RO reverse osmosis water purifier, that brand is good


RO reverse osmosis water purification features

Good water quality, low energy consumption; continuous operation, stable performance; no chemical regeneration, no pollution.

Principle of the process

Reverse osmosis is a reverse migration movement of osmosis, is a pressure-driven separation method with the help of selective retention of semi-permeable membranes to separate the solute and solvent in solution, the pore size of about 5 ~ 10A. It has been widely used in a variety of liquids and concentration of purification, which the most common application is in the water treatment process, reverse osmosis can be used in the original water. Inorganic ions, bacteria, viruses, organic matter and colloids and other impurities in the raw water are removed to obtain high-quality pure water. Currently the most widely used is the rolled polyamide composite membrane, its water flux and removal rate will be affected by the pressure, temperature, recovery rate, salt content of feed water and PH value.