Before the invasion of the Xenomorph Swarm, Elle was a green planet with pristine oceans, dense jungles, and thriving cities. Its atmosphere contained moderate levels of greenhouse gases, and the planet's orbit had a low centrifugal rate, resulting in a hot and humid climate that supported a great deal of life. Over hundreds of millions of years, countless species have been born in the hot and humid rainforests of Ayr, with the Star Spirits being among the best of them. Planetary Data:
Population: Estimated 5,000,000,000+ xenomorphs, unknown number of starling survivors
Subordinate Camp: Swarm
Diameter/Gravity: 13,273 kilometers; Std. 0.98 Axial Inclination/Climate: 18.50 degrees/average of 30 degrees Celsius, high humidity
Geographic Characteristics/Major Settlements: 5 major continents, 4 oceans, 2,000 lakes, 12 mountain ranges (5 volcanoes); ~38 astral spirit temples (destroyed), 5 major cities (destroyed), 2,000 settlements (destroyed), ~65 primary xenomorph main nest colonies, ~289 secondary xenomorph main nest colonies, ~600 tertiary xenomorph main nest colonies
Satellites : 1 - Sharok (white, medium-sized, >3,500 kilometers in diameter)
Primary Terrain Class: Jungle/Wasteland
Primary Life Form: Xenomorphs
Local Life Forms: (Unknown number of species prior to the Xenomorph invasion) Bungaras cheetahs, Kelta rats, Wakai apes, kangaroo ponies, merlou venomous lizards, omu Hala, Starling
Import: none
Export: none The icy planet of Blakesis is literally the most unsettled planet in the Koplu Sector. Over 60% of the land on this rocky planet is covered in ice, with ice caps up to two miles thick in some areas. Thousands of years of glacial erosion have created a rugged and sinuous landscape of ice-eroded mountain systems, with cliffs and deep valleys crisscrossing the planet's surface. In these areas, gravity-induced downdrafts can often create winds in excess of 150 miles per hour.
Planetary Data:
Population: Humans 24,000+
Subordinate Formation: Human Empire
Diameter/Gravity: 9,480 kilometers; Std. 0.82 Axial Inclination/Climate: 24.3 degrees/Avg. -60 degrees Celsius, very low humidity
Geographic Features/Major Settlements: 3 glacial continents, 43 Mountains (4 Volcanoes),4 Oceans (3 Permafrost); 1 Major Human Settlement, 3 Minor Minor Human Settlements, 10 Minor Starling Settlements (Destroyed), 2 Starling Temples (Destroyed)
Satellites: Edith (Dark Gray, Medium Size, Diameter >2,000 Kilometers)
Predominant Terrain Type: Ice and Snow
Major Life Forms: Human - Human Empire
Local Life Forms: Iso-Ice Bears (reintroduced)
Import: food, munitions, personnel
Export: refined ores, high-powered gas The ash world of Chal is a xenomorphic base in the Koplu Sector. The planet's savage volcanic surface is riddled with giant xenomorph lairs and maze-like tunnel systems. Millions of vicious xenomorphs thrive in them.
Planetary Data:
Population: 10+ billion Xenomorphs
Subordinate Camp: Swarm
Diameter/Gravity: 10,521 kilometers/0.91 standard gravitational axes Inclination/Climate: 4.1 degrees/+/-48 degrees Celsius (figures are averaged, with highs of 800 degrees Celsius and above), very low humidity
Geography. Features/Major Settlements: 52 craters, 18 mountain ranges (all volcanic), 38 magma lakes, 5 magma seas (varies year-round)/Approximately 150 major nesting colonies, 1029 tertiary nesting colonies
Satellites: 2, Aeris, Etter (purple, small, diameter >1000 km)
Major Terrain Classes: Multi-Volcanic
Major Life Forms: Xenomorphs
Local Life Forms: none
Import: none
Export: none As the Imperial Planet of the Terran Empire, Kha IV is a radiation-ravaged world in the war-torn human history of the Koplu Sector. As the fourth planet in the Kha system, Kha IV (often simply referred to as "Kha") was originally a lushly vegetated world with a mild climate. It was settled by Tarsanis colonists in the early days of exploration. Kha soon became one of the thirteen Federation home planets, known for its high level of science and advanced research facilities, and contributed to many of humanity's key breakthroughs in military and technological development. But like all those home planets, Kha IV became a vassal of the Terran Federation and the corrupt old House Tasanis. Over time, the political situation on Kha IV grew tense. Many revolutionaries were calling for Kha IV to break away from Federation control.
Planetary Data:
Population: 6.3 Billion Humans
Subordinate Formation: Humans
Diameter/Gravity: 12,248 kilometers/0.98 Standard Gravity Axis Inclination/Climate: 6.2 Degrees/ +/-25 Degrees Celsius, Low Humidity
Geographic Features/Major Settlements: 6 continents, 2 main seas, 72 light zones ; 8 major metropolises, 5,592 settlements, 1,012 industrial districts
Moons: 2, Ursa (brown, small, diameter >1,100km), Canis (brown, small, diameter >900km) in a narrow asteroidal ring belt
Major Terrain Classes: massively manmade giant Metropolis/Radiant Desert/Wasteland
Primary Life Forms: Human - Terran Empire
Local Life Forms: chelonian scorpion, gliding eagle (introduced species), whip-tailed panther (introduced species), giant rhinoceros (introduced species), iguana (introduced species), myrmecophagous lizard (introduced species), milot (introduced species), shale dog (introduced species)
Import: Crystalline Ore, High Energy Gas, Food, Living Things, Luxury Goods
Export: High-Tech Products, Military Products, Engineering Components, Media Programs, Entertainment Mar-Sala is the eighth colony world of the Old Terran Federation. The planet was considered a backward world with stagnant development, but a well-developed mining industry made it a strategically valuable resource planet. It once fell to a nest of xenomorphs, followed by a total burning of the place by the Star Spirits. The intrepid Terran Humans resumed colonization here in 2502 with a massive remodeling of Mar-Sala.
Planetary Data:
Population: 80,000+ Humans, Unknown Xenomorphs
Subordinate Formation: Terran Empire
Diameter/Gravity: 9,265 kilometers/1.09 standard gravitational axis Inclination/Climate: 13.5 degrees/ +/-34 degrees Celsius, very low humidity
Geographic Features/Major Settlements: 18 small dust seas 28 highlands (17 volcanic) / 12 major settlements (destroyed), 86 mining outposts, 12 refineries
Satellites: 2, Piamos, Tisbi (gray, medium-sized, greater than 2,000 kilometers in diameter)
Major Terrain Classes: wastelands/mountains/deserts
Predominant Life Forms: Humans -Kemorian Confederation/Terran Empire
Local Life Forms: None/Xenomorphic Parasites (secondary status)
Import: Mining Equipment, Manpower, Food, Water
Export: Refined Ore, Unrefined Ore, Energetic Gas Gas, Terrazine, Discarded Materials The giant red planet of Moria. Long considered to be the richest of the mineral planets owned by humanity in the Koplu sector. It contains immense resources of ore and gas. The first settlers to arrive on Moria were the passengers of the supercarrier Jacob. It was one of four colony ships that brought humans to this sector. After Jacob made an emergency landing on this planet, the people aboard it dismantled the supercarrier as the initial batch of materials they needed to establish a home on Moria. At the time, they were unaware of the presence of two other colonized worlds in the sector: Tasanis and Yumoyan.
Planetary Data:
Population: over four and one-half billion humans
Subordinate Camp: Kemorian Combine
Diameter/Gravity: 13,528 kilometers/1.16 standard gravity Axial Inclination/Climate: 2.4 degrees/ +/- 32 degrees Celsius, very low humidity
Geographic Features/Main Settlements: 5 major continents, 6 vast dusty seas, 14 highland regions (including 5 volcanic regions); 16 major settlements, 86 secondary settlements, 751 mining sites, 802 refineries, 323 factories
Satellites: 2, Vito (green, small, diameter >1,000 kilometers), Brutus (grey, small, diameter >1,000 kilometers)
Major Features/Major Settlements. /p>
Primary Terrain Type: Wasteland
Primary Life Form: Human-Kemorian Combine
Local Life Forms: Giant Rhinoceros, Dairy Cow (Introduced Breeds), Mineral Worms, Rodent Fish
Import: unrefined ores, food, water, medical supplies, manpower, luxury items
Exports: Refined Ore, High Energy Gas, Precious Metals, Processed Goods The environment of New Folsom is extremely unstable and cannot sustain life. Only military starships with powerful armaments can approach the planet. To approach it, a starship must pass through a variable orbit and cross not one, but two major planetary force fields.
Planetary Data:
Population: 3,500 Humans
Subordinate Camp: Terran Empire
Diameter/Gravity: 6,391 kilometers/1.3 standard gravity Axial Inclination/Climate: 3.7 degrees/ +/- 51 degrees Celsius (Peak "800 degrees Celsius"), very low humidity
Geographic Features/Major Settlements: 4. Continents (in flux), 97 craters, 9 mountain ranges (all volcanic), 53 magma lakes, 3 magma seas (in flux)
Satellites: 1, Su (blue, small, 792 km in diameter)
Major Terrain Classes: Volcanic
Predominant Life Forms: Human- -Terran Empire
Local Life Forms: none
Import: food, water, munitions, medical supplies, replacement parts for prison structures
Export: unrefined ores, crystalline ores As a marginal world with a mild climate, Sero was initially overlooked by colonizers due to the lack of metallic components in its geological formations. Humans needed resource-based planets capable of sustaining large-scale industrial production and interstellar trade. It was not until those resource-rich home worlds had been fully explored, colonized and exploited that Cerro gradually became the new human colony.
Planetary data:
Population: 255 million humans
Subordinate camp: Terran Empire
Diameter/Gravity: 10,694 kilometers/0.98 standard gravity Axial inclination/climate: 5.8 degrees/ +/- 27 degrees Celsius, low humidity
Geographic features/main settlements: 3 oceans, 4 inland seas/ Giant Lakes, 3 Mainlands; 6 Primary Settlements, 18 Secondary Settlements
Satellites: 1, Byvovus (green, small, diameter >873 km)
Primary Terrain Class: Mild Climate Plains/Steppes/Tundra
Primary Life Forms: Humans - -Terran Empire
Local Life Forms: curly-horned toad, Neret
Import: metals, electronics, farming equipment
Export: grains, agricultural products Four giant colony voyages brought humanity to the Koplu sector, with the lead ship, the Najilfar, landing on Tasanis. The Nargilfa carried the supercomputer Atlas, which controlled the four ships for the entire 28 long years of interstellar voyage. Although the Atlas produced many fatal malfunctions, it still played an extremely important role in the development of Tarsanis, giving the planet's newest inhabitants a considerable advantage.
Planetary data:
Population: 7,000 humans; unknown number of xenomorphs
Subordinate camp: independent
Diameter/Gravity: 8,894 kilometers; 0.96 std. axial inclination/climate: 5.6 degrees/average of 24 Celsius, low humidity
Geographic features/main settlements: 2 oceans, 7 inland seas/ large lakes, 1 major continent; 12 large cities (destroyed), 1,572 settlements (destroyed), 875 industrial zones (destroyed)
Satellites: 4 - Olsen, Worthing, Tresen, Endel (multiple colors, all small satellites, diameter >1,250km)
Primary Terrain Class: Wastelands / Ruins p>
Primary Life Forms: Humans, Xenomorphs
Local Life Forms: (Unknown number of species prior to the Xenomorph invasion) Urchin Lizard, Life Bird, Molka Beast, Twin-Tailed Scorpion
Import: Personnel, Food, Water, Scanning Devices, Recycled Equipment
Export: Recycled Debris, Recovery Technology, Rare Metals When the four super-carrier ships brought the humans to the Coplu Star Sector, two of them landed on the strange and vibrant planet Yumoyan. One of them, the Sarenge, suffered a fatal systems error and crashed on landing, cutting a massive canyon into the planet's surface. All 8,000 passengers on board perished. But the Rigan landed safely. When the passengers on board awoke from their hibernation pods, they found themselves on a truly alien world: the sky of Yumoyan was a brassy orange; the air had a faint aroma, and a myriad of strange beings dotted the vast plains and grasslands.
Planetary data:
Population: over 2.1 billion humans
Subordinate camp: Yumoyan Protectorate
Diameter/Gravity: 8,543 kilometers/0.92 standard gravitational axial inclination/Climate: 15.8 degrees/+/- 22 degrees Celsius, moderate humidity
Geographic features/major settlements: 4 main land masses, 3 seas 23 inland seas/major lakes, 5 large canyons; 18 primary settlements, 103 secondary settlements, 110 farming complexes, 41 orbital stations
Satellites: 1, Sunnis (blue, small, diameter >1,000 km)
Major Terrain Classes: Grasslands/Plains
Predominant Life Forms: Humans -Yumoyan Protectorate
Local Life Forms: Dairy Cattle, Gliding Eagles (Introduced Species), Sphincter, Mammoth Beetle, Job's Bee
Imported: unrefined ores, luxury goods, medical supplies, manpower
Exported: Domesticated Livestock, Dairy Beef, Berries, Artifacts, Refined Ore. High-powered gas