Many insurance giants into the pet medical insurance is what is the reason?

March 26 news, data show that there are nearly 80 million pets, people are willing to give their pets to provide more health protection, many people hope that there can be corresponding insurance to reduce the financial pressure, pet medical insurance came into being , a number of insurance companies into the game.

Shenzhen's Ms. Jiang said she pays 33.6 yuan a month for pet insurance, with coverage capped at 1,500 yuan for a single visit and 15,000 yuan for a cumulative lifetime. Relevant data show that 66.6% of China's pet-owning population will have regular medical checkups for their pets. Among them, 48.8% of pet owners can accept pet medical expenses of less than 1,000 yuan; the percentage of pet owners who can accept more than 3,000 yuan is 7.2%.

Expanded Information

Pet medical insurance insurance notes:

Experts suggest that if the public for the dog to buy pet medical insurance and other pet insurance products, the insurance should pay attention to the "three big matters China's laws only on the beneficiary of personal insurance contracts have express provisions, but the pet breeder liability insurance is a property insurance, and property insurance in the beneficiary has not yet been recognized by the law, so the dog owner should be as the policyholder or insured is more reasonable.

The maximum limit of insurance is known. Some insurance companies set different premiums for different levels of coverage, depending on the needs of the dog owner.

You need to read the terms and conditions of the insurance carefully and understand the exclusions before buying. If the dog itself is sick, the dog bites its own owner, the owner's family members or employees caused by the loss, and other animals between the injury accident or death, no "Dog Permit" or "Dog Immunization Certificate", or the expiration of the above documents of canine pets attack, tearing and biting caused by accidents, are all exempted from the scope of the insurance company, can not be compensated.

PENGLISH - Medical treatment accounts for 30% of pet consumption, and Ping An and many other insurance giants have entered the pet medical insurance market