Depicting the summer of 2008, a young flight doctor trainee and a supervising doctor who fight in a medical helicopter are practicing emergency treatment while carrying patients.
The story is about the struggles of the flight doctor trainees who ride in a helicopter loaded with medical equipment and treat patients in transit.
The story is based on the latest medical scene where helicopters are utilized, and depicts pilot doctor trainees and supervising physicians. The movie is scheduled to be filmed in a real helicopter, and Yamashita will be the doctor who jumps out of the helicopter. A helicopter doctor is the ultimate physician delivery system where doctors and nurses rush to the scene and start treating patients in need of emergency treatment by utilizing helicopters with medical equipment on board.
Last June, the special measures bill targeting the distribution of helicopters throughout the country was decided, and the drama reflects the content of this social situation in a timely manner. In the drama, the actors will actually ride in the helicopter, and there will be both intense scenes of treatment and Yamashita's realistic acting in the helicopter. It's a great opportunity to improve as an actor. Producer Jun Masumoto expressed his confidence in this drama, "This drama has a young cast with overwhelming popularity, and we are going to present the newest medical subject of "Flying Doctor" in the form of a serial drama. Using the sky as a frontline base for life, the drama conveys the struggles of young doctors who are trying to save lives and the urgency of the emergency scene in a visual form.