What kitchen equipment is needed to open a restaurant?

Opening a small restaurant need to apply for a sewage license: first to the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Bureau Office of the application, after acceptance, the staff will go to the door to check the guidance. The two conditions necessary to receive a sewage license are: upstairs can not have residential housing; sewage should be able to be included in the municipal sewage pipe. The staff will decide what kind of range hood to install based on the size of the business area. You can't buy your own range hood or one that is not environmentally approved. The staff of the Office reminds: Before deciding to rent a store or renovate it, it is best to consult with the environmental protection department. For example, some shopkeepers in the store renovation, smoke vent or kitchen window right on the back of the tenants, even if the management does not know for a moment, behind the residents will still go to complain, and often end up having to spend money to adjust again.