Enrollment time: 2023 end of August.
Large equipment induction certificate registration conditions are:
1, engaged in this professional work for more than two years, and has not yet obtained the "large-scale medical equipment induction certificate" or "national medical equipment users business ability assessment certificate of qualification" of the various types of medical equipment users, can enroll in. 2, of which the physician class of professional applicants must hold the "physician's license certificate". 3, apply for the examination specialty Must be consistent with my profession, before the examination shall not be temporarily adjusted professional organization. 4, carefully fill out the "Chinese Medical Association National Medical Equipment Induction Qualification Examination student registration form.
Ultrasonic large apparatus of the induction certificate registration requirements are as follows:
With higher education undergraduate degree or above, under the guidance of a licensed physician in the relevant institutions, the probationary period of one year; 2, with higher education and obtain a certificate of practice, in the relevant institutions for two years; 3, with secondary specialized schools of medicine and obtain a certificate of practice of medical assistants, in the relevant institutions Work for five years.
Applicants can choose to apply for the corresponding professional category (limited to one subject per person) according to the professional work they are engaged in, in the "2020 National Medical Equipment Users Business Competency Assessment Professional Catalog". Candidates who have passed the qualification examination for registration will download and print the admission card during August 9-13, which will be the voucher for attending the examination and evaluation. Calculation of work experience enrollment in the 2021 national medical equipment users business competence assessment of personnel engaged in the application of professional work for more than two years, the professional work experience in the application of the calculation of time to the local main, pre-graduation apprenticeship and internship time shall not be counted.