With humans, there is medical activity. Who said this?
Why is it possible to "come back from the dead"? Exploring the threshold of human death Why is brain death a more scientific criterion than cardiac death? Are vegetative patients dead or alive? "What happens when you come back from the dead? A little boy died of a lung infection, treatment was ineffective, due to unpaid bills, the body was placed in the hospital morgue, two days later, the child's parents to raise the fees and ready to cremate the child's body, did not expect to pull the drawer, the child sat up and said, "It's so cold." Confused perceptions of death occur not only among the general public, but even in the medical profession. In our country, those who insist on resuscitating brain-dead people are generally publicly funded, and those who are willing to give up are self-funded. Confused perceptions of death occur not only among the public at large, but even in the medical profession. Almost all developed countries and regions have now adopted the brain death standard, while China still adopts the backward heart death standard. The reporter interviewed Prof. Chen Zhonghua, director of the Institute of Organ Transplantation at Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan. This at the same time working in the United Kingdom, Cambridge University Clinical School of Surgery, "transnational" medical doctor, examined the Chinese people and even the medical profession in the concept of death and some related issues with the world **** knowledge of the differences, and seek to update the concept from the medical profession. Why is there a "resurrection from the dead" Reporter: I recently heard of an incident, about ten years ago, a boy died of a lung infection, the treatment was ineffective, due to unpaid bills, the body was placed in the hospital morgue. At that time it was winter, the room temperature is low, did not open the freezing equipment. Two days later, the child's parents gathered the expenses, ready to cremate the child's body, did not expect a drawer pull, the child sat up and said: "so cold ah." This kind of "back from the dead" thing is really bewildering. Even three-year-old children know what death is all about, the past no breathing, heartbeat recognized as death, in recent years, the medical profession and put forward regardless of whether the heart stops beating, whether breathing disappears, people as long as the brain death is equal to the whole body of the new concept of death, is it possible that the doctor will get it wrong? Chen Zhonghua: you said this matter, I am not very clear about the specific details, so I can not comment specifically, but I can certainly say that "back from the dead" is usually in the death of the diagnosis of the error. Death is indeed three-year-old children know, but you just said the words are wrong, the first sign of brain death is the complete disappearance of spontaneous respiration, you missed the "voluntary" and "completely" four words, it is a thousand miles of fallacy. As a modern practicing physician in China, even if you can't appropriately stop pointless medical activities at this point in time, it's not like you don't even know exactly when a patient has died. Reporter: It sounds like an exaggeration to say that practicing physicians don't always know exactly when a patient has died. Chen Zhonghua: You should notice that I emphasize "modern practitioners", because modern society has more precise requirements for the judgment of death. When I was checking on a patient who was already brain dead, I asked the doctors, "This patient is already dead, if the patient's family wants us to use a ventilator to maintain his breathing, and after a period of time, the family asks us not to maintain it any longer, and we stop the ventilator, and his breathing stops, when do you think his death should be counted from? More than one doctor replied that of course it was counted from the time the ventilator was stopped. I said, "Wrong! Doesn't that make it so we called him dead? In fact, he was not breathing on his own at the time of his brain death, and we were only giving him artificial respiration to satisfy the request of his relatives to maintain him post mortem, and this kind of respiration could not bring him back to life at all. This is an error of expertise and not at all exaggerated! Of course, it is not the fault of any physician. On the one hand, the old concepts have been in use for so long that they have slipped down the slope of inertia without notice, and on the other hand, it must be admitted that we are behind in our understanding of death. "Vegetative" is dead or alive Reporter: I did a questionnaire survey, 70% of the people think that vegetative is brain death. I also asked a lot of doctors, but few people say clearly the difference between the two and the relationship. Reports on the awakening of vegetative people are even more puzzling. Chen Zhonghua: There is no such term as "vegetable" abroad, it should be called "vegetative state", which means that a person has a life like a plant, that is, he can't move purposefully and actively, so vegetable should be put in quotation marks. There is no strict definition of "vegetative state", which can be easily confused with brain death, and should be avoided as much as possible. A vegetative state is medically called "decortication syndrome". The criteria for determining a vegetative state are very specific. There are two types of vegetative state: persistent vegetative state and permanent vegetative state. Time is the criterion for judgment, but the standard is not uniform among countries. China's 1996 Nanjing conference to determine the coma for a month can only be called a vegetative state, more than three months can be called persistent vegetative state. For patients in vegetative state for more than one year, the recovery rate of consciousness is 1%; 6%, in the state of severe disability, so some people will be more than one year of patients called permanent vegetative state. Nowadays, with the help of advanced medical equipment and technology, it is possible to maintain the respiration and heartbeat of patients in a vegetative state for a long period of time, and to remove waste products from the body. However, this does not mean that the patient is still alive, nor does it mean that the deceased can be revived. Therefore, a large portion of what is commonly referred to as "vegetative patients" may have already died. The correct approach is to conduct a systematic examination of the brainstem or the central nervous system above the brainstem as soon as possible and carefully in order to determine whether brain death has occurred. If brainstem death or a permanent vegetative state caused by diffuse cortical necrosis is confirmed, all medical activities aimed at resuscitation should be stopped. Brain stem death = brain death