UHF Products Readers Radiation Hazards to the Human Body

International electromagnetic radiation standards Internationally, there are two major mainstream standards, one is the ICNIRP standard, which is the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (The International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, ICNIR P) issued standards, mainly used in Europe, Australia, Singapore, Brazil, Israel and China's Hong Kong SAR. One is the ICNIRP standard, which is issued by the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and is mainly used in Europe, Australia, Singapore, Brazil, Israel and Hong Kong SAR. However, it is worth noting that in Europe, Italy, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Belgium use standards that are more stringent than ICNIRP; Russia nominally uses the standards of the former Soviet Union, which are more stringent than our national standards, but since most of the base station equipment it uses comes from Europe, it actually adopts the European system, and its own standards are not seriously implemented. Currently, the Mobile Manufacturers Forum (MMF) is actively promoting the adoption of the ICNIRP standard in China. Another standard is the American IEEE standard. It is mainly used in the United States, Canada, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan (which is planning to adopt ICNIRP). ICNIRP standard limit: At 900MHz, the derived limit for the public is 450mW/cm2 ((f(MHz)/200)(W/m2)), and the derived limit for occupational exposure is 2250mW/cm2 ((f(MHz)/40)(W/m2)). IEEE standard limits: At 900MHz, the derived limit for the public is 600mW/cm2 ((f(MHz)/1,500)(W/m2)), and the derived limit for occupational exposure is 3000mW/cm2 ((f(MHz)/300)(W/m2)). Currently, the limit values of the IEEE standard will be harmonized to the European standard (ICNIRP) in the future under the promotion of the World Health Organization and other national organizations, and the revision of the relevant standards is in progress. The public exposure standards of some organizations and countries are listed below for reference. Table 1 Public Exposure Limits of Some Organizations and Countries Standards Countries and Organizations 900MHz Mobile Communication Band 1800MHz Mobile Communication Band (?w/cm2) (?w/cm2) 40 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 600 200 600 600 40 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Ionizing Radiation Commission Hong Kong Telecommunication Authority European Union International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Hong Kong Telecommunications Authority European Union European Committee for Electrotechnical Standards Japan Post Office Telecommunications Technical Committee Australia U.S.A. FCC U.S.A. IEEE 3. China's Electromagnetic Radiation Standards With regard to the electromagnetic radiation standards, China's current situation is that a number of national standards coexist at the same time, and several departments are at the same time in the process of formulating or revising similar national standards. GB8702-88 Provisions on Protection against Electromagnetic Radiation GB9715-88 Environmental Health Standards for Electromagnetic Waves GB12638-90 Radiation Safety Requirements for Microwave and Ultrashort-wave Communication Equipment GB10436-89 Radiation Safety Requirements for Microwave and Ultrashort-wave Communication Equipment GB10436-89 Health Standards for Microwave Radiation in Workplaces GB10437-89 Health Standards for Ultra-High Frequency Radiation in Workplaces GB16203-96 Health Standards for Industrial Frequency Electric Fields in Workplaces These standards were formulated and issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Health and the former Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in the late 1980s and early 1990s respectively. These standards were formulated and issued by the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Health and the former Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering in the late 1980s and early 1990s respectively. At that time, China's mobile communication just started, with the development of society, government departments and people have new understanding and requirements on health, safety and environmental protection, coupled with the rapid development of science and technology and the popularization and application of mobile communication, the current national standards have exposed the inconsistency of the limit values of the electromagnetic radiation standards and the problem of different measurement methods. This situation can not meet and adapt to the needs of the current social development and the development of the mobile communications industry. China's current electromagnetic radiation standard is GB8702-88 "electromagnetic radiation protection regulations", which in the 30M Hz ~ 3GHz between the public export limit is 40mW/cm2. the original Ministry of Health has also formulated a standard GB97 15-88 "environmental electromagnetic health standards", but the Environmental Protection Bureau enforcement of the law is generally in accordance with GB8702-88 for the purpose of the law. The Ministry of Health has also formulated a standard GB97 15-88 "Environmental Electromagnetic Wave Health Standard", but the law enforcement of the Environmental Protection Bureau is generally carried out according to GB8702-88. In order to adapt to the current situation of social development, and to end the current situation of multiple standards***, the National Standard Committee (NSC) had drafted a "Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure Limits and Measurement Methods" a few years ago, and in the draft of the national standard, the limit of public exposure was set at 50mW/cm2. Due to the disputes between the interests of various parties, the draft is now in a state of abeyance. However, the SINOPEC standard on electromagnetic radiation from cell phones adopts the European standard limit (SAR limit of 2.0W/kg). Since the national standard cannot be agreed upon in the near future, the drafting of "Methods for Calculation and Measurement of Electromagnetic Exposure of Base Stations of Wireless Communication Systems" (laboratory test method) and "Methods for Compliance Assessment of Electromagnetic Radiation in the Use of Base Stations of Wireless Communication Systems" (field test method) are currently underway in the CCSA scope. Since the limit values are too sensitive, they are not involved at present. 4. 4. Conclusion This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of international and domestic standards for electromagnetic radiation. The reasons for the existence of a variety of international standards for electromagnetic radiation are very complex, and one of the important reasons is to create technical barriers for equipment from other countries to enter the domestic market, to protect the national industry. In our country, the main reason for the long-term inability to formulate (revise) new national standards is also due to the interests of various industries and related sectors of the struggle. Due to the different positions, operators and the public in the understanding of the hazards of electromagnetic radiation are also different. These issues will be solved gradually in the future. Please refer to the following!