The following content is randomly excerpted from the original text and converted into plain text. It does not represent the complete content and is for reference only.
Project Application Form (Construction Project
━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━ ━━━━━━
Sequence number│Project related parties│Name and address│Insured or not
————┼——————————┬— ┴——————————┬—┴————————
1├———————— —┼————————————┼——————————
├—————— ————┼————————————┼——————————
├———— ——————┼————————————┼——————————
│Other related parties││
— ——┼——————————┴————————————┴————————————
2│Project name and location
│Engineering Deadline
│ Date of delivery of the first batch of insured items to the construction site│Year Month Day
├————————————————┼———————————————— ———
│Installation period│From year month day to year month day
├——————————————┼—————— ------------------- ——————┼——————————————————
│Estimated project acceptance handover date│
————┼—— ————————————┴——————————————————
│Insured items and insured amounts for material losses
< p>├————————————————————┬——————┬——————4│Insured items│Insured amount│ Deductible
│(1) Construction projects (including permanent and temporary projects and ││
│(2) Materials and projects provided by the owner││
│(3) Installation project││
│(4) Construction machinery, devices and equipment (Attached is a checklist││
│list)││< /p>
│(5) Site cleanup fee││
│(6) Ready-made buildings on the construction site││
│(7) Owner or contractor Other property on the construction site││
│(specify name)││
├———————————————————— ——┴——————┴——————
│Total insured amount for material damage
————┼———————————— ——————————————————————
│Special hazard compensation limit
├———————————— ——————————┬——————┬——————
5│Dangerous categories│Limit of compensation│Deductible
├—— ——————————————————┼——————┼——————
│Earthquake, tsunami││
│Flood, heavy rain, storm││ p>
│Engineering Details
│Volume: length, height, depth, number of floors, number of basement floors│
├————————————————————┼—————— ———
│Foundation construction method, excavation depth│
├————————————————————┼———— ————————
│Main project construction method│
├——————————————————————┼ ————————————
│Building Materials│
├———————————————————— ┼————————————
│Demolition Project│
————┼———————————————— ————┴————————————
│Construction site and nearby natural conditions
├———————————— ————————┬————————————
│Terrain characteristics│
├———————————— ——————————┼————————————
7│Geology and subsoil conditions│
├———————— ——————————————┼————————————
│Groundwater level│
├—————— ——————————————┼————————————
│The name, distance and past of the nearest river, tide, and sea│ p>
│Minimum, normal and maximum water levels│
├————————————————————┼———————— ————
│Maximum rainfall record in the past│
├————————————————————┼———— ————————
│Records of past natural disasters (such as earthquakes and floods)│
————┼———————————— ————————┴————————————
│Are you insured against third-party liability? If so, please list the following items:
│(1) Compensation limit and deductible for each accident
8│Compensation limit and deductible
│A personal injury
│Per person
│B property damage
│(2) Total compensation limit
———— ┼——————————————————————————————————
9│Whether to purchase term insurance, if so, Please specify the warranty period:
10│Has any of the insured parties purchased insurance related to this project from other insurance companies?
│If yes, please list the name of the insurance company, insurance type, insurance amount and main insurance conditions:
━━━┷━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Please provide the following documents along with this application:
(1) Project contract insured Signature
(2) Detailed list of contract amount
(3) Project design document
(4) Project schedule
( 5) Construction site geological report
(6) Construction site outline map
Date: ____month____year
Construction project all-risk insurance policy
< p>Insurance policy number: _____The People's Insurance Company of China agrees to comply with the terms of this insurance policy, additional terms and endorsements after the policy holder pays the agreed premium based on the policyholder's application form No. This insurance policy is the basis for insuring all risks of the construction project according to the provisions and items and conditions listed in the detailed list.
The above insurance application form is an integral part of this insurance policy.
Details list
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┯━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━
Name and address of the insured │Name, address and identity of the insured in this project
—————————————— —┼————————————————————
Name and location of construction project│
———————— ———————┤
——————————————┴———————————— —————————
Material losses
——————————————————————┬ ——————┬————
Insured Items│Insured Amount│Deductible
———————————————— ————————┼——————┼————
1. Construction projects (including permanent and temporary projects and materials)││
2. Materials and projects provided by everyone││
3. Installation project││
4. Construction machines, installations and equipment (attached list)││
5. Site cleanup fee││
6. Ready-made buildings on the construction site││
7. Other property of the owner or contractor on the construction site (specify name)││
————————————————————————┴— ——————┴————
Total insured amount for material damage
———————————————————— ————————————————
Special danger compensation limit
—————————————————— ————————┬——————┬————
Hazard category│Limit of compensation│Deductible
———————— ——————————————————┼——————┼————
Earthquake, tsunami││
———— ——————————————————————┼——————┼————
Flood, heavy rain, wind and rain││
Third party Responsibility
Insurance Items│Compensation Limit☆│Deductible
————————————————————————┼——————┼ ————
1. Personal casualties││
Per person││
Total amount││
2. Property damage││
Total compensation limit││
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┷━━ ━━━━┷━━━━
Note: Compensation limit for losses caused by each accident
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Insurance Period
—————————————— —┬——————————————————————
Construction period: │Guarantee period of additional insurance
Start from the year, month, day │Start from the year, month, day
End, the year, month, day │End, the year, the month, the day
————————————————┴———— ——————————————————
Total insurance premium
———————————————— ——————————————————————
Additional terms and/or approval
━━━━━━━━━━ | Month ____ day
Issuance date of project order: ____year ____month ____ day
Extended reading: How to buy insurance, which one is better, and a step-by-step guide to avoid insurance
These "pits"