Introduction of Mobile Robot

Intelligent mobile robot is a comprehensive system integrating environment sensing, dynamic decision-making and planning, behavior control and execution. It focuses on sensor technology, information processing, electronic engineering, computer engineering, automation control engineering and artificial intelligence and other multidisciplinary research results, on behalf of the highest achievements in mechatronics, is currently one of the most active areas of scientific and technological development. With the continuous improvement of robot performance, the scope of application of mobile robots has been greatly expanded, not only in industry, agriculture, medical care, service and other industries have been widely used, but also in the urban security, national defense and space exploration and other hazardous and dangerous occasions have been well applied. Therefore, the mobile robot technology has received universal attention from countries all over the world.

Research on mobile robots began in the late 1960s. Nils Nilssen and Charles Rosen et al. at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) developed an autonomous mobile robot named Shakey from 1966 to mid-1972 [1]. The aim was to investigate the application of artificial intelligence techniques for autonomous reasoning, planning and control of robotic systems in complex environments.

Based on the mode of movement, it can be divided into: wheeled mobile robots, walking mobile robots (single-legged, two-legged and multi-legged), crawler mobile robots, crawling robots, creeping robots and swimming robots, etc.; according to the working environment, it can be divided into: indoor mobile robots and outdoor mobile robots; according to the structure of the control system, it can be divided into: functional (horizontal) structure robots, behavioral (horizontal) structure robots, and behavioral (horizontal) structure robots. ) structure robots, behavioral (vertical) structure robots and hybrid robots; by function and use, can be divided into: medical robots, military robots, disabled robots, cleaning robots, etc.;

A robot system consisting of sensors, remote control operators and automatically controlled mobile carriers. Mobile robot with mobile function, in place of people engaged in dangerous, harsh (such as radiation, toxic, etc.) environment operations and people are not as good as (such as cosmic space, underwater, etc.) environment operations, than the general robot has greater mobility, flexibility.

Mobile robot is a kind of work in complex environments, with self-organization, autonomous operation, autonomous planning of intelligent robots, the integration of computer technology, information technology, communications technology, microelectronics technology and robotics technology.