Village key tasks
★1 evil demon するジャギィは倒すべし (down the annoying puppy dog dragons)
ブルファンゴを狩れ (Hunting big boar!)
Horror's Omen
★2 ざわめくori (The Noisy Forest)
砂原のならず者の長 (The rogue leader of the Sand Plains)
Ludlos Crusade Battle! (Battle against the Aquatic Beasts!)
Poisoned Frogs (Beat 10 small poisonous dog dragons)
★3 Earthen Sand Dragon Bol Bolos! (Earth and Sand Dragon!)
水没林愚连队 (Suimurin Rogue Team)
強袭する孤岛の水流! (Strong Attack! The water current of the lonely island!)
雪のちウルクスス (雪後的白兔兽)
★4 砂上のテーブルマナー (砂上的餐桌礼仪)
眠りを诱う苍白 (蒙汗苍白)
暗暗にうごめく猛毒! (The writhing poison in the darkness!!!)
赤甲獣ラングロトラ現る! (Red Armored Beasts appear!) (Ice Tooth Dragon!)
Duress! Volcano's Mallet! (Threat! Volcano's Mallet!)
The King of the Sky, Rioleus! (The King of the Sky, the Fire Dragon!)
★6 Hunt the Horned Dragon of Sand Plains! (Hunt the Horned Dragon of the Sand Plains!)
Booming Dragon Welcome Battle (轰竜迎撃戦)
火の海に栖む竜! (火の海に栖む竜)
★3 砂竜ボルボボロス! (The Sand Dragon!)
The Roar Dragons are in a different culture! (Down with the Water Beast!)
Colorful Bird of Prey (彩鸟クルペッコの猟捕)! (Kill the colorful birds!)
孤岛に向かう我が主のために (For the sake of my master, who is marching towards the isolated island)
★4 Red Brilliant Meteor
砂上のテーブルマナー (Table Manners on the Sand)
Queen Rioleia's Husbandry (Hunting the Queen's female fire dragon)
Beleo Rose, the Ice-toothed Dragon! (Ice-toothed Dragon!)
Duress! The volcano's hammer! (Threat! Iron Mallet of the Volcano!)
★5 Sand Plains Horned Dragon Hunt! (Hunt the Sand Plains Horned Dragon!)
ドボルベルク流域 (尾槌龙流域)
空の王者を狩猟せよ! (Hunt the King of the Sky!)
冻土に轰く咆哮 (The roaring roar of the tundra)
火の海に栖む竜! (The Dragon of the Sea of Fire!