The circuit above can drive a 200KHz transducer, but why is it designed this way, it's a bit strange, is it a reference to foreign circuits?
For the selection of L2, adjust its inductance so that the waveform at point C is close to a sine wave.
For impedance matching, R9 should be equal to 120R, or replace it with an inductor;
I'm afraid that 100nF is not enough for C13, and it's better to add another 100uF;
A resistor should be connected in series with Vout, otherwise this transmitter circuit will cause a lot of interference with Vcc, which affects the overall stability;
The parameters of Q1 are not available. I didn't look it up, so let's assume it's good for now.
In addition, from the oscilloscope, the static voltages of C and D are not correct, the transducer is not connected, right?
Also from the oscilloscope, the static voltages of C and D are not correct.