The mercury thermometer to measure the armpit temperature can not add 0.5, and oral temperature comparison only to add 0.5 degrees. Human body temperature measurement is divided into oral temperature, rectal temperature, and axillary temperature. Each place has a different temperature standard. Armpit temperature because of the measurement of convenient health, is currently the most commonly used temperature measurement method, its measurement method is the thermometer clamped in the armpit, five minutes after reading the value, the normal range of 36.1 ℃ ~ 37 ℃, than the oral temperature is about 0.2 ℃ ~ 0.4 ℃ lower.
The upper part of the mercury thermometer is a glass tube and the lower end is a glass bubble. In the bubble and the lower end of the tube is filled with pure mercury, and the tube is marked with a temperature scale. Since the maximum body temperature is not more than 42°C and the minimum is not less than 35°C, the scale of the thermometer is from 35°C to 42°C, with each cell representing 0.1°C. The temperature of the thermometer is measured from the top of the tube to the bottom of the tube. "Try the table", the lower end of the thermometer glass bubble and the human body contact, because the human body temperature is higher than the temperature of the thermometer, the mercury in the glass bubble by the role of heat from the body, the volume of the expansion, along the glass tube rises until the mercury temperature and the human body temperature is the same.
How to use the mercury thermometer:
1. Sterilize the thermometer with 75% alcohol or serum tablets before use and shake the mercury column below 35.5 degrees Celsius.
2, oral thermometer placed under the tongue of the sick and wounded, lips closed tightly, measured three minutes after the removal of direct reading. Oral thermometer can also be used to measure the temperature under the armpit, but the measurement time is five minutes, the reading should be added 0.5 degrees Celsius.
1, in the measurement of body temperature before any factors affecting the actual body temperature (such as drinking boiled water or cold drinks, etc.) should be avoided.
2. The maximum temperature of the glass thermometer is 42 degrees Celsius, so the temperature should not exceed 42 degrees Celsius when stored or sterilized. Since the glass of the bulb is thin, excessive vibration should be avoided.
3. Children should not be used alone for oral temperature measurement and should be supervised by an adult.
4, thermometer damage is strictly prohibited. The use of broken, should be treated as an emergency, the mercury can not be swallowed, and to be recycled to prevent poisoning and pollution of the environment.
The use of mercury thermometer to ensure adequate measurement time
With the mercury thermometer temperature measurement must ensure adequate time, such as axillary measurement for 5 minutes, oral measurement for 3 minutes. Underarm measurement, the thermometer should first be thrown to 35 ℃ below the degree, and then the mercury end of the thermometer placed in the armpit at the top of the clamp, to ensure that the thermometer and the skin in close contact, 5 minutes after the removal of the thermometer, read the degree of clean with toilet paper for the next time to use.
If there is sweat in the armpits, you should wipe them clean before taking a measurement. In addition, if you release the thermometer before the time is up when measuring in the armpit, you need to re-measure and recalculate the time. Oral measurement, the first mercury thermometer degrees dumped below 35 ℃, be sure to put the thermometer under the tongue, a little hard pressure, containing 3 minutes, during which do not speak, read the degrees as usual after cleaning with toilet paper, but also with alcohol cotton balls by the end of the mercury thermometer rotating rubbing to the other end of the mercury, sterilization.