Insert a Flash animation file with the extension . SWF Flash animation file into PPT
---Insert an object created by the file
---In the "Action Settings" in the "Object Action" option select "Activate Content"
Insert Flash animation in PPT Method 2
Insert the Flash-generated . exe animation file into the PPT
--- first insert a picture
--- the picture of the "Action Settings" in the "Click
" option select "Run the program", and specify the file path and file name
Note: With this method, be sure to put in the PPT [Tools]-[Options]-[[Security]-[]. Security]--[Macro Security] option to Low. Otherwise, a warning box will pop up every time you present.
Insert Flash animation in PPT method three
Use Active X controls to insert animation
---- Select "View" = > "Toolbars" = > "Controls Toolbox". "Controls Toolbox"
---Click "Other Tools Icon", select "ShockWave Flash Object" from the drop-down list. option from the drop-down list, the mouse will turn into a "+" shape, drag it and the Flash control graphic will appear.
---Click the "Properties" button on the "Control Toolbox" to open the Properties dialog box.
---Select "Custom", click the "Browse" button, in the pop-up dialog box in the "Movie URL" enter . swf file path and name in the pop-up dialog box, and adjust the "
--- Select "Customize" and click the "Browse" button.