Application areas of conductive adhesive

(1) conductive adhesive for microelectronics assembly, including fine wire and printed circuit, plating substrate, ceramic adhesive metal layer, metal chassis connection, bonding wire and tube seat, bonding components and through the printed circuit of the flat surface holes, bonding waveguide tuning and hole repair.

(2) conductive adhesive used to replace the soldering temperature exceeds the ability to withstand the formation of oxide film due to welding spot welding. Conductive adhesive as a substitute for tin-lead solder, its main applications such as: telephone and mobile communication systems; radio, television, computers and other industries; automotive industry; medical equipment; to solve electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and other aspects.

(3) Another application of conductive adhesives is used in ferroelectric devices for electrode sheet and magnet crystal bonding. Conductive adhesives can replace soldering flux and crystals due to the soldering temperature tends to deposition of the solder. Bonding for battery terminals is another use for conductive adhesives when soldering temperatures are unfavorable.

(4) conductive adhesive can form a sufficiently strong joint, therefore, can be used as a structural adhesive.

(5) the application of conductive adhesive at home and abroad - Weifeng conductive adhesive latecomer to the domestic market in some highly sophisticated fields using conductive adhesive mainly imported: the United States Ablistick, 3M companies occupy almost all of the IC and LED field, Japan's Sumitomo and Taiwan's Next China is also involved in these areas. Japan's Three-Bond company controls the entire quartz crystal resonators in the application of conductive adhesive. Domestic conductive adhesive is mainly used in a number of medium and low-grade products, this aspect of the market is mainly occupied by the Institute of Metals.

The domestic emergence of room temperature preservation type conductive adhesive, the type of conductive adhesive is a breakthrough in the traditional conductive adhesive. This product realizes the unique performance of storage at room temperature for three months. Used in the dispensing machine, can achieve two months without washing the rubber disk process requirements.

China's electronics industry is a large number of the introduction and development of SMT production lines, conductive adhesive in China is bound to have a broad application prospects. However, China's research in this area started late, the need for high-performance conductive adhesive is mainly dependent on imports, so we must vigorously strengthen the bonding temperature and curing time, bonding pressure, particle content and other factors conductive adhesive reliability of the impact of research and application development, the preparation of a new type of conductive adhesive, in order to improve the international competitiveness of China's electronic products packaging industry.

From: "Electrical and Electronic Adhesives", Xiao Weidong and other editors, Chemical Industry Publishing House, the Chinese version of the Library of CIP data verification (2004) No. 019016.