Why establish a parasite laboratory?

Why was a parasite laboratory established?

In addition to necessary preventive measures to deal with parasitic diseases, what is more important is how to improve the diagnosis of parasitic diseases.

Traditional testing of human parasitic pathogens mostly relies on pathogen testing methods such as stool tests or blood tests. However, this method is used less and less due to complex operations and other reasons. The vast majority of experimentalists are more willing to use immunological or molecular biology methods to experimentally diagnose parasitic infections.

“However, pathogen testing is the basis for confirming the diagnosis of parasitic infection. It is best to go to a laboratory that has the conditions to obtain pathogenic diagnostic results, and do not give up on the pathogen testing step easily.” Qiu Jinbo said that pathogen testing is a parasitic test. A basic principle in the experimental diagnosis of parasitic infections.

However, for parasitic infections in some deep organs or tissues, and in other special circumstances, when it is difficult to obtain clear results from pathogen detection, Qiu Jinbo believes that we should find ways to test the circulating antibodies or circulating antibodies of the parasite. Antigen.

Especially with the rapid transplantation and application of immunology and molecular biology, parasite detection technology has also been improved accordingly.