What are the common disinfection methods and common sterilization methods for purified water equipment?

Shenzhen Kerui Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. is pleased to answer your questions:

2.1, common disinfection methods: pasteurization, ozone disinfection, chemical disinfection (disinfected water);

2.2, ozone disinfection: ozone is a broad-spectrum bactericidal agent that can kill bacterial propagation bodies and spores, viruses, fungi, etc., and destroy the toxins of botulinum toxin. Ozone sterilization mechanism for the destruction of the structure of microbial membranes through oxidation to achieve sterilization effects. Ozone first acts on the cell membrane, causing damage to the membrane components and leading to metabolic disorders. Ozone continues to penetrate the membrane and destroys lipoproteins and lipopolysaccharides within the membrane, changing the permeability of the cell, leading to cell lysis and death. Ozone inactivation of viruses through oxidative destruction of viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

2.3, pasteurization: is the process of heating liquids to a certain temperature and for a certain period of time to kill fermenting microorganisms that may cause disease, spoilage or unwanted. Pasteurization has two main functions: ① for periodic disinfection of pretreatment units such as activated carbon in the purified water system, periodic disinfection of RO/EDI units, and periodic disinfection of storage and distribution network units; ② for microbial inhibition of water for injection systems during normal operation.

2.4, chemical disinfection: chemical disinfection refers to the use of chemical disinfection drugs on microorganisms and pathogens, so that their protein denaturation, loss of normal function and death. Currently used chlorine disinfectants, oxidizing disinfectants, iodine disinfectants, aldehyde disinfectants, heterocyclic gas disinfectants, phenolic disinfectants, alcohol disinfectants, quaternary amine disinfectants and so on.

2.5, common sterilization methods are: pure steam sterilization, hot water sterilization, chemical agent sterilization (citric acid, oxalic acid, etc.);

2.6, pure steam sterilization: refers to the use of high-temperature (121 ℃) high-pressure steam sterilization method. Because of the penetrating power of pure steam, proteins, protoplasmic colloids in hot and humid conditions are easily denatured and solidified, the enzyme system is easy to be destroyed, the steam into the cells condensed into water, can release potential heat and increase the temperature, more enhanced sterilization.

2.7, overheated water sterilization: refers to the use of high temperature (121 ℃) high pressure (refer to the following chart) overheated water sterilization method. As with pure steam sterilization, superheated water can make proteins, protoplasmic colloid denaturation and coagulation under hot and humid conditions, the enzyme system is destroyed, which can kill all microorganisms, including bacterial spores, fungal spores or dormant bodies and other individuals resistant to high temperatures.

2.8, chemical agent sterilization: chemical sterilization method refers to the use of chemicals to kill microorganisms by direct action.

2.9, ultraviolet sterilization (UV):? Ultraviolet light is by slowing down the growth of new colonies in the system and affect the generation of biofilm, but this is only partially effective for planktonic microorganisms. UV lamps used for sterilization wavelength (253.7nm), UV light mainly has sterilization, degradation of TOC (Total Organic Carbon) (UV lamps used for degradation of TOC wavelength of 185nm) and ozone breaking and other three roles.