Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant On-site Emergency Plan
1 General Principles
1.1 Purpose
To ensure that Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is timely and effective in the event of an accident This document is specially formulated to take emergency response measures to control the development of accidents, prevent or minimize the consequences or harm of accidents, protect the environment, protect nuclear power plants, ensure the safety of staff and the public, and do emergency preparation and response work. Contingency Plan.
1.2 Scope of application
This emergency plan applies to emergency preparedness and response within the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant. “On-site” in this plan refers to the area where the nuclear power plant is located with definite boundaries and is effectively controlled by Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant.
1.3 Basis
Regulations on Emergency Management of Nuclear Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants (HAF002)
One of the Implementing Rules of the Regulations on Emergency Management of Nuclear Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants - Nuclear Power "Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response of Plant Operating Units" (HAF002/01)
"Annex 2 of the Implementation Rules of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China and Civilian Nuclear Facilities Safety Supervision and Administration - Report of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Units" System" (HAF001/02/01)
"Emergency Preparedness of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Organizations" (HAD002/01)
"Intervention Principles and Levels of Nuclear or Radiation Emergency" (Jointly promulgated by the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the State Environmental Protection Administration, and the Ministry of Health: Commission of Science, Technology and Industry II [2002] No. 22)
"Division of Emergency Plan Areas for Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Plans and Preparedness Guidelines" (GB/ T17680.1-1999)
"Basic Safety Standards for Ionizing Radiation Protection and Radiation Source Safety" (GB18871-2002)
"Regulations on Environmental Radiation Protection for Nuclear Power Plants" (GB 6249- 86)
"Medical Emergency Preparedness and Response for Nuclear Accidents" (HAD002/05)
1.4 Related Documents
"Standard Format of On-site Emergency Plan for Nuclear Power Plants" and content" (EJ/T 557-91)
2 Overview of nuclear power plants and their environment (omitted)
3 Emergency planning area
3.1 Establish an emergency plan Principles of the area
This emergency planning area is the unified emergency planning area of ??the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base.
According to the relevant provisions of the "Emergency Planning and Preparedness Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants - Division of Emergency Plan Areas" (GB/T 17680.1) and combined with the actual situation, a unified emergency plan area for the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base was determined.
3.2 Source terms of emergency planning areas
3.2.1 Source terms
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant used the American WASH-1400 medium reactor when dividing emergency planning areas Source items for severe accidents in pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants recommended by Research and Safety (RSS).
3.2.2 Considered exposure pathways
When calculating the emergency planning area, five early exposure pathways and four medium and long-term exposure pathways are mainly considered.
3.3 Scope of emergency planning area
3.3.1 Plume emergency planning area
With the reactor of Qinshan No. 2 Nuclear Power Plant as the center, the inner radius is 5km , a circular area with an outer radius of 7km.
3.3.2 Ingestion contingency plan area
The scope of the ingestion contingency plan area is an area with the reactor of Qinshan No. 2 Nuclear Power Plant as the center and a radius of 30km.
3.4 Population distribution in the emergency planning area (omitted)
4 Emergency organization and responsibilities
4.1 Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant emergency preparedness organization and its responsibilities
The emergency preparedness organization of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is the normal organization when the power plant is in operation. Its organizational chart is shown in Figure 4-1. (omitted)
The general manager of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant and the deputy general manager in charge of emergencies are responsible for emergency preparedness.
The deputy general managers in charge and the heads of each department are responsible for their own emergency preparedness work according to their scope of responsibilities and relevant company regulations.
4.2 Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Response Organization and Responsibilities
The emergency response organization chart of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is shown in Figure 4-2. (omitted)
The emergency response organization of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is composed of the power plant emergency headquarters and its subordinate professional groups. The responsibilities of the power plant emergency headquarters are:
(1) Comprehensive analysis, judgment and prediction of the power plant status;
(2) Determining and announcing the elevation or termination of the emergency state level (off-site emergency Except);
(3) Accident control and mitigation;
(4) Directing the response actions of each emergency professional team of the power plant;
(5) Reporting to Report from the National Nuclear Safety Administration;
(6) Notification and communication with the base emergency command.
4.3 Responsibilities of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base Emergency Command
In the event of an accident emergency, Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant promptly reports to the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base Emergency Command, the National Nuclear Safety Administration and the State Environmental Protection Administration Shanghai Nuclear Power Plant The safety supervision station notifies the accident situation and emergency information, and also reports and liaises with the Zhejiang Provincial Nuclear Power Plant Accident Off-site Emergency Committee Office, the National Nuclear Accident Emergency Office, CNNC, and Qinshan Phase II and III through the base emergency headquarters. The responsibilities of the base emergency headquarters are:
(1) Guidance and support for the accident power plant and emergency coordination activities within the base;
(2) Cooperate with off-site emergency organizations and superiors Liaison and reporting to competent authorities;
(3) Propose recommendations for off-site radiation protection actions based on power plant reports;
(4) Organize activities related to public information.
4.4 Off-site emergency support organization
4.4.1 CNNC Emergency Headquarters
China National Nuclear Corporation is the superior department of Qinshan Nuclear Power Base. In the event of an accident emergency , CNNC Emergency Command is an off-site emergency support organization at the base, guiding and supporting on-site emergency response operations.
4.4.2 Zhejiang Provincial Nuclear Power Plant Accident Emergency Command
As a local government emergency organization, the Zhejiang Provincial Nuclear Power Plant Accident Emergency Command will act according to the base emergency command during the emergency state of the nuclear power plant. Provide support to the venue at the request of the Ministry.
4.4.3 Emergency Support Units
The following organizations provide technical support as special support units during the emergency period:
(1) Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute: Engineering and operation support;
(2) Nuclear Power Operations Research Institute: operation support;
(3) China Radiation Protection Research Institute: radiation protection support;
(4) China Nuclear Industry General Hospital: medical support.
4.5 Reporting and Liaison
The report between the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant emergency organization and other off-site emergency organizations is:
Report to the National Nuclear Safety Administration.
Notify the Shanghai Nuclear Safety Supervision Station of the State Environmental Protection Administration.
Report to the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base Emergency Command, which will make emergency reports to the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the Zhejiang Provincial Nuclear Power Plant Accident Off-site Emergency Committee, and China National Nuclear Corporation, and communicate with Qinshan Phase II, The third phase of notifications and other work.
For details on report content and format requirements, please refer to the emergency response procedure "Emergency Notification and Initiation".
4.6 Activation scope and process of emergency response organization
4.6.1 Activation and response of emergency organization
The activation scope of emergency organization under emergency conditions at all levels It is considered based on the division of emergency responsibilities of each emergency response professional group. Please see Table 4-1 (omitted) for the specific starting range and seating location.
4.6.2 Start-up process
The start-up and response of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Headquarters and each emergency response team are carried out in accordance with the corresponding emergency response procedures.
5 Emergency status classification
5.1 Emergency status classification system
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant divides emergency status into the following four levels:
( 1) Emergency standby
In the event of specific circumstances or external events that may endanger the nuclear safety of the nuclear power plant, relevant personnel of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant will enter a state of alert.
(2) Plant emergency
The consequences of the accident are limited to local areas of the nuclear power plant. Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant personnel take nuclear accident emergency response actions in accordance with the requirements of the on-site nuclear accident emergency plan and notify the site. Relevant foreign nuclear accident emergency response organizations.
(3) Site emergency response
The consequences of the accident spread to the entire site. Personnel in the site took nuclear accident emergency response actions and notified the Zhejiang Nuclear Power Plant of off-site emergency response to the nuclear accident. Committee, certain off-site nuclear incident emergency response organizations may take nuclear incident emergency response actions.
(4) Off-site emergency response
If the consequences of the accident transcend the site boundary, implement on-site and off-site nuclear accident emergency plans.
5.2 Emergency state initial conditions and emergency action levels
The identification categories of initial conditions and emergency action levels are divided into four categories:
Category A: refers to abnormalities Radiation levels and radioactive effluent emissions;
Category F: refers to the loss of the fission product barrier;
Category H: refers to disasters and other conditions that affect the safety of the power plant;
S category: refers to system failure.
For details of the initial conditions and emergency action levels of the emergency state, please refer to the emergency response procedure QSZ/I/002-19 "Initial Conditions and Action Levels of Emergency State Classification".
6 Emergency facilities and equipment
The main emergency facilities of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant include: emergency center, backup emergency center, main control room and emergency control room, and technical support center. At the same time, in order to implement emergency response in a timely and effective manner, corresponding environmental monitoring facilities, meteorological observation facilities, accident consequence assessment facilities, emergency communication and broadcast warning facilities, emergency medical facilities and fire protection facilities are configured.
6.1 Emergency Center (ECC)
The emergency center is located about 700m north-west of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant reactor. The emergency center is a two-story building with a construction area of ??647m2. The exterior wall of the emergency center is made of 400mm thick concrete and is equipped with a ventilation and purification system to ensure adequate shielding, sealing and habitability. The main functions of the emergency center include:
(1) Comprehensive management and command of emergency response actions on site;
(2) Conduct power station safety status analysis, environmental consequence assessment and radiation protection Management;
(3) Provide support to control room personnel;
(4) Recommend protective actions for the public;
(5) Report to competent authorities and The nuclear safety department reports and transmits information, and coordinates with local emergency organizations;
(6) Provide hiding and standby places for rescue support personnel and other emergency personnel.
6.2 Backup Emergency Center
The backup emergency center is located on the first floor of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant Environmental Monitoring Center, 8km due north of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, with an area of ??40m2. The function of the backup emergency center is: a backup emergency center when the emergency center is unavailable, and assumes the corresponding functions of the emergency center.
6.3 Main control room and emergency control room (omitted)
6.4 Technical Support Center (TSC) (omitted)
6.5 Monitoring and evaluation facilities
6.5.1 Safety parameter display system
The power station computer has a special safety parameter display SPDS on the display terminal in the main control room. In addition, there are four screens on the power station computer system flow chart. Important parameters of the main safety systems are displayed respectively.
6.5.2 Radiation Monitoring System
The main function of this system is to monitor process radiation parameters, regional radiation levels in the factory building and radioactive activity in the gas and liquid discharge streams, in order to analyze factory safety Provides the necessary data to condition and evaluate the environmental consequences of accidents.
6.5.3 Accident sampling system and analysis facilities
The power plant is equipped with an accident sampling system for containment air, primary circuit main coolant and containment pit water. In the event of an accident, radioactive analysis of samples provides necessary information for core damage evaluation and source term estimation.
6.5.4 Fire detection system
Fire alarm systems are installed in each major factory building.
6.5.5 Earthquake monitoring system
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is equipped with an earthquake monitoring system. Its function is to observe and record possible earthquakes in the plant site area; when the earthquake acceleration exceeds the specified An alarm signal is sent out when on duty so that nuclear power plant operators can take corresponding emergency measures in a timely manner.
6.6 Environmental Monitoring Center
The Environmental Monitoring Center is located in Wuyuan Town, 8km directly north of the power plant, with a construction area of ??2386m2.
6.7 Environmental Monitoring Facilities
6.7.1 Fixed Environmental Monitoring
Within 10km from the base (taking the first-phase reactor as the origin), the installation must be fixed Environment
There are 12 radiation continuous monitoring stations, which use high-voltage ionization chamber detectors to implement continuous monitoring.
6.7.2 On-site environmental monitoring
Set up 64 on-site monitoring points within 50km of the base (taking the first-phase reactor as the origin), using portable X-γ Dose rate meter for in situ gamma radiation monitoring. A thermoluminescent dose tablet is placed at the same point for environmental gamma cumulative dose monitoring.
6.7.3 Environmental sample analysis and measurement equipment
The environmental laboratory of the Environmental Monitoring Center is equipped with low-background environmental radioactivity analysis instruments to analyze environmental samples (crops, agricultural and livestock products, soil, Terrestrial water, groundwater, seawater and indicator organisms, etc.) are analyzed.
6.7.4 Environmental Emergency Patrol Facilities
The Environmental Monitoring Center is equipped with one environmental monitoring (sampling) vehicle and one patrol vehicle, which can be used for mobile monitoring during routine and emergency situations. and inspection purposes.
6.8 Meteorological observation facilities
The meteorological observation facilities consist of two meteorological tower stations and five ground weather stations. The observation elements are wind direction, wind speed, temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation and total radiation, direct solar radiation, and net radiation. All observation elements are transmitted to the base emergency center in real time through dedicated telephone lines and modems.
6.9 Environmental Protection Emergency Computer LAN
The Environmental Protection Emergency Computer LAN is composed of the environmental monitoring center and the emergency center. It uses optical fiber through Tranceiver (optical fiber interface to 100BaseT interface), using 100M Fast Ethernet Network technology ensures that the network can be exchanged to the desktop at a speed of 10/100M, enabling smooth transmission of implementation data.
6.10 Power plant main safety status display system
This system provides important unit operating parameters to help operators evaluate the operating status of the power plant.
6.11 Accident Consequence Evaluation System
This system uses a microcomputer as the system operating machine. The evaluation system software has a modular structure and is divided into wind field and atmospheric diffusion modules, dose modules and user console modules.
6.12 Real-time control and display system for environmental monitoring and meteorological observation data (omitted)
6.13 First aid and medical facilities
6.13.1 Decontamination room
A decontamination room is set up in the sanitary entrance and exit of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, with necessary decontamination equipment, decontamination agents and body surface pollution monitoring equipment;
6.13.2 In-plant medical rescue station
The medical first aid station in the factory is located in the maintenance center. In addition to general medical first aid equipment, this center is also equipped with simple contamination detectors, simple decontamination equipment and emergency ambulances.
6.13.3 Living area nuclear power hospital
The living area nuclear power hospital has first aid equipment, pollution detection and decontamination equipment.
6.13.4 Emergency Medical Support Center
The function of this center is to receive critically injured patients sent from Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant.
Qinshan Nuclear Power and the Nuclear Industry General Hospital have signed an emergency medical support contract, which can ensure the treatment of the injured in the event of an accident and the decontamination treatment of patients with contamination on the surface and inside the body.
6.14 Fire-fighting facilities and equipment
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant has a public security fire squadron responsible for the fire-fighting work of the power plant. It is equipped with three fire trucks and special air breathing apparatus and other fire-fighting equipment. Reach the power plant in five minutes.
The main fire protection equipment of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant are:
(1) Fire prevention area and fire barrier: Fire prevention areas are set up in the main factory building and the factory buildings where fire may occur. The importance of the main factory building The passages are all equipped with fire doors;
(2) Fire water supply system: high pressure is used, a water tank with sufficient capacity is provided as the water source, and emergency power supply is provided;
(3) Fire hydrants: Fire hydrants are installed at certain intervals outside buildings and factory areas. In addition, the Haiyan County Fire Brigade can provide support according to the requirements of the base and power plant in emergency situations.
6.15 Security Facilities
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant has a security department responsible for on-site security and security. During an emergency, the security department of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is responsible for access control within the plant, road traffic control in the plant area, and personnel safety management.
6.16 Preparation and maintenance of emergency facilities, equipment and equipment
For details, please refer to the Emergency Implementation Procedures "Emergency Facilities, Equipment and Materials Management System"
7 Notification Method and procedures
This chapter stipulates the requirements for emergency notification, as well as the communication between the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant emergency command and emergency organization teams, groups, base emergency command, and external emergency organizations in the event of an accident. Notifications, Reporting Methods and Procedures.
7.1 Procedure for determining emergency status level
The emergency status level should be determined according to the emergency action level.
7.2 Notification and activation of emergency status
Under normal circumstances, the level of emergency status is determined by the corresponding emergency personnel; for details, see Emergency Response Procedure QSZ/I/002-01 Emergency Response Implementation Rules.
7.3 Off-site notifications and reports
7.3.1 Emergency notifications
When it is confirmed that an accident has occurred at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant and it enters the emergency standby state or above the emergency state specified time Within the time limit, report to the National Nuclear Safety Administration, the State Environmental Protection Administration Shanghai Nuclear Safety Supervision Station and the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base Emergency Command by telephone and fax, and the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base Emergency Command will report to the National Nuclear Accident Emergency Office and the Zhejiang Provincial Nuclear Power Plant Accident Site The Foreign Emergency Committee and CNNC Emergency Command Center issued emergency notices. The content of the notice includes the time of the accident, the unit, the working conditions of the unit before the accident, the general situation after the accident, emergency measures that have been taken and will be taken, etc.
7.3.2 Initial report
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant shall report to the National Nuclear Safety Administration and the National Nuclear Safety Administration by fax within the specified time after a nuclear accident occurs and the plant enters the plant emergency or is higher than the plant emergency state. The Shanghai Nuclear Safety Supervision Station of the State Environmental Protection Administration and the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base Emergency Command will report to the National Nuclear Accident Emergency Office, Zhejiang Provincial Emergency Office and CNNC through the base emergency command.
7.3.3 Follow-up report
After the initial report, Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant will make a follow-up report to the National Nuclear Safety Administration (including the Shanghai Nuclear Safety Supervision Station of the State Environmental Protection Administration) and pass the base emergency report The command headquarters reports to the National Nuclear Accident Emergency Office, Zhejiang Provincial Emergency Office and CNNC.
8 Emergency Communication
The emergency communication system is a tool for transmitting information between emergency facilities and organizations during an emergency. It is an important part of the implementation of emergency plans. In order to complete emergency communication tasks and meet the basic requirements for emergency communication, Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant has a relatively complete on-site communication system and the emergency communication system of Qinshan Nuclear Power Base. In an emergency, you can also seek assistance from the telecommunications department through the Qinshan Nuclear Power Base Emergency Command. .
The emergency communication system of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant and the emergency communication system of Qinshan Nuclear Power Base are an organic whole. The emergency communication system is designed according to the principles of active compatibility with conventional, complementary communication means and sufficient redundancy. Internal and external communication is based on program-controlled switches. Basic, there are also power microwave and BP paging systems. Communication networks can be used for voice, data and image and text transmission.
9 Accident consequence evaluation
Accident consequence evaluation is to evaluate the status of the power plant and its radiation consequences in case of an accident, in order to provide a basis for decision-making on handling and mitigating accidents and emergency protective actions.
9.1 Accident evaluation and core damage evaluation
9.1.1 Power plant safety status evaluation
Continuously evaluate the safety status of the power plant during the emergency period. Based on the evaluation, decisions on appropriate corrective measures and protective actions are made.
For specific evaluation methods and steps, see the emergency response procedure "Core Damage and Containment Integrity Evaluation."
9.2 Estimation of accident source terms
9.2.1 Calculation of source terms
Chapter 15 of the final safety analysis report of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is representative of various possible scenarios Calculation and analysis of specific accident conditions were carried out and the results were evaluated. Fifteen typical events were selected based on the principle of high probability of expected events and high potential radioactive consequences to the public. For serious accidents not included in Chapter 15, Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant specifically entrusts the Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute in the form of a contract to conduct calculation and analysis of the source terms of serious accidents.
9.2.2 Preliminary estimation of source items released after serious accidents
Based on the core damage evaluation results, the degree of core damage can be preliminarily judged according to the following situations:
(1) The fuel cladding is not damaged
(2) The fuel cladding is damaged
(3) The fuel is overheated
(4) The fuel melts
9.3 Obtaining meteorological data under accident conditions
Meteorological data under accident conditions are mainly obtained from the following three aspects:
(1) Meteorological tower
(2) Ground meteorological observation stations
(3) Weather stations around the power plant
9.4 Environmental monitoring under accident conditions
The task of environmental monitoring is to Monitor the size and nuclide composition of the accidental release of radioactive materials to provide data for evaluating the nature and source of the accident; monitor the environmental gamma dose rate and the pollution levels of air, soil, vegetables, food and water sources to determine the pollution areas and levels , providing a basis for taking protective measures.
9.5 Site monitoring under accident conditions
9.5.1 Area gamma monitoring system
Area gamma monitoring is to monitor the occurrence of radiation hazards and monitor the situation Warning issued to workers at high-radiation sites. In the event of an accident, areas of radioactive leakage can also be detected.
9.5.2 Containment Monitoring System
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is equipped with a containment aerosol monitoring system (P.I.G). This system monitors the radioactivity in the exhaust duct of the reactor building ventilation system. The concentration is monitored. When radioactivity is found to be high, the system sends a warning signal and activates the containment isolation system to prevent radioactive gases from being discharged into the environment.
9.5.3 Post-accident sampling system
When an accident occurs, this system can be used to monitor the radioactive concentration of the air in the containment vessel.
9.6 Accident Environmental Consequence Assessment
The task of environmental consequence assessment is to predict the migration trajectory of pollutants and contaminated areas as soon as possible in the early stages of the accident and estimate the environment during and after the accident. Consequences provide decision-making basis for emergency response actions. For specific emergency response procedures, see the Emergency Response Procedures "Assessment of Environmental Consequences of Radioactive Accidents".
10 Emergency protection response actions
10.1 On-site emergency protection actions
10.1.1 Methods of alarming and notifying on-site personnel
Alarm and notification methods for on-site personnel include: dispatch telephones, production and administrative broadcast systems, etc.
In the event of an "on-site emergency" or "off-site emergency", the evacuation notice will be communicated within 5 minutes to all personnel on site who must evacuate (including nuclear power plant staff without emergency duties, visitors, construction workers and others such as temporary workers).
10.1.2 Evacuation
Evacuation means that people leave the point where the incident occurred and enter other areas that are not affected by the incident.
10.1.3 Concealment
Concealment refers to personnel leaving the location of the incident and entering a concealable building, or entering a concealable building from the wild.
10.2 Suggestions on off-site emergency protective measures
10.2.1 General intervention level and operational intervention level
Adopt the standards of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the State Environmental Protection Administration, The Ministry of Health's "Notice on Issuing the "Intervention Principles and Intervention Levels for Nuclear or Radiation Emergency" (Second Department of Science and Technology [2002] No. 22) recommends dose intervention level values ??(Table 10-1).
10.2.2 Suggestions on off-site protective measures
According to the "Regulations on Nuclear Accident Emergency Management of Nuclear Power Plants", the nuclear power plant emergency organization has the responsibility to make recommendations on off-site protective measures, especially It provides early protective action recommendations based on power plant operating conditions in the event of a serious accident.
Off-site protective actions are recommended to be implemented in accordance with the emergency response procedures "Recommendations for Off-site Public Protection Measures".
11 Emergency remedial actions
Emergency remedial actions mainly include: firefighting, tropical storm (typhoon) prevention, earthquake and flood resistance, etc. All emergency remedial actions are implemented in accordance with pre-established plans and relevant emergency response procedures.
11.1 Emergency remedial actions and engineering rescue measures
11.1. 1 Prevention and resistance to tropical storms (typhoons)
Prevention and resistance to tropical storms (typhoons) of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant The emergency response procedures shall be implemented in accordance with the "Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant Implementation Rules for Typhoon Prevention and Resistance".
11.1.2 Preventing and resisting earthquake disasters
An earthquake monitoring system is installed in the reactor building and auxiliary building of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, and its alarm signal is sent directly to the main control room.
11.2 Fire extinguishing measures
11.2.1 Fire alarm detection
In order to detect fires early and to alert the police in time when the fire starts so that fire extinguishing can be carried out without wasting the opportunity. As a measure, fire alarm detection systems are installed in fire-prone parts of the main buildings of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant. The fire detection system consists of fire detectors, fire alarms, fire centralized alarm control devices, etc.
11.2.2 Fire prevention areas and fire barriers
According to the relevant nuclear power plant fire prevention guidelines, fire prevention areas or fire prevention barriers are set up in the main buildings of nuclear power plants and in those buildings or compartments where fire may occur. compartment. The fire resistance limit is generally 3 hours. Some fire protection zones are 1.5 hours.
11.2.3 Fire protection of the ventilation system
The air intake and exhaust systems are equipped with air duct fire dampers when entering and exiting the fire protection zone and penetrating the fire protection barrier. The fire dampers are used when the air temperature reaches 70°C. It can immediately and automatically close to cut off the air flow to prevent the fire from spreading from the fire site to adjacent compartments. Cutting off the supply of fresh air limits the further development of the fire.
11.2.4 Fire water supply system
The fire water supply system adopts high pressure, with a design pressure greater than 8Kgf/cm2. Under this pressure, fire water can reach any corner of the factory. Where there are a large amount of combustibles (cables, activated carbon, transformer oil, lubricating oil, etc.) and there is often no one on duty, and water is used to extinguish fires without damaging the equipment, a water spray or water spray fixed automatic or semi-automatic fire extinguishing system device is installed .
11.2.5 Other fire extinguishing systems
In addition, there are haloalkane gas automatic fire extinguishing systems; mobile, portable fire extinguishers, haloalkane gas fire extinguishers, carbon dioxide, chemical dry powder fire extinguishers, etc. As conventional fire extinguishing equipment, portable fire extinguishers are installed near the entrances and exits of some rooms and in obvious locations in passages and stairwells on each floor as an auxiliary fire extinguishing system.
11.2.6 Firefighting personnel allocation
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant has a professional fire brigade of 25 people. The nuclear power plant fire station is located near the main entrance and exit of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant and is responsible for fire-fighting tasks in the first, second and third phases of the Qinshan area. It is equipped with one ordinary fire truck, one multi-purpose fire truck, one fire command vehicle and other communication, alarm and fire-fighting equipment.
11.2.7 Off-site firefighting department support
The fire-fighting foreign aid command center of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is the Jiaxing Municipal Public Security Bureau Fire Brigade, and the first reinforcement force is the Haiyan County Public Security Bureau Fire Brigade , the second reinforcement force is the Haining City Public Security Fire Brigade, Pinghu City Public Security Fire Brigade, and Zhapu Petrochemical Oil Depot Fire Brigade. If necessary, after receiving the report, the Zhejiang Provincial Fire Brigade can quickly notify the Hangzhou Fire Brigade and Shanghai Fire Brigade to prepare for reinforcements.
12 Radiation exposure control of emergency personnel
This chapter stipulates the principles, methods and emergency exposure control standards for radiation exposure control of emergency response personnel at Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant.
12.1 Control principles for radiation exposure of emergency workers
The emergency exposure received by emergency workers should follow the following principles:
(1) For radiation directly from The emergency exposure of the accident (such as the exposure of the staff in the main control room and emergency command center of the nuclear power plant, excluding the exposure received by rescuing lives and property and participating in the power plant's corrective actions), in principle, should be through the design of the protective facilities and emergency response of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant procedures to control them, and try to control the doses they receive below the limits of occupational exposure;
(2) Principles of legitimacy of emergency exposure;
(3) Emergency exposure for the noble purpose of correcting accidents or rescuing lives and property allows emergency workers to receive larger doses of exposure, but those receiving emergency exposure should be fully aware of the possible dangers and adhere to the principle of voluntariness; and It should be controlled below the threshold of serious deterministic effects as much as possible;
(4) For the purpose of saving lives, stopping and controlling the development of accidents, and aiming to significantly reduce the exposure level of the public and workers, the Exposure to occupational exposure dose limits should be subject to strict approval procedures and should be carried out under the effective supervision of radiation protection personnel.
12.2 Allowed radiation exposure levels for emergency response personnel
According to GB18871-2002 "Basic Standard for Ionizing Radiation Protection and Radiation Source Safety", the emergency response personnel of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant are formulated. Irradiation control values ??(see Table 12-1). (omitted)
12.3 Approval procedures for emergency personnel receiving excessive dose exposure
The approval procedures for emergency exposure at Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant are shown in Table 12-2. (Omitted)
12.4 Preservation of emergency exposure records
The Health Physics Department of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant properly preserves the historical exposure data of all radioactive workers at Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant.
13 Medical Rescue
The emergency medical rescue system of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is shown in Figure 13-1. (omitted)
13.1 On-site medical rescue team
The medical rescue team is composed of doctors and nurses from Qinshan Nuclear Power Staff Hospital with certain practical medical experience. The radiation protection department cooperates, and its members have sufficient on-site first aid, radiation monitoring and protection capabilities; they have the ability to respond quickly and effectively, follow the priority of priority, and take necessary protective measures for both rescuers and those being rescued.
13.2 On-site medical rescue plan
When a nuclear accident occurs at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, the medical rescue team immediately rushes to the scene to provide on-site rescue and develop rescue plans for different situations.
13.3 Off-site medical intervention plan
After the nuclear accident emergency at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, the Qinshan Nuclear Power Staff Hospital took corresponding medical intervention according to the exposure dose of the staff.
14 Appendix
14.1 Terminology (omitted)