Chiller first-class energy efficiency standards

National standard 4.2, industry standard 4.5.

1, according to the national standard GB21455-2013 "central air-conditioning and fan coiler energy efficiency limit value and energy efficiency class" in the provisions of the first-class chiller energy efficiency standard energy efficiency ratio should not be less than 4.2, that is, when the chiller is in operation, you need to ensure that it consumes every 1 degree of electricity can provide at least 4.2 degrees of Cooling capacity or heat production, in order to meet the national requirements of the first-class energy efficiency.

2, according to the industry standard QB/CL 4515-2013 "chiller energy efficiency class and energy efficiency limit value" in the provisions of the first class energy efficiency standard of chiller should be no less than 4.5. so, the chiller first class energy efficiency of the national standard of 4.2, the industry standard of 4.5.

3, the chiller is a kind of refrigeration equipment, mainly used in industrial, commercial, Medical, office and other places in the air conditioning system. Chiller is generally composed of compressor, condenser, evaporator, throttle valve and other major components, through the cycle of refrigeration to cool or freeze the water, and then through the pump and other means of cold water or coolant delivery to the need to cool down the equipment or area.