How long does it take from Liuzhou high-speed railway station to Liuzhou Workers' Hospital?

The shortest time from this place to Liuzhou Workers' Hospital is 18 minutes.

According to the information inquired by Baidu, the shortest driving time from Liuzhou high-speed railway station to Liuzhou Workers' Hospital is 18 minutes, and the distance is 5.8 kilometers. After passing the 13 traffic light, take a taxi to 15 yuan, passing through Eshan Road and Heping Road.

From high-speed railway station, Liuzhou to Liuzhou Workers' Hospital, you can also take Bus No.507, get on the bus at East Square Station of the railway station and walk for 280 meters, then get off at 10 Station and walk for 300 meters. It takes 44 minutes to walk around the building, including 580 meters.