Earthquake Prevention and Mitigation Handbook Sketches

Methods of Earthquake Preparedness

Home Earthquake Preparedness

Once an earthquake occurs, it may cause some damage to our power supply, water supply, and heating system, transportation system, supply system of necessities, information system, and medical and health care system, affecting the people's normal life, so we should make a home earthquake preparedness plan.

First of all, we should exclude the hanging objects in the high places of the room, the objects placed vertically on the cabinets and wooden shelves, and change the position and way of their placement so that they are not easy to fall down and hurt people. At the same time to remove all flammable and explosive items. The bed should be moved to a place far away from the glass window. Put shatterproof tape on windows. Shock-absorbing gear bags are placed where they can be easily grabbed. In order to get out of danger, you may only have time to grab one item, emergency items are among them and it will help you through. These items include cash, drinking water, medicines against flu and dysentery, etc.

Earthquake preparedness in schools

Earthquake preparedness should be popularized in secondary and elementary school. Schools in earthquake zones should have a program of earthquake preparedness training, and if an earthquake occurs while a class is in session, the teacher should immediately give the students a simple and clear instruction to crouch under their desks on the spot with their eyes closed. An area where an earthquake may occur at a certain time. Families and schools should communicate frequently. Schools in earthquake zones that are in a position to do so should have disaster relief items, such as first aid medical supplies, cold and rain protection, tools, etc., and distribute them by class or classroom until they are in the hands of individuals. If the school classroom is a brick bungalow, students sitting closer to the door during an earthquake can quickly escape outside through the doors and windows. Students who are far away from the door can take refuge by hiding under desks and chairs or by getting down against a wall. Live in a high-rise students, do not jump during the earthquake, do not crowd the stairway, should quickly hide in the corridor and other small span of space. At the same time, most students should be close to hide under the table, even when the building collapsed will have space to survive.

Small knowledge of earthquake prevention and safety protection

1, choose a small opening, solid furniture next to the hiding place;

2, crouch and stay fixed, crouch or sit down, try to curl up the body, lowering the body's center of gravity;

3, grab the legs of the table and other solid objects;

4, to protect the head, neck and eyes, stifle the mouth and nose;

5, Avoid crowds, do not crowded, do not just light a fire, because there may be flammable and explosive gases in the air.

6, do not stay on the overpass, overpass above and below.

7, pay attention to avoid billboards, street lights, material piles.

8 、To avoid buildings, especially tall buildings with glass curtain walls.

Gas leaks: cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, never use an open flame, and try to move after the earthquake.

When there is a fire: lie on the ground and cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel. Transfer to a safe place after the earthquake stops, to creep, against the wind.