Principles of oxygen production

Oxygen production principles are as follows:

1, heating potassium chlorate (with a small amount of manganese dioxide): 2KClO3 = MnO2 △ = 2KCl + 3O2 ↑

2, heating potassium permanganate: 2KMnO4 = △ = K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2 ↑

3 In the hospital oxygen is a special pipeline through the bed, and at home there is no such conditions generally either rent oxygen cylinders to use.

And the oxygen in the air is not absorbed by the collection, when the molecular sieve adsorption tower adsorption of nitrogen reached saturation after the control valve will close the inlet, open the exhaust valve, the nitrogen discharged into the air, the oxygen concentrator is the use of such a cycle cycle to achieve the purpose of oxygen production.

PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) technology is a practical option for on-site generation of medical oxygen. It has been used in the medical industry for over 30 years.

Because the oxygen generation process is a physical phenomenon, the maximum oxygen pressure of the oxygen generator is between 0.2-0.3Mpa, so it is different from the oxygen cylinders with high pressure danger, and the molecular sieve's general life expectancy can be up to 1-20,000 hours, so the oxygen generator can be plugged in and used for a long time with long service life, and it is more economical and safer to use for a long period of time than the oxygen cylinders.

The oxygen concentrator is like an air conditioner in our home, it absorbs air, changes the air and delivers it in different forms (cold air). Medical oxygen is produced from ambient air and delivered to people who need it because of low oxygen levels in their blood. In the past, medical facilities relied heavily on oxygen cylinders and Dewar's tanks.

Since the development of technology, hospitals and nursing homes prefer on-site medical oxygen concentrators because they are cost-effective, efficient and safe to handle.

Oxygen concentrator equipment utilizes a bed of molecular sieves to separate pure oxygen from the atmosphere and dispense air to people with low blood oxygen levels. On-site oxygen concentrators are cost-effective and more efficient than traditional oxygen tanks. Learn how medical oxygen generators work and the main components of these generators.