(1) Medical articles entering human tissues or sterile organs must be sterilized; Instruments and articles that come into contact with skin and mucous membranes must be disinfected.
(2) Used medical equipment and articles should be decontaminated first, thoroughly cleaned, and then disinfected or sterilized; Medical equipment and articles used by patients with infectious diseases should be disinfected first, thoroughly cleaned, and then disinfected or sterilized. All medical devices should be disinfected or sterilized before inspection.
(3) Physical or chemical methods are selected for disinfection and sterilization according to the properties of the articles. Physical sterilization is the first choice for sterilization of heat-resistant and moisture-resistant articles; Pressure steam sterilization is preferred for surgical instruments and articles, various puncture needles: syringes, etc. Dry heat sterilization is the first choice for oil, flour and green. Heat-labile articles such as catheters, precision instruments and artificial implants can be sterilized by chemical methods, such as ethylene oxide sterilization, and endoscopes can be sterilized by ethylene oxide sterilization or 2% glutaraldehyde immersion. Physical methods are preferred for disinfection, and chemical methods can only be selected if physical methods cannot be used for disinfection.
for chemical sterilization or disinfection, sterilization, high efficiency and low efficiency disinfectants can be selected according to different situations. When using chemical disinfectants, it is necessary to know the performance, function, usage method, factors affecting sterilization or disinfection effect, etc., pay attention to the effective concentration when preparing, and monitor it regularly according to regulations. When replacing the sterilizing agent, the container used for soaking sterilized articles must be sterilized.