Surgical instruments and the use of commonly used

Yi, scalpel (Scalpel, Surgical Blade)

1, composition and role: commonly used is a folding blade and scalpel can be installed, divided into blade (Knife blade) and handle (Knife handle) in two parts, with the blade will be installed in the handle, the commonly used models for the 20-24 large blade, suitable for large wounds cut, 9-17 belong to the small blade, the end of the blade is engraved with a number, for ophthalmology and ENT, and according to the shape of the blade is divided into garden knife, ear, nose and throat, and the shape of the blade is divided into garden knife, knife, knife. The common type is 20-24 large blade, suitable for large wound cutting, 9-17 belongs to the small blade, the end of the blade is engraved with a number, suitable for ophthalmology and ear, nose and throat, and according to the shape of the blade is divided into the garden knife, curved knife, ball head knife and triangular knife. The handles of the knives are divided according to their length and size, with numbers engraved on the end, so that several different types of blades can be mounted on one handle.

The blade should be mounted with vascular pliers (or needle pliers) to avoid cutting fingers.

Scalpel is generally used to cut and peel the tissue, there are now at the same time with the function of hemostasis scalpel, used for liver, spleen and other substantial organs or surgical trauma is large, need to be repeated hemostasis of the operation (such as breast cancer radical surgery). Such as a variety of electric knife, laser knife, microwave knife, plasma scalpel and high-pressure waterjet. However, these knives need a complete set of equipment and specialized personnel to operate. There are also single-use scalpels and handles. The operation is convenient, and can prevent nosocomial infection. Here is an example of the use of ordinary scalpels.

2, the knife method: the correct method of execution of the knife has the following four:

1) bowing: is commonly used knife method, the thumb under the knife handle, the index finger and middle finger on the knife handle, wrist force. It is used for longer skin incisions and incision of the anterior sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle.

2) pen style: the main force of action in the finger, for short distance fine exchange, used for dissection of blood vessels, nerves, peritoneal dissection and short incisions

3) grip: hold the knife is more stable. Cutting range is wider. Used to make a larger force of incision. Such as amputation, tendon dissection, longer skin incisions, etc.

4) Grip: The knife is more stable.

4) Back-picking type: all rely on the finger end of the force to pick open, mostly used for abscess incision, in order to prevent damage to the deep tissue.

Regardless of which method of holding the knife, should be the blade protruding surface and tissue in a perpendicular direction, layer by layer to cut the tissue, do not use the tip of the knife to operate with force, the knife is too high to control the unstable, too low and impede the line of sight, to be moderate.

Two, surgical scissors (Scissors, straight, curved )

Based on its structural characteristics of sharp, blunt, straight, curved, long, short types. According to its use is divided into tissue scissors (Tissue Scissors), wire scissors (Stitch Scissors) and dismantling scissors (Ligature Scissors). Tissue scissors are mostly curved scissors, sharp and fine for dissecting, cutting or separating cut tissues. Usually, straight scissors are used for superficial surgical operations and curved scissors are used for deep surgical operations. Wire scissors are mostly straight scissors, which are used to cut sutures, dressings, drains, and so on. The difference between wire scissors and tissue scissors is that the blade of tissue scissors is sharp and thin, and the blade of wire scissors is blunt and thick. Therefore, must not be convenient, greedy for fast, to tissue shears instead of wire scissors, so as to damage the blade, resulting in waste. Demolition scissors is a page of blunt concave, a straight tip of the straight scissors, for the removal of sutures, the correct holding scissors law for the thumb and the fourth finger were inserted into the scissors handle of the two rings, the middle finger on the fourth ring of the scissors handle, the forefinger pressed on the shaft joints to play a stabilizing and guiding role in favor of the operation

Three, vascular forceps (Hemostat or Clamp, straight, curved)

Vascular clamp is mainly used for clamping blood vessels or bleeding points, also known as hemostatic forceps. Vascular forceps in the structure of the main difference is the tooth groove bed, due to the need for surgical operations, the tooth groove bed is divided into straight, curved, right-angled, curved (such as the kidney tip forceps) and so on. Used for vascular surgery vascular forceps, tooth groove of the teeth is thinner, shallower, more elastic, the role of the pressure on the tissue and the damage to the vessel wall, endothelium are lighter, called non-invasive vascular forceps. Due to the smooth front end of the forceps, it is easy to insert into the fascia, not easy to puncture the vein, but also for separation of anatomical tissues. It can also be used for traction suture, pulling out suture needle, or used instead of forceps, but should not be clamped skin, organs and fragile tissues. Used for hemostasis when the tip should be perpendicular to the tissue, clamp the bleeding blood vessel severed end, as little as possible to clamp the nearby tissues, hemostatic forceps have a variety of different shapes and lengths, in order to suit the different nature of the operation and the need for the site. In addition to the common straight, curved two kinds, there are toothed vascular clamp (full tooth groove), mosquito type straight, curved vascular clamp.

A. Curved vascular forceps (Kelly Clamp, large, med., small): used to clamp the deep tissue or visceral vascular bleeding, there are two kinds of long and short.

B. Straight vascular forceps (Straight Clamp): used to hold shallow tissue bleeding, to assist in pulling out the needle and so on.

C. Tooth vascular clamp (Kocher's Clamp, large, med., small): used to clamp the thicker tissues and easy to slip out of the organization of the blood vessels bleeding, such as mesentery, the greater omentum, etc., the front end of the teeth to prevent slippage, but can not be used for subcutaneous hemostasis. D. Mosquito vascular clamp (Mosquito C1amp): a small, delicate and delicate vascular clamp. D. Mosquito vascular forceps (Mosquito C1amp): for small delicate vascular forceps, straight, curved (straight, curved) two kinds of organs, facial and plastic surgery for hemostasis, should not be used to do large pieces of tissue clamping.

The use of vascular forceps is basically the same as the surgical scissors, but when you release the thumb and index finger to hold the vascular forceps a ring mouth, the middle finger and ring finger to block the other ring mouth, the thumb and ring finger gently force on the top of the can.

Be careful: vascular clamp should not hold skin, intestinal tubes, etc., in order to avoid tissue necrosis. Hemostasis can be buckled on only one or two teeth, to check whether the buckle lock is out of order, sometimes the clamp handle will automatically loosen, resulting in bleeding, should be vigilant. Before use should check the front end of the transverse tooth groove two pages whether the anastomosis, not anastomosis is not used, in order to prevent vascular clamp clamping tissue slippage.

Four, surgical forceps

Surgical forceps are used to hold and lift the tissues for dissection and suturing, and can also hold suture needles and dressings. There are different lengths, divided into two kinds of forceps with teeth and toothless forceps:

1. Teeth forceps (Teeth Forceps): also known as tissue forceps, the tip of the forceps has teeth, teeth are divided into coarse teeth and fine teeth, coarse teeth forceps used to clamp the harder tissues, more injurious, fine-toothed forceps used for fine surgical procedures, such as tendon suturing, orthopedic surgery, and so on. Because the tip of the hook teeth, clamping firm, but there is a certain damage to the tissue.

2, toothless forceps (SmoothForceps): also known as flat forceps or dressing forceps. Its tip without hook teeth, used to clamp the fragile tissue, organs and dressings. Short forceps are used for shallow operation, long forceps are used for deep operation, and pointed flat forceps are less damaging to tissues and are used for vascular and nerve surgery.

The correct way to hold forceps is to use the thumb to the index finger and the middle finger to hold the middle and upper part of the two forceps feet.

V. Needle Holder

Needle holder is also called needle holder. Mainly used for clamping sewing needle suturing various tissues. Sometimes also used for instrument knotting. With the tip of the needle holder to clamp the needle in the middle, after the 1 / 3 junction is appropriate, most of the cases should be clamped to the left of the tip of the needle, special circumstances can be to the right, the suture should be overlapped by 1/3, and the overlap of the thread winding part of the needle is also placed in the nozzle. To facilitate the operation, if the needle clamped in the middle of the needle holder, it is easy to break the needle. Frequently hold the needle clamp method:

1. grasp method: also known as a grasp or full grasp, that is, with the hand grasp to hold the needle clamp. Pincer ring close to the intertriginous muscle, thumb, middle finger, ring finger and little finger were pressed on the pincer handle, after the three fingers together to play a role in fixing the index finger pressure on the front of the needle holding pliers near the axial section. Using the thumb and the big fish muscle and metacarpophalangeal joint activity to push the extension, open the needle clamp handle ring on the tooth buckle, release the tooth buckle and control the size of the mouth of the needle clamp to hold the needle. When closed, the thumb and teres major muscle and the rest of the metacarpophalangeal part of the grip is about to lock the buckle. This method of suturing steady and easy to change the direction of the suture needle, suture smooth, easy to operate.

2. Finger sleeve method: traditional law enforcement. With the thumb, ring finger set into the clamp ring, to finger activity force to control the opening and closing of the needle clamp, and to control its open and disturb the range of action. With the middle finger into the ring of the pliers law enforcement, because of the distance from the pivot point and poor stability, so it is the wrong law enforcement.

3, palm and finger method: the thumb into the pliers ring, index finger pressure in the front part of the pliers to do support guide, the remaining three fingers pressure pliers ring fixed in the palm. The thumb can be opened and closed up and down activities to control the opening and closing of the needle forceps

6, commonly used forceps instruments

1. sponge forceps (oval forceps) (Ring forceps): also known as the holding forceps. Divided into two kinds of tooth pattern, no tooth pattern, tooth pattern is mainly used for clamping, transfer has been sterilized instruments, sutures, suture needles, dressings, drainage tubes and so on. It is also used to clamp gauze dipped in antiseptic solution to disinfect the skin of the surgical field or to swab for blood deep in the surgical field, and the non-toothed one is used to hold organs and assist in exposure. The sterile holding forceps are usually placed in sterilized large-mouth measuring cups or large-mouth bottles in the dressing room and operating room, which contain knife-scissors liquid. When using them to pick up objects, it should be noted that: (1) the head end (i.e., the end immersed in disinfectant) should not be pointed upward, so that the disinfectant will flow into the bacterial area at the handle end, and the head end will be contaminated when it is put back. Normal holding method head end should always face down. (2) Exclusively for clamping sterile items, not for changing medications. (3)The head end should be closed when removing or putting back, do not touch the mouth of the container, and cannot touch the instrument table. (4)The mouth of the container where the holding forceps are placed should be covered with a plastic sleeve.

2. Tissue forceps: also called rat-tooth forceps (Allis). The pressure on the tissue is lighter than the vascular clamp, so it is generally used to clamp soft tissues, not easy to slip, such as clamping traction was removed from the lesion site, in order to facilitate the operation, clamp gauze pads and incision edges of the subcutaneous tissues, to avoid contamination of tissues within the incision.

3. cloth towel clamp (Towel clip): used to fix the surgical towel around the surgical incision.

4. Angled clamp: used to free and bypass the posterior wall of major blood vessels, biliary tract and other tissues, such as the left gastric artery, gallbladder duct, etc.


5. Intestinal clamp (intestinal anastomosis clamp) (Intestinal clamp): used to clamp the intestinal tube, teeth groove thin, good elasticity, small damage to the tissue, the use of the coat can be latex tubing to reduce the damage to the intestinal wall. 6. Gastric clamp (small gastric clamp, Payr's clamp, large gastric clamp, Stomach clamp): used for the stomach in order to facilitate the gastric intestines. Stomach clamp (small stomach clamp, Payr's clamp, large stomach clamp, Stomach clamp): used to clamp the stomach to facilitate gastrointestinal anastomosis, the shaft for the multi-jointed, large force, strong compression force, teeth grooves for the straight grain and deeper, the organization is not easy to slip.

VII, Retractors

Retractors, also known as pulling hooks or retractors, are necessary instruments to reveal the surgical field. Several commonly used hooks are described as follows:

1. Skin retractor: rake-like retractor, used for superficial surgery skin retraction.

2. Thyroid retractor (Thyroid retractor): a flat hook, commonly used in the thyroid part of the retractor exposure, but also commonly used in abdominal surgery for abdominal wall incision when the skin, muscle retraction.

3. Appendix retractor: also a hook-shaped retractor for appendix, hernia surgery, for abdominal wall retraction.

4. Abdominal retractor (Abdominal retractor): a broader smooth hook, used for larger abdominal surgery.

5. S-shaped retractor (Deep retractor): is a kind of "S"-shaped abdominal deep retractor. When using the retractor, a gauze pad should be used to separate the retractor from the tissues, and the pulling force should be uniform, and should not be suddenly exerted or exerted too much force to avoid damage to the tissues, and the correct way to hold the retractor is with the palm up.

6. Self-retaining retractor: self-fixing retractor, abdominal, pelvic, thoracic surgery can be applied.

Eight, suction (Suction)

For suction in the surgical field of bleeding, exudate, pus, cavities in the contents of the organs, so that the surgical field is clear, to reduce the chance of contamination. The suction device consists of suction tip, rubber tube, glass connector, suction bottle and power. The power is divided into motor power and pedal suction tube two kinds: the latter is used in areas without electricity. Suction head structure and appearance of a variety of, mainly single tube and casing type, the tail to the rubber tube connected to the suction bottle to be used. Single-tube suction head is used to suction the surgical field of blood and chest and abdominal fluid. Casing suction head is mainly used for suction of intra-abdominal fluids, the outer casing has a number of side holes and air inlet holes, to avoid large omentum, intestinal wall, etc. to be sucked, blocking the suction head.

Nine, sewing needle (Needle)

Sewing needle is used for a variety of tissue suturing instruments, it consists of three basic parts, namely, the tip of the needle, the needle body and the eye. The tip of the needle is divided into three types according to the shape of the garden head, triangular head and spade head: the body of the needle has a sub-garden, triangular and spade-shaped three. The eye of the needle is available for the lead hole, it has an ordinary hole and bullet machine hole two kinds. Round needle (Round (Taper) needle curved) according to the curvature is divided into 1/2, 3/8 curvature, etc., the curvature of the large ones are used for deep tissue. Triangular needle (Triangular needle curved, straight) the first half of the three-pronged, sharper, used for suturing skin, cartilage, ligaments and other tough tissues, more damaging. Whether with a round needle or triangular needle, in principle, should be selected with a fine needle diameter, less damage, but sometimes the toughness of the tissue is larger, the needle diameter is too thin easy to break, so it should be reasonable choice. In addition, when using a curved needle suture, the curved needle arc should be pulled out from the tissue, otherwise it is easy to break. Generally use more threaded needle, and the line from the end of the needle press into the bullet machine hole of the needle, because often make the line Phi crack, easy to break, and the organization of trauma is greater, is now less used. At present, the developed countries use needle and thread integrated suture needle (no needle eye), this kind of needle and thread on the tissue caused by the damage is small (needle and thread thickness is consistent), can prevent the suture line in the suture when the needle and eliminating the trouble of the lead. Non-invasive needles belong to the category of needles and threads in one, and can be used for anastomosis of blood vessels and nerves. According to the tip of the needle and the eye of the needle between the two points with or without curvature can be divided into straight and curved needle.

X. Suture (Suture)

Divided into two categories of absorbable and non-absorbable sutures.

1. Absorbable suture (Absorbable suture):

Mainly sheep intestine thread (Catgut suture) and synthetic fiber thread (Synthetical suture).

(1) intestinal thread: made of sheep's small intestine mucosa. There are two kinds of ordinary and chrome, ordinary intestinal line absorption time is shorter (4-5 days), mostly used for ligation and skin suture. Chromium intestinal thread has a long absorption time (14-21) days and is used to suture deep tissues. Enteric thread is a heterogeneous protein and has a heavy tissue reaction during absorption. Therefore, inflammatory reaction of the wound is evident when using too much, too thick enteric thread. The advantage is that it can be absorbed and does not store foreign material.

Currently, enteric threads are mainly used for suturing the mucosal layer of internal organs such as stomach, intestines, bladder, ureter, biliary tract, etc., and 1-0 to 3-0 chromium enteric threads are generally used. In addition, thicker (0-2) chrome enteric threads are commonly used to suture deep tissue or inflamed peritoneum. The use of enteric sutures in infected wounds reduces the number of difficult-to-heal sinus tracts caused by other non-absorbable sutures. The use of intestinal thread, should pay attention to the following issues: ① intestinal thread hard texture, should be soaked in saline before use, to be softened before use, but not soaked in hot water or soaked too long, so as not to intestinal thread swelling, easy to fold, affecting the quality. ② can not use the needle forceps or vascular clamp intestinal line, and can not be twisted intestinal line, so as to tear easy to break. (3) The intestinal line is generally harder, thicker and smoother, and a triple knot is needed when ligating. When cutting the thread, the thread should be left longer, otherwise the knot will be easily loosened. Generally more continuous suture, so as to avoid too many knots, or postoperative foreign body reaction. ④In pancreatic surgery, no intestinal ligation or suture is needed, because the intestinal thread can be digested and absorbed by pancreatic fluid, which may lead to bleeding or anastomotic rupture. ⑤ Try to use fine intestinal thread. (6) Enteric thread is more expensive than silk thread. (2) Synthetic fiber thread: more varieties, such as Dexon (PGA, polyhydroxyacetic acid), Maxon (polyglycolic carbonate), Vicryl (Polyglactin 910, polylactic acid hydroxyacetic acid), PDS (Polydioxanone, polydioxanone) and PVA (polyvinyl acetate). Their advantages are: ① Less tissue reaction. ② Prolonged absorption time. ③Antimicrobial effect. Dexon is the main representative of the appearance of green and white, multi-stranded tightly knitted into the needle and thread of one thread. The thickness ranges from 6-0 to 2#. High tensile strength, not easy to pull off. Soft and smooth, easy to surgical knotting, good handling feel. Hydroxyacetic acid produced after hydrolysis has an antibacterial effect. 60-90 days completely absorbed. 3-0 thread is suitable for gastrointestinal suture, 1 # thread is suitable for sewing the peritoneum, tendon sheaths and so on.

2. Non-absorbable suture class (Non-absorbable suture):

There are dozens of silk thread, cotton thread, stainless steel wire, nylon thread, tantalum wire, silver wire, twine and so on. The most commonly used is silk thread, the advantages of which are high flexibility, easy to operate, less reactive to tissues, and resistant to high-temperature sterilization. The price is low and the source is easy. The disadvantage is that it is a permanent foreign body in the tissue, and it is easy to form sinus tracts after wound infection, and the thread is discharged after a long period of time, delaying healing. Biliary tract, urinary tract suture can lead to stone formation. Generally 0 → more 0 silk thread can be used for intestinal, vascular nerve and other suture, 1 silk thread for skin, subcutaneous tissue and ligation of blood vessels, etc., No. 4 thread used for suture fascia and ligation of larger blood vessels, No. 7 used to suture the peritoneum and the tension of the wound tissue.

Metal alloy wire is customarily referred to as "stainless steel wire". Used to suture bone, tendon, fascia, tension-reducing sutures or dental fixation in the oral cavity. Nylon thread, less tissue reaction, and can be made into a very fine line, mostly used for small blood vessel suture and plastic surgery. Used for small blood vessel suture, often made of non-invasive suture. Its disadvantage is that the knot is easy to loosen, and ligation is too tight when the line is easy to break the knot, so it is not suitable for tension of the deep tissue suture.

At present, many kinds of incision bonding materials have been developed instead of sutures and stitches, which are convenient and fast to use, and the scar is small after the incision is healed. There are three main categories: ① surgical zipper, mainly used for skin closure, the biggest advantage is that there is no foreign body in the incision. As Figure 1-27; ② medical adhesives, can be divided into chemical adhesives and biological adhesives, the former have epoxy resin, acrylic resin, polystyrene and cyanoacrylate lipids, etc., the latter have gelatin; mussel glue and human fibrin adhesive, etc., mainly used for skin incisions, implants and gastrointestinal leakage of the adhesive. When using the glue directly rubbed in the incision margins, pressure to pull together the incision can be. Bio-glue toxicity effect is small, fast absorption, the application of the better future; ③ metal nails directly nailed

XI, dressings:

General gauze and cloth products, there are many types of common dressings are introduced as follows:

(a) gauze block (Gauze): used for disinfection of the skin, swabbing surgical exudate, pus and secretions, postoperative re-cap the suture incision, into the abdominal cavity with a warm wet gauze. Abdominal cavity with warm wet gauze, with a vertical angle in the accumulation of fluid at the light pressure dipped in the accumulation of fluid, not wipe touch, horizontal rub, so as not to damage the tissue.

(ii) small gauze stripping ball (Class ball, small (s.s.)): the gauze rolled tightly into a diameter of 0.5-1 cm ball, with tissue forceps or long vascular forceps clamped for blunt stripping of tissue.

(C) large gauze pads: used to cover the skin, peritoneum, wet saline gauze pads can be used as protection of abdominal organs, can also be used to wipe the blood. In order to prevent leaving the abdominal cavity, often attached to a corner of the band, also known as a tailed towel.

Attachment: the application of sterile surgical packages and precautions

Surgical sterile packages are wrapped with cloth (double wrapping cloth two pieces) wrapped surgical needs of the dressings, instruments, items, etc., after autoclaving ready for use.

1. sterile package should be tied outside the label, indicating the name of the contents and expiration date.

2. Should be placed in a clean and dry place (cabinet, table). If the cloth is found torn or water-soaked, or loss of labeling the contents of the package should be suspected of contamination and can not be considered sterile, only after re-sterilization can be used.

3. Sterile items, more than 7-10 days in the spring, winter more than two weeks unused, should be re-sterilized before application.

4. A sterile article can only be used for a patient to avoid cross-infection.

5. When using, put on the surgical instrument table, or other stable place. When opening the cloth, care should be taken to keep its inner surface uncontaminated. Do not use unsterilized hands or other unsterilized instruments to remove the sterile items in the bag or touch the inner surface of the cloth. The operator should maintain a distance of 20cm away from the sterile article.

6. If only a part of the items, with sterile holding forceps or tweezers removed, must still maintain its sterile state, according to the original package, row in the cabinet in the forefront, so that the next time as far as possible to use

XII, high-frequency scalpel:

Modern surgery in electrosurgery has been widely popularized, electrosurgery is the use of high-frequency electric current to cut the tissues to achieve the effect of haemostasis. Electro-knife is a commonly used surgical equipment, its integration of cutting, separation, hemostasis as a whole, so that these separate operations are completed at the same time, reducing the frequency of ligature or suture hemostasis, can greatly reduce the operating time.

The electric knife uses high-frequency electric current to cut through tissue and achieve the effect of hemostasis. Electro-knife in surgery can achieve the following functions: (1) drying: low-power coagulation does not require electric light; (2) cutting: the release of electric light, the tissue has a cutting effect; (3) coagulation: electric light on the tissue will not cut, can be used for hemostasis and charred tissue; (4) mixed cut: at the same time the role of cutting and hemostasis.

The commonly used types of electric knife are domestic DD-2 high-frequency electric knife, Taiwan Yue Sheng 500S Ⅱ type surgical electric knife, Switzerland Prifzer electric knife and the United States Valleylab electric knife. Its structure consists of high-frequency electronic generator, high-frequency electrode plate, high-frequency electrodes head of three parts, the old electric knife and foot switch. High-frequency electronic generator and electrode plate before the start of the operation by the traveling nurse to prepare properly, electrode plate has a hard pole plate and soft pole plate, soft pole plate and the patient contact closely, resistance is 0, the use of not easy to produce burns, now more applications of soft pole plate; high-frequency electronic generator of the power level adjustment is crucial, the power level is based on a variety of different surgical procedures, doctor skills and the scalpel head of the different depending on the. In general surgery, the general unipolar output, the principle of high electric energy is: (1) low electric energy, used for small hemorrhage of electrocoagulation hemostasis, adhesion separation, small and medium-sized blood vessels of the anatomical separation; (2) in the electric energy, the larger hemorrhage of electrocoagulation hemostasis, the abdominal cavity organs, tissues, cutting, free; (3) high electric energy, the cutting of liver tissues, cancerous cell resection (such as radical surgery of breast cancer). The setting of electrical energy is also based on the personal experience of the surgeon in charge. The surgeon manipulates the high-frequency scalpel head, there are two control switches on the scalpel head, the upper one is in charge of electrocoagulation, and the lower one is in charge of electrocutting. Electrocoagulation is mainly used for point hemostasis, and generally the blood vessels with a diameter of less than 1mm can be electrocoagulated to control bleeding, and electrocutting is mainly used for cutting tissues and hemostasis, and the electrodes of the high-frequency scalpel head are divided into long and short ones, and the long ones are used for deep tissue manipulation, and short ones are used for shallow tissue manipulation.

Nowadays, there are some improvements in the high-frequency scalpel, the electrodes can be retracted to control the length at will; tubular electrodes and the end of the scalpel is connected to the suction tube, which is conducive to intraoperative suction while operating to reduce the smoke in the air, suction of the field of view of the blood and seepage; the scraping spoon-like electrodes have the role of scraping and suction while the electrodes are used to cut, which is especially beneficial for the operation of the resection of tumors.

The advantages of applying high-frequency electrosurgical knife are that the surgical operation does not need a lot of ligatures, cutting and hemostasis are done in one go, no foreign body is left in the incision, the operation field is clean and clear, and the operation is rapid, especially long electrodes are favorable for the operation of the deep part (e.g., the pelvic cavity).

The disadvantage of the high-frequency electric knife is that due to the heat scattering effect of the electric knife, it often causes damage to the small blood vessels of the tissue around the incision, especially when the cutting operation is slow, resulting in greater damage, and as a result, the surgical incision can easily be liquefied, resulting in a delay in healing. In the open endotracheal anesthesia when the application of high-frequency scalpel, due to the generator of the discharge spark, can cause an explosion, resulting in casualties; high-frequency scalpel pole plate should be in close contact with the patient, if the contact is not good enough to cause the patient burns; in the electrocoagulation and electrocutting can be produced when the tissue gasification smoke pollution of the air environment, the operation should pay attention to the smoke with suction suction clean.