ICU daily fee is so high, ICU doctors say?

It is said that "old age, sickness and death" is a common human condition, and everyone needs to experience life and death in their life. For death, I believe that everyone is full of fear, and very few people can accept death openly. The most mysterious place in the hospital is the icu, a heavy door will you and your family mercilessly separated, each do not know their own situation, everyone is anxious to wait.

Some people say that the icu is the most expensive place in the hospital, where patients are kept alive with money and the probability of a miracle is negligible. Before a netizen message said: family members in serious condition hospitalized in the icu, the doctor said the possibility of a cure is minimal, in the face of a day of 10,000 medical costs, what should I do?

In fact, this netizen's trouble is also the trouble of many people, the patients who are admitted to the icu are in more serious condition, need 24-hour medical staff close supervision, the possibility of a cure is generally are relatively light, many people say, why not lower the charges? This allows more patients to get cured can not? Before the idea is also this thought, know that I have been to the ICU after the discovery of ........

Why is ICU so "expensive" and what is it?

Instrumentation is expensive

ICU each bedside often use ventilator, cardiac monitoring, oxygen system, infusion pumps, etc., and a set of central monitoring equipment to control the whole situation, as well as a variety of bedside inspection equipment. In addition, there is a need for asepsis, air and temperature regulation, ease of transfer, oxygen supply and many other considerations, smaller hospitals can not afford these devices if they do not achieve a certain flow rate.

Check expensive

Speaking of checking, the most frequent place should be the ICU, ICU inside the patient's condition is more serious, in other words, the speed of change is the fastest, in order to diagnose the condition of the shortest possible time to the life situation, we must be comprehensive and timely examination and monitoring to the patient's blood biochemical indicators of the general patients have to be checked once a day.

If the patient's condition when the rapid development of the patient's condition is sometimes unstable, a time to check a lot of indicators, such as fever may check the urine culture, sputum culture, blood culture (or more than two places to collect blood to check), and may be checked for several days in a row. Among them, nuclear magnetic **** vibration, CT and other items are accounted for the bulk. The hospital physical examination of friends probably know, CT examination is one of the more expensive items, but often many diseases are needed to confirm the diagnosis with the help of it, so many times this test is also dominant.

Speaking of which, in fact, many people are opposed to go to the ICU, many people feel that the cost of the ICU is invisible, outside of you do not know inside the family members in the end to do what treatment, with which drugs, but see the charges indicated that the number of figures are constantly jumping. Many people say that this is not excessive medical care. How can people whose families are struggling to make ends meet afford the high cost of medical care?

Most of the patients in ICUs are wearing "tubes", and many people say they can't bear to watch their family members suffer, and that it would be better for them to leave with dignity than to leave with tubes all over their bodies. The key is to reject excessive medical care, reduce the charges and solve the problem of difficult access to medical care.