Looking for a movie I really want to see that's good

When Happiness Knocks on the Door

Has nearly reached the age of Chris Gardner (Will Smith), career is not good, life is downtrodden, every day running around in the major hospitals, selling bone density scanners, by chance to realize that to do the stockbrokers is not the need for college students diploma, as long as you know the numbers and interpersonal relationships can be done after the initiative to go to the manager of the Witte securities Jay twistle and with his persistence, got an internship. I really appreciated a quote from his interview in response to the examiner. The examiner asked, Suppose a person came to the interview without formal attire and then I hired him, what would you say about that? Chris answered with, Well, he must have really nice pants then! What a brilliant answer, so creative and so original for anyone to hear. No wonder Jay twistle also said to him, you're such a weirdo.

But with 20 interns who had to work without pay for six months, and only one hired at the end, it was really hard for Chris Gardner. At that point, his wife left for New York City on her own because she couldn't stand the poverty, and Chris Gardner and his son lost their home because of extreme poverty, living a hustle-and-bustle life in which he sold bone-density scanners while working as an intern and then had to stand in line at a church to get housing on church assistance. But Chris Gardner was always optimistic and taught his son not to be discouraged, especially remembering the part on the basketball court: don't let people tell you you won't make it, not even me. Because of extreme poverty, Chris Gardner even went to sell blood. With his hard work, Chris Gardner eventually stood out and got a job as a stockbroker, and later started his own company.

"This part of my life is called hitchhiking" - the story begins

"This part of my life is called being stupid." --Finds the hip-hop girl who helped him with the scanner at his job interview running off with the instrument and recovers her

"This part of my life right now is called exhaustion" --Happiness itself Happiness comes knocking at the door and life can be a relief."

"I'm one of those people where you ask me a question and if I can't answer it I'll tell you 'I don't know' when I'm assured that I know exactly how to find the answer. "The interviewer said, "Suppose a man came in for an interview without formal attire and I hired him, what would you say?" "Then he must have really nice pants" - Interview

Father and son on the basketball court - "Don't let people say you won't make it, including me, okay?"

"If you have a dream you have to protect it"

"Those who don't make it on their own will say you can't make it either"

"This phase of my life this very short phase is called happiness" - became an agent