1. Concept of blockchain technology
Blockchain technology is a new technology that has gradually emerged with the rise of encrypted digital currency. It adopts a distributed computing model and uses blocks Chains are used to store data, using cryptographic principles to ensure the security of transmission and access. Data storage is jointly maintained and supervised by Internet users. It has significant characteristics such as decentralization, transparency and openness, and data cannot be modified [2]. Its usage distribution The formal storage and computing power make the rights and obligations of the entire network nodes the same. The data in the system are essentially maintained uniformly by the entire network nodes. Therefore, the blockchain no longer relies on the central processing node and realizes distributed storage, recording and data collection. Update, so its application is not limited to currency as an asset type. Currently, its application research in various industries is relatively extensive.
2. Research on typical application fields of blockchain technology
(1) Medical and health fields
At present, in Western countries, there is little interest in the use of blockchain technology in The countries that conduct research on applications in the health field are mainly developed countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States. In January 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Watson Health signed an agreement to jointly research, develop and test blockchain technology application systems to explore how to securely share patient data for medical research through blockchain. For other purposes, the main data involving relevant public health fields include clinical trial data, medical record information, genomic data, data from mobile wearable devices and health data from the Internet of Things.
(2) Energy industry field
The Trans Active Grid project in the United States applies Ethereum blockchain technology and smart contracts in energy payments to establish a trading system based on distributed energy. As users of both parties, solar power generation households and electricity purchasing households are both producers and consumers. They can directly conduct green energy transactions and manage transaction records without relying on third party participation. This is the future development direction of community management energy systems.
(3) Communication field
Judging from the current development status of blockchain technology, its application in the communication field is very common. Authors such as Yu Mingyang proposed to deeply integrate the blockchain technology health record data sharing and security issues with the Internet of Things technology to establish an information and communication project construction business credit platform, in order to further reduce the risks of information and communication project construction management and establish Intelligent logic processes improve the efficiency of information and communication project management and control, solve many problems such as difficulty in transmitting information files and difficult to trace transaction coordination records, and can also strengthen the audit and acceptance work of information and communication projects.