I, the current food waste treatment problems in the domestic community
1, leftover food scraps from each meal, melon peels, fruit crumbs in a plastic bag, placed in a corner of the room, to be convenient to take out of the outdoors. If you don't take it out in time or forget to take it out, it will cause pollution if the gas emitted after corruption stays in the room.
2. After washing vegetables and dishes, put the leftovers out of the pool and put them in a garbage bag. This is not inevitable part of the leakage into the sewer caused by clogging, cleaning is also quite a hassle; at the same time, if the garbage bag broken leakage, sewage will also contaminate the indoor floor and other things.
3, take out the outdoor garbage piled up in the corners of the building (most of the high-rise residents so), garbage cans, garbage cans, emitting a variety of odors, the hot summer is even more so. Property management companies must arrange for a large number of cleaners to remove them in a timely manner out of the neighborhood, in the whole process of disposal, pollution everywhere.
4, the district's garbage transfer station, is odor gas, mosquitoes and flies breeding place, where to build a garbage station, how to reduce the pollution of the garbage station is the builder and the property management company are troublesome issues.
By introducing a new type of kitchen equipment - food waste processor, the residential areas abroad have effectively solved this problem which is troublesome to many people.
Two, China's urban garbage pollution status
(1) garbage open piling a lot of ammonia, sulfide and other harmful gases are released, seriously polluting the atmosphere and the city's living environment.
(2) Serious pollution of water bodies. The garbage not only contains pathogenic microorganisms, but also produces a large number of acidic and alkaline organic pollutants in the process of stacking and rotting, and will dissolve the heavy metals in the garbage, forming a three-pronged pollutant source of organic substances, heavy metals and pathogenic microorganisms, and the leachate produced by the rainfall will inevitably result in the serious contamination of the surface water and the groundwater.
(3) Biological pollution. There are many disease-causing microorganisms in garbage, while garbage is often a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and rats, which are bound to jeopardize the health of the general public.
(4) Encroachment of a large amount of land. According to a preliminary survey, in 2003, 2/3 of the country's 668 cities have been surrounded by garbage belts, the national garbage storage and occupation of a cumulative total of 800,000 acres.
(5) garbage explosions continue to occur. With the increase in the organic content of the city and from the open scattered piles to centralized storage, only a simple cover is easy to create an anaerobic environment that produces methane gas, flammable and explosive.
(6) more than 60% of the city's domestic waste is mainly from the residents of the community's organic waste generated after the second pollution, that is to say, the community's increasing organic waste is the source of the city's increasing domestic waste.
With the development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the garbage problem is becoming more and more prominent. China's 668 cities, 2 / 3 surrounded by garbage ring belt. These garbage can't be buried and burned, causing a series of serious hazards.
According to the investigation of Wang Weiping, an expert on garbage, the potential of garbage resourceization is growing along with the development of living standards and economy. In the garbage composition, metal, paper, plastic and glass are regarded as resources that can be directly recycled, accounting for 42.9 percent of the total garbage, and the rate of direct recycling should be no less than 33 percent. However, it requires the state to spend huge sums of money to clean up. In Shanghai, for example, the city's landfill plants have been expanded from three to five, but that's still hardly enough to meet the growing need to deal with the incipient increase in garbage in the Shanghai area.
Three, kitchen garbage (crushing) processing machine technical principles and advantages and disadvantages
Kitchen garbage (crushing) processing machine is driven by a small DC or AC motor cutter, the use of centrifugal force will be crushed in the crushing chamber of food waste crushed and discharged into the sewer. The shredding chamber has a filtering effect, automatically intercepting food solid particles; the knife disk is equipped with two or four 360-degree rotary impact head, no sharp edges, safe, durable, maintenance-free. Cutter disk speed (full load, working condition) DC motor about 2600 ~ 5500 rpm, AC motor about 1450-1750 rpm. The diameter of the crushed particles is less than 4 millimeters, which will not block the drain and sewer.
The advantages of using a kitchen garbage (crushing) disposal machine are as follows:
1, for residents: ① Reduce the odor in the kitchen, especially in the cabinet where the garbage cans are stored; ② Reduce the possibility of breeding cockroaches and bacteria; ③ Make the cleaning and discharging of household garbage an easy and clean job; ④ Help to keep the hygienic environment of stairwells and living quarters.
2, the sanitation department and property management: ① to improve the environment of sanitation operations; ② to effectively reduce the production of garbage; ③ to reduce the process of garbage collection and transportation of secondary pollution; ④ to reduce the difficulty of garbage collection and transportation of the cost of treatment (this is particularly important).
3, for municipal and traffic control departments: ① increase the content of perishable organic matter in the sewage, in favor of biochemical processes in sewage treatment plants; ② reduce the number of garbage trucks and garbage and sewage dripping on the road pollution.
4, for the environment and resource recovery: ① to reduce food waste pollution of recyclables, improve the resource recovery rate; ② to improve the landfill and incineration plant processing conditions, reduce leachate, methane, smoke and other pollutants emitted.
The disadvantages of using treatment machines are: residents will thus increase a number of water and electricity expenditures; the cleaning of the sewage network may increase after the universal application; the need to gradually adjust the treatment process of sewage treatment plants.
Four, domestic and foreign applications
(a) Foreign
There are 50 countries in the world without restrictions on the use of kitchen garbage (crushed) treatment machines, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and many European countries. The U.S., Denmark, Finland and Norway require new homes to be installed, while Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Portugal neither allow nor encourage the installation of household use.
The United States, as the inventor of the kitchen garbage disposal, is the most common application of the country, to 1997, millions of households have been installed, most of which are residential developers and the public's spontaneous behavior. The City of New York, after 21 months of investigation and evaluation, recommended and legislated for the installation of kitchen waste (shredding) disposers. The European Union, after full justification, also asked 15 member states in 2003 to promote the treatment machine according to the popularity of sewage treatment.
(2) Domestic
Kitchen garbage (crushing) treatment machine in the promotion of the domestic from the nineties, there are more than ten brands of products, the appearance and structure of similar. Because there has been no government administrative force to intervene, coupled with the public acceptance of new things have a process, the promotion process is slow. The end of the nineties Shanghai and Beijing municipal government began to pay attention to, coupled with the commercial properties focus on creating a "green community", "environmental protection community" selling point, there are dozens of neighborhoods have been installed in the kitchen garbage (crushed) processing machine, the number of nearly 10,000 units. Because the residents reflect the effect of good after use, there is a growing trend in recent years.