Auto repair work is good to do?

Auto repair industry in general now seems to belong to the cold line of work, in this line of work to make a living, or quite easy, but to do a good job, really, but also need to have a considerable amount of pay to be able to do.

This line of entry, junior high school degree of science and chemistry, more difficult, science and technology undergraduate degree, and really talented, high school science and chemistry and college science and technology is more appropriate (not the degree of culture), the threshold limits the large number of practitioners.

To have a really rich accumulation of technology, it is best to start from a small, bad repair shop, because it is not standardized, and only there will allow you to have over the grid practice.

Just like surgeons, military doctors are the best, there is no quality medical conditions on the battlefield, and then rescue techniques can break the rules and regulations, the accumulated experience is any hospital can not get, once to the conditions of the clinic, the advantage is played out.

But only men are suitable for this scope of work, again limiting access to half the population.

The initial impression of the profession to outsiders is that it is both dirty and tiring, and that it does not pay well, which in turn scares off many people.

The few that remain are still tempted away by 4S stores.

How many are left who can really learn? It's these few that are basically considered promising