Ministry of education, ministry of health, ministry of finance on the issuance of "national school sports and hygiene conditions trial basic standards" of the notice of the health building

1. Health room refers to the school health institutions that have obtained the "license to practice as a medical institution", undertake school preventive health care, health education, prevention and control of common and infectious diseases, school health routine inspection and provide teachers and students with the necessary medical services.

2. The health care room is a school health institution that has not obtained the License to Practice as a Medical Institution, and carries out school preventive health care, health education, prevention and control of common and contagious diseases, and daily inspection of school hygiene under the guidance of health professionals.

3. Boarding schools must set up a health room, non-boarding schools can set up a health room or health room depending on the size of the school. Boarding schools or non-boarding schools with more than 600 students should be equipped with health professionals and technicians. Health professional and technical personnel shall hold a health professional licensing certificate.

2. Non-boarding schools with less than 600 students shall have health teachers or health professionals. The health teacher shall be a current teacher with teaching qualifications.

3. Health professionals and technicians and health teachers shall be trained in professional knowledge of school health and first aid skills and shall obtain the appropriate certificates of competence. 1. Health room.

(1) health room floor area should be greater than 40 square meters, and have a functional partition adapted to the needs of school health work.

(2) health room should have the following basic equipment: vision meter light box, lever weight scale, height, height meter, desk and chair measuring tape, sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, thermometer, first aid kit, tongue depressor, diagnostic beds, diagnostic tables, diagnostic stools, syringes, dressings tank, square plate, tweezers, tourniquets, medicine cabinets, dirt buckets, ultraviolet lamps, autoclave and so on.

2. Health room.

(1) health room floor area should be greater than 15 square meters, and have a functional partition adapted to the needs of school health work.

(2) health room should have the following basic equipment: vision meter light box, lever weight scale, height meter, desk and chair measuring tape, sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, thermometer, first-aid kit, tongue depressor, observation beds, diagnostic tables, diagnostic stools, tourniquets, dirt buckets and so on.