Bathroom sanitary ware belongs to the trademark registration classification of the first class?

Sanitary ware belongs to Class 21 of the Trademark Classification, Class 21: household or kitchen utensils and containers (not made of or plated with precious metals), combs and sponges, brushes (other than paintbrushes), brush-making materials, sweeping utensils, steel wool, unprocessed or semi-processed glass (other than architectural glass); glassware, porcelain and earthenware, not belonging to any other class.

Sanitary ware means: the space for daily hygienic activities such as commode, bathing and washing by the occupants. Generally refers to sanitary ware. Literally means hygiene, bathing, sanitary ware commonly known as the bathroom, is for the occupants of the toilet, bathing, washing, washing and other daily hygienic activities of the space and supplies.

Expanded Information:

Trademark Classification Table for trademark retrieval, examination, and management work.

The trademark classification list is for the purpose of trademark search, examination and management, the need for certain goods with the same attributes *** together, organized into a class, all the goods and services *** divided into 45 categories, forming a trademark classification list - "trademark registration with goods and services classification".

Class XXI: household or kitchen utensils and containers (not made of or plated with precious metals), combs and sponges, brushes (other than paintbrushes), brush-making materials, sweeping utensils, steel wool, unworked or semi-finished glass (other than glass for building purposes); glassware, china and earthenware, not included in other classes.

This class includes, in particular: utensils and containers for household and kitchen use, such as: kitchen utensils, buckets, basins made of iron, aluminum, plastics or other materials, and small, hand-operated choppers, grinders, presses, etc.; electric combs; electric toothbrushes; dish and beverage bottle holders (cutlery).


Trademark Classification Table of Baidu Encyclopedia