Surgical shadowless lamps and other additional lighting devices is a set of high technical content of the medical lighting backup power supply security system, in today's more and more of the overall reflective shadowless lamps, led surgical shadowless lamps and other lamps have been installed in the type of lighting device. Once there is a report, a hospital operating room because of thieves steal the cable led to a sudden blackout of surgical shadowless lamp, almost out of life, fortunately, the operating room in time to start after the surgical shadowless lamp additional lighting installed to let the operation continue to perform. From this we can see, although the probability of a sudden blackout in the operating room is minimal, but once it happens, how to effectively resolve such crises in a timely manner is particularly important. Some hospitals may say that put a set of surgical shadowless lamp additional lighting device has no use, but the precious life is in its irreproducibility, not to mention the army of a thousand days to use the army for an hour, once such a critical state of affairs, and your operating room is no surgical shadowless lamp additional lighting device, which is caused by the patient and the hospital's loss is incalculable. Here, Shanghai Rihua Medical Devices Co., Ltd. sincerely suggests that hospitals pay attention to the shadowless lamp additional lighting device, the medical equipment investment budget on the knife edge.
Surgical shadowless lamp additional lighting device includes a set of shadowless lamp fork-shaped tube at the receiver of the coupling casing, and the coupling casing connected to the other end of the power box, connected to the power box, which is equipped with electrical wires of the hose, as well as installed in the hose end of the electrical switch seat, lamp housing and bulbs. This device neither occupies the operating room floor space nor the operating room ceiling space, nor burdens the surgical operator, and when the power is out in the operating room, it can still continue to provide the illumination required for general surgery, and it is easy to install and convenient to use.
According to incomplete statistics, the United States, Japan and other developed countries to use the surgical shadowless lamp additional lighting devices accounted for more than 95% of the total number of hospitals. This can reflect the deep understanding of these countries of the spirit of people-oriented medical devices, which also makes us Chinese medical equipment manufacturers soberly realize that it is not to increase the power to improve energy consumption is the only standard for upgrading medical devices, and it is likely that a small improvement will enable physicians, patients to get the best medical experience.