Milk tea store with water purification equipment?

There are two choices of water purifier for milk tea store:

1, one is ultra-filtration water purifier, does not use electricity, to maintain a continuous amount of water, water production does not require the production of wastewater (only need to open the rinsing port on a regular basis to sewage), the quality of water relative to the tap water can be treated in depth, the cost is low.

2, another RO reverse osmosis water purifier, the water is pure water, equivalent to the quality of bottled water. Make water requires electricity (29W), out of waste water, make a barrel of water (18.9 liters / barrel) cost no more than 0.48 yuan. This is the best choice from the point of view of water quality, customers taste crisp, sweet. Relative to the first choice, the cost is slightly higher.

Nami water purification housekeeper, Jinan best after-sales service water purifier operation wide operators, specializing in providing milk tea store drinking water solutions.