How harmful is it to take 40 X-rays at a time?
Taking an X-ray chest film, when the radiation exposure in the examination area when the exposure rate of about 160 mSv (unit of measurement of radiation) / hour, about 0.045 mSv / second. In the case of a rib fracture in the chest, for example, it takes about 0.5 seconds to take a chest X-ray, so a patient undergoing a chest X-ray examination is exposed to a radiation dose of about 0.023 mSv. According to the standards set by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), the total risk of radiation is 0.0165 / Sievert, that is to say, the body receives a Sievert (1 Sievert = 1,000 millisieverts) of radiation dose, will increase the chances of cancer 0.0165. Therefore, a shot of 40 X-rays will cause 0.92 millisieverts of radiation to the body, increasing the chances of cancer 0.00001518.