even exceed 200 degrees Celsius, and the so-called Earth's core (deep in the Earth's nucleus) is even higher than the temperature of about 6,600 degrees Celsius.

What kind of human being can survive in such a high-temperature region? Moreover, there can be no space deep in the Earth's core; the Earth itself is a solid sphere, and although its outer layer is surrounded by a silicate mantle, the interior is a metallic center of iron. And it was even less likely that such a relatively enclosed space would have sunlight that could shine into it; there was no energy, no plants, no animals, and certainly no way that any particular human could be the exception to the rule.

Can humans solve the mysteries of the universe before they go extinct?

It is undeniable that the biological extinction event has occurred more than once on Earth, and some researchers have also indicated that such a mass extinction event has a certain degree of regularity in time, that is to say, the dinosaurs, which once dominated the Earth for more than 100 million years, became extinct not by chance, and mankind has not been able to determine, including this time, the five known biological extinction event in the end due to what. To put it simply, even though humans can currently be called the only intelligent life known in the universe, we remain small in the face of these questions, and the more we learn the more we realize we don't know.

Solving the mysteries of the universe is not only driven by innate human curiosity, but also by the urgent need to find a second Earth, for the simple reason that the survival of the entire human race is at stake. When the Earth becomes uninhabitable, whether due to an asteroid impact, global warming turning the planet into a fireball inferno, or a red-giant sun consuming the planet, the only way for humans to survive is to find a second place to live before it happens.

While humans set foot on the moon more than 50 years ago, we don't currently have a base on the planet that would allow us to live normally for any length of time, and the planet itself doesn't have the basic conditions for life to survive. Not only the moon, even if we look at the entire solar system, or even the wider universe, theoretically there should be other planets suitable for life, mankind has not yet found even one. So we can't rule out the possibility that humans may become the protagonists of the next great biological extinction event before they have a chance to find a place to live.