Stobile VAL3 runtime error

There is an error when Stobier VAL3 runs. You can do the following.

1, check for liquid and splash. Look for signs of liquid on the floor or machine. This indicates that your accessories may be loose or damaged. It may also indicate that the hose or rigid pipe is damaged. Any exposed hose will be exposed to strong ultraviolet (UV) radiation generated during the welding process, which usually decomposes the materials in most flexible hoses over time.

The same applies to the protective coating of electric wires. They are also decomposed and cracked by exposure to ultraviolet rays. They may also be affected by high temperature and welding spatter. Some inexpensive coverings (such as fabric sheaths) can be used to extend the service life of hoses without restricting their movement. These covers should be considered for passing through robots and hoses on robots, as well as arm end tools or fixed tool stations. R this product adopts IRB 1520ID and Fronius welding equipment, which can manufacture modular entry-level welding unit with two fixed stations. It can be provided as a complete welding function kit or an integrated unit. The welding unit of ABBFlexArc robot is a complete system to ensure the stable operation of the welding process.

Over time, the accumulation of splash will reduce or destroy your air and hydraulic fixture. There is also the risk of splashing or slag burning through the pipeline, which may lead to potential fire hazards. When hydraulic tools is under high pressure, extra consideration is needed. Pinholes under pressure will do great harm to the surroundings after being ignited. Yes, I am talking about experience.

Similarly, hydraulic oil has been greatly improved. It is more fire-resistant than standard oil and should be considered for this application.

2. Visually inspect the robot hardware. When you continue to enter the work unit, visually inspect the hardware on the robot and the surrounding tools for signs of loose or missing bolts. Visually confirm that all applicable safety covers are in place. If your robot has a gearbox that uses oil instead of grease, they may have a mirror that can be used to quickly check the liquid level and color. What you are looking for is low liquid level, which means leakage, and dark liquid color, which means high temperature or pollution. With the improvement of robot speed and the realization of equipment manufacturing automation, it is necessary to improve the accuracy. A wire placed on the wrong panel or a bolt incorrectly placed may mean the difference between functional equipment and things that will be thrown away and wasted. By using equipment automation, the company can improve the accuracy of the assembly process.

3. Check whether there is leakage through hearing. Next, if possible, listen to whether there is air leakage in the cell. This may also indicate that there are burning holes in the air pipeline or loose joints. And, if possible, listen to the sound of equipment in the production process. Grinding noise or abnormal vibration may be a sign of mechanical failure.

4. Check the main position. I think one of the items to be included in the daily inspection is the main position of the robot and the corresponding user tool values, so as to verify whether the position of everything is correct and accurate before starting production. Some tools can automatically perform these functions at set intervals, for example, after each part. Most of them have clean room versions. Z series is an ideal choice for manufacturing, stamping, sealing and spot welding. The technology used by these 6-axis heavy robots is durable and low maintenance design. Z series is helpful to improve the efficiency of production line in automobile application. M-series high wrist torque robot is powerful, and its payload capacity can reach 700 kg.

The maintenance fault code of plasma arc welding of Stobier handling robot is equivalent to GTAW of these alloys for copper and copper alloys, and helium or its mixture is used for welding all alloys. Compared with GTAW, plasma arc welding has two obvious advantages: tungsten wire hiding and shielding. The pollution of the electrode is greatly reduced. For alloys with low boiling point components, such as brass, bronze, phosphor bronze and aluminum bronze, the arc plume will generate higher arc energy and greatly reduce the growth of heat affected zone. Like GTAW, current ripple and current ramp can also be used. Plasma arc welding equipment has been miniaturized to perform complex work, which is called microplasma welding. Plasma arc welding of copper and copper alloys can be carried out automatically or with filler metal. The choice of filler metal is the same as GTAW, and the automation and mechanization of this process are easy to realize and superior to GTAW. PAW welding is the same as GTAW welding because pollution will limit production efficiency.