CPU Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200 (box) ¥ 560
Motherboard MSI P43 Neo-F ¥ 559
Memory Kingston 2GB DDR2 800 ¥ 150
Hard disk Seagate 320G 7200.11 16M ¥ 355
Graphics card Integra 9800GT Game Master. 16M ¥ 355
Graphics card Integra 9800GT Game Master ¥ 899
Optical drive Pioneer DVD-129 ¥ 125
Chassis Fox 140 ¥ 120
Power supply AeroGear Wide King 2 ¥ 290
Keyboards and mice Logitech Optical Master 1000 ¥ 150
Total 3083 yuan
E5200 + P43 standard configuration, Yingtong of this card is one of the strongest 9800GT, LZ budget can add 100 dollars to buy 4850.
Temporarily, I think that LZ is a 19-inch monitor, Vista system.