Ambergris is an animal spice. It and musk, ling cat incense, sea incense, and known as the four animal spices. Because it has a complex but balanced with each other's fragrance and long-lasting fixed incense ability, at the same time has a nourishing body, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and other medical effects, since ancient times has been valued by people. The ancient Chinese regarded ambergris as a valuable aphrodisiac, and the 17th century Western pharmacopoeia recorded that ambergris has a therapeutic effect on heart and brain diseases, and also prevents the plague. Ambergris as a medical use can mainly move qi and activate blood circulation, dissipate knots and relieve pain, diuresis and lymphatic drainage. Used for coughing and gas reversal, gas knot syndrome, heart and abdominal pain, gonorrhea.
Ambergris Alcohol itself has no aroma, in the air after the change to produce aroma. So can also be used as a high-level spice, spice company will acquire the ambergris grading, ambergris perfume ground into a very fine powder foam, dissolved in alcohol, and then formulated into a 5% concentration of ambergris solution, used to configure the perfume, or as a scenting agent to make. Therefore, the price of ambergris is expensive, almost the same price as gold.
And human scientific research on ambergris has never stopped, the study found that: ambergris is mainly composed of triterpene alcohol ambergris alcohol (also known as ambergris, ambrein) and a series of cholesteryl alcohol substances, in addition, also contains a small amount of p-cresol, diethyl phthalate and other components. At the same time, also isolated from the tincture of ambergris to obtain pure descending ambergris ether. These chemical tablets emit different odors. Chemical tablets 2 exudes rotten animal feces odor, 3 presents a weak tobacco smell, 4 is typical of seawater smell, 5 is stinky seawater smell, 6 shows and, delicate, long-lasting musky animal aroma, and its levulose has a clear woodsy aroma. It has been proved that ambergris alcohol by oxidation or photodegradation can produce the above five kinds of substances with ambergris aroma. However, since natural ambergris is produced in very small quantities, most ambergris alcohols are now synthesized chemically. Currently it is commonly synthesized by reacting geraniol with (+)-γ-dihydrovioletone after a series of chemical transformations.
Because Ambergris is a stone that forms in the intestines of sperm whales after lesions. Because the sperm whale is endangered, in 1970 the U.S. Congress passed a ban on the production, sale and use of any goods made from sperm whales within the U.S. mainland. Thereafter. The International Whale Commission signed a memorandum banning commercial whaling in 1985 to protect the species.